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I'm Sick of All This Diaw Business


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ALL of this is MOOT

diaw was NOT gonna stay in Atlanta...he was either out of here as soon as contract was up or even earlier to go back to FRANCE...he was NOT happy here and him and woody did NOT get along

So Diaw and Woody didn't get along...and it's Diaw's problem - talk about a bunch of enablers...

It's partially Diaw's problem. I don't think Woodson got up in the morning thinking "man am I going to rip that frog a new one." He was frustrated with Diaw's lack of effort.

Blame can be spread all around on this one. Most of us realize that.

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...Based on what???...

I'm basing it on a solid season for a winning team - and 34 points and the game winning shot in the first game of the conference championship. What you think MAY have happened here doesn't matter - that's conjecture. I'm basing my opinion on fact and I've got a box score to preove it.

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There are players that play smooth, displaying few, if any, facial expressions and get misinterpreted as not playing hard. Diaw is obviously a tremendous talent who needed the right environment to blossom. Good for him. Joe Johnson is a proven All-Star. Would you trade JJ for Diaw? I think not. Now the two first round picks that were included in the sign and trade...right now looks like Phoenix fleeced the Hawks.

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Prove what? that Diaw was a bum in Atlanta? All it proves is how he's doing NOW IN PHOENIX. You actually really think that magically from last year to this year Diaw would be this star on the Hawks WITHOUT JJ TO TAKE SOME OF THE HEAT OFF?

It comes down to this: We (the entire city of Atlanta, not just Woody) tried to get Boris to be more aggressive, different system or not. But he chose not too. He CHOSE not to.

If he had TRIED to do as Woody asked and then still failed, fine, blame it on the coach and system. But he didn't even TRY. HE DIDN'T TRY. HE DIDN'T TRY. HE DIDN'T TRY AT ALL.


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you've got a box score that proves what happens when he's surrounded by the 2 time MVP in a new town with a ton of guns around him. We are both using conjecture to predict what would have happenned if he stayed here.

I'm not trying to predict what would've happened if he stayed here - only saying that if we lose Al, the two best players on the 06/07 Hawks would have been #1-JJ, #2-Diaw...even if Woody kept him on the bench. That's all.

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That's your guess / prediction. And I say that if Diaw was still here and we somehow still had JJ and lost Al, I would expect our best players in order to be









Not sure what order 2-3-4 are in, depending on how much those 3 guys develop

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The only thing that bothers me about Diaw is the similarity between that situation and with Marvin. Marvin seems timid and unsure at times - then explodes to the basket other times. I like Marvin, but sometimes I wonder what would happen if Diesel got his wish and we traded him. His "potential" is higher than Diaw's.

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that system and Nash's play help him get assists for sure. Nash sets him up a lot where Diaw gets an easy layup or has an easy pass to make to someone who's wide open under the rim. The faster pace also generates more stats.

Look man, there's no point debating this. You think he'd be great if he'd stayed here, I think he'd still stink.

All I'm trying to get across to you is that neither opinion is more factual than the other. We all saw him suck here before. We all see him do great under perfect circumstances.

Neither one proves how he would have done here.

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ALL of this is MOOT

diaw was NOT gonna stay in Atlanta...he was either out of here as soon as contract was up or even earlier to go back to FRANCE...he was NOT happy here and him and woody did NOT get along

So Diaw and Woody didn't get along...and it's Diaw's problem - talk about a bunch of enablers...

are u blind? i stated they both share in the blame

however, it does NOT matter WHOSE fault it was...it was what it was and therefore since he was NOT coming back here, it was good that we got SOMETHING for him...

i'd be happy if we had traded diaw for a 2nd rounder even tho diaw has blown up simply because we woulda gotten ZIP ZERO ZILCH NADA if we kept him

i'm THRILLED we got someone of JJ's caliber for him and the boston pick and our 2007 pick

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Boris Diaw has talent. He's long, agile for his size, and has good court vision. BK saw these traits and that's why he drafted him.

Was Diaw perfect? No. Boris was timid and would not take the open jumper. He repeatedly would pass up shots the offense called him to take. How many times did defenses slack off of him congesting the lane even further for Reef back in the day.

Woodson brought a changing of the guard and a new system in place. Boris obviously wanted to go back to his Euro system in France where passing and ball movement are more appreciated. We did not have the luxury in Atlanta because we did not have enough talent.

Now he's in Phoenix in an open system where he is used regularly. I just think he has more confidence now and knows if he messes up he has four other guys who can shoot and bail hiim out. Phoenix's ability to score and put pressure on the other team allows a player to relax knowing leads can be made up.

I liken Boris to Kenyon Martin. Both talented players but obviously better in certain systems. Kenyon is much more suited for an uptempo attack that the Nets ran. Sure J Kidd makes things easier as does Nash for Boris but the style/offensive philosophy makes all the difference.

Boris was the right pick at his spot in the draft but the team wasn't ready for him.

No shame in that.

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Exactly DJlaysitup. It kills me that none of these denial Hawks fans want admit to themselves that maybe....maybe...maybe Woodson was the problem Diaw didn't do well in Atlanta.

Then most of these Hawks fans are so hypocritical in saying well it was the system. So is that how you evaluated JJ before he came to Atlanta?? If that was the case you damn well would have been saying what we gave up for a "SYSTEM GUY" in JJ was way too much. He put better numbers up in Atlanta than he did in the "MIGHTY PHEONIX SYSTEM" that makes everyone better when they really aren't that good.

JJ is doing better outside the "SYSTEM"!!

Like I said before if Diaw makes the All-Star game next and years to come this was a mistake precipitated by Mike Woodson. Lets call it what it is and stop trying to sugar coat everything.

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You people need to get a grip.

You can look as far back as you want, but when Diaw was drafted I said that he was a talented player but might be limited by the lack of organization (read: lack of coaching and lack of system) in Atlanta. As I watched him play, it was confirmed and I said it numerous times.

I said he was a player, who, in the right system, will shine.

I'll re-say what I said long ago:

A player like Diaw thrives on consistant flow. He relies on other players playing within an organized system and being where they should be. This is why he's had OFFENSIVE success in Phoenix.

He played defense just fine in Atlanta, but mainly because he didn't have to rely on the team or anyone else but himself.

Selfish YMCA, locker-room, rec center basketball is what Atlanta has been playing for years now ... and it isn't the style of basketball Boris could excel at.

If you can't recognize that --- then you are just unable to see through your own ignorant, seething anger. Be happy for the guy ... and look to the future. Quit ripping the guy for having success ... what is wrong with you people?

When did HawkSquawk go so downhill? You guys USED to be classy and treated players around the league with at least some modicrum of respect.

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Well said Playmaker0017.

Some people are posting that anyone who thinks that Diaw could play in Atlanta has low B-Ball IQ, etc. A bunch of foolishness!!

We all have to admit that we made a mistake in giving away a very talented player because of a rookie coach not knowing how to handle his personnel.

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