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There is no reason not to unload G.Rob and Theo for some cap space. 1) Having cap gives us so much more leverage in making future deals. 2) This team is good on paper but is obviously a patty short of a big mac. Theo isnt a good player at all Theo unlike Deke doesnt get blocks in the flow of the game he creates block opportunities at the expense of rebounding and solid defense. I saw deke break up 3 on 1 fast breaks. Theo cant do that, he is just a block hungry PF playing center. 3) Big Hog has a sweet mid range jumper but that is it, he doesnt do anything else, I am on the verge of declaring him a sissyballer. 4) Reef the most talented candy ass in history, talent wise he is perhaps the best player in the NBA, scrodum wise he is missing a pair of [censored].

I say move on young talent, like Kwame Brown, Darius Miles, Eddy Curry, draft some high schoolers, sign a few euros, non sissyballers like Hanno, and lets have a fun loser instead of a boring loser.

Bring back Hanno!


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Darius Miles has no other talents other than jumping.

He isn't worth a roster spot.He should atleast hit the

boards.If Miles wasn't athletic then Hanno would be

a better player than him.Atleast Hanno could hit ft's

at a decent clip.

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He has left the Tau Vitoria team in Spain.

The team claimed he was healthy and Hanno claimed he had an injury and as they weren't too happy with Hanno's accomplishments he was released. In Finland, examination revealed that there was a minor fracture in his ankle.

Hanno said that Tau was the first bad team experience of his career and has complimented both Utah (college) and Atlanta (nba) as excellent organizations to play for.

He has been working with weights and with his shot and will try to make a comeback to NBA through summer camps, if nobody (in NBA) wants to sign him before trading deadline.


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I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with you. Miles does have talent. He is young, but his stats are sweet. He brings between 10-15 points at least, around 6+ rebounds, a block or two, a steal or two, a few assists. He will do something in the NBA and I'd love to see him do it in ATL. If we had a team as follows, watch the crowd grow, even if we suck...

G. Arenas

J. Terry

D. Miles

S. Marion

T. Ratliff

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I agree for the most part with Theo. He is definately a PF. But, he has been improving his game.

I wish he had a little more outside presence ... then we could start Nazr at center and move Theo to PF and Reef to SF.

Big Dog is definately a mid range shooter and nothing more. And when his mid range jumper is off, he'll just keep hoisting it trying to get in rhythm ... and 5-24 hurts a team. He takes dumb shots. That is his problem. But, he is starting to get a little better and fit a little better. I just wish people would quit assuming that he should be the focal point of the offense. He can't be... a jump shooter is FAR too erratic... and a jump shooter who can't drive is worse.

I completely agree with Reef. I think he probably has the most talent in the league. By far the best baseline spin move, which he rarely uses and a great hookshot. If he went every night, we'd be unstoppable. But, his lack of intensity hurts us. But, he has been stepping it up lately. Let's hope the all-star break doesn't hurt his rythm.


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Those stats look sweet to you?


Carlos Boozers numbers are as good as Miles.

Miles wasn't as talented as people thought he was.

5RPG for somebody of his athletic ability and is not

enough boards.He has NO JUMPER.56%ft isn't


I dunno how you find 40.3%fg from a SF/PF "sweet"

He's not that good of a player.Young or not.

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I have to apologize for not thoroughly looking at his stats before I stated my opinion. What I meant to say is that I believe those to be his future projections. He will be great. What I love most about him is his energy. He just needs more time as a starter to develop.

Plus, who can develop in Cleveland? He needs a high energy team to play with, and it may just be my view point, but I don't see Cleveland as high intensity. With L.A. last year, he'd come of the bench and many times get the numbers I mentioned. He brought a certain something to that team that they have lost with bringing in A. Miller.

I think his main problem is consistency, something that comes with time.

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Shooting Guard

Darius Miles

Cleveland Cavs

Set up: The No. 3 pick of the 2000 draft, higher than Kobe and KG, who went on to startle if not exactly star in his first two seasons by becoming an opening night starter, All-Rookie selection and corporate darling with the SportsCenter highlight reel getting it all on tape. The sky was the limit.

Fall: Has yet to score more than 20 points in a game or record his third double-double of the season or do any of the other things promised by his shoe commercials in which he places his knuckles on his head and twists as trademark after bending an awkward defender backwards on a back-breaking dunk. And, as a result, Cleveland has yet to win its 11th game in 50 tries. So far, the only ones scratching their heads are Cavalier management, Cavalier coaches and Cavalier players. The sky is falling.

Comment: "He's the biggest disappointment of the year," said on NBA scout. "He had an opportunity to assume a prominent role on a team that needed him and all he proved was that he was nothing more than a complementary player. He just isn't good enough nor fundamentally sound enough to carry a team. He may get better but he'll never be the superstar everyone thought he'd be."

He's yet to even have three double doubles?JT has

more than that!

I like the guy,but he just isn't what people thought

he would be.

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The only thing Miles can do is dunk. That's it!

There is no comparison to Garnett, even though some wanted to really push that comparision when Miles came out of college. Garnett worked on his game, and he is a threat to shoot the ball, pass the ball, dribble penetrate, and dunk. Miles can only dunk.

Garnett grew as a player and got better as he aged. Miles has gotten worse.

He simply doesn't shoot the ball well enough to be an impact player in the NBA.

I'd like to get Darius, but that player is Darius Rice - a player with real basketball skill.

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Miles isnt even 22 yet, get of his nuts. He is going to be a great player in this league. He played better his first year than Kobe did look at the stats, And you all's girlfriend Dirk didnt start to take of until he was in his 3rd or 4th season. You talked about Zeke this summer now its Miles in the winter.

" The truth comes with time not words" - Cynthia McKinney

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But Miles can't shoot straight, a bad thing for a three...and he doesn't have the frame or weight, and never will, to play the four...

with his knees hurting this year and having other finishers on the team (Davis), he's still not starting for the worst team in the L. A young team at that...

BHD- he played a lot more than Kobe did as well I believe

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.......he hasn't improved. He's played for almost three years, and his game has not improved. He's gone from shooting 50.5% on FGs in his rookie year, to 48% as a soph, to 40% as a junior. His ppg have gone from 9.4 ppg to 9.5 ppg to 8.2 ppg. His rpg have gone down each year. He's currently shooting 0% from behind the arc and 50% from the free throw line.

He's simply a player that has no position. Unless he really, really, really dedicates himself and gets a doctor to work on his jump shot, he's never going to be anything other than a role player.

You are seriously flawed in your evaluation of talent.

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It was easy to see Bryant was going to be a star

as a youngster.I laugh at Darius Miles when he

shoots a jumper.Even when he's open from 12

feet I laugh cause I know he;s gunna miss it.

The only thing he can do is jump.Why should I

hate on him?My jumper is better than his.

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he supposedly worked all summer with a shot doctor...little good it did him. Maybe the results will take time, like Tiger changing his swing completely, but right now, I'm not seeing it...and I don't think many others are as well...

bet Cleveland is really wishing they had pushed harder for Odom in that trade (the original deal was for Odom, not Miles)

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