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Theres a way to fire BK Now !!

A-town Hawks

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Bye-Bye BK

Bye-Bye BK

Bye-Bye BK

Bye-Bye BK

Bye-Bye BK

Bye-Bye BK

Bye-Bye BK

Bye-Bye BK

Bye-Bye BK

Bye-Bye BK

Your're wasting your time, I am Not going to fire him or Woody.

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I admire your passion but still think the link that says "Full Petition" should link to the full petition rather than a small excerpt. Best of luck.

Still a work in progress but almost done here most of it is ENJOY!


Dear Mr. Levenson or Atlanta Spirit,

I am a dedicated Hawks Fan that is sending you this letter on behalf of Hawksquawk.net, Realgm.com, and other Hawks fans from everywhere. And I as well as many other hawks fans I hate to see the team being so poorly run. I think the team has great upside and potential. That teamed with a great off-season in the summer of 2007 we believe the 4th seed in the playoffs can be reached. But many of us fans don't see our General Manager Billy Knight able to provide us with the great off-season we desperately need to further advance as a winning franchise. Please do give thought in firing Billy Knight. He has not done a good job in our eyes and is turning a lot of us fans away from the team with his horrible decisions. Yes Billy has made some good decisions, but his bad decisions out weight the good ones by far. I have compiled many supporting reasons to back up my disbelief in Billy Knight's capability as the young and upcoming Atlanta Hawks general manager.

1. Billy's obsession with 6''8 - 6''10 players.

The idea of a long athletic team is not bad idea to a point. But when it takes the passing of finding a good point guard or other player, it's not worth it. I absolutely love the Josh Smith pick and even the other draft choice Josh Childress. But after getting such a future stud like Smith is (one of the few things Billy has done right) many fans and league insider pondered the choice of Marvin Williams, who is another nice player to have, but as I said earlier it's not worth passing on a need like a point guard. And in that particular 2005 draft, there were many great future all-star point guards to be easily had. On top of that this past year Shelden Williams and Soloman Jones were the next pair of 6''10 and 6''8 players to be chosen. I'll get more into Shelden next but Soloman Jones was a very uncessary pick. I could understand his pick if he was a steal in the second round but he has shown nothing special or anything to look forward to in the future based on his play this season. He may be raw but even if he pans out to be a decent player out the second round, he has no place on a team full at his position. Also with the logjam we already had at Small Forward at the time with Marvin Williams and Josh Smith, to play both studs at the same time one of these players will have to move to power forward. So why draft two Power Forwards that make playing time hard to figure out? A poor choice and a waste of a #5 draft choice by Billy Knight

2. Billy's promise to Shelden Williams

Don’t get me wrong Shelden Williams was a decent prospect out of college, at best. But in the opinion of many league insider's, fellow general manager's, and fans at that time he was not worth the fifth pick. And at this point in time he was not worth the fifth pick. Not only was he not worth the fifth pick, he was not a position need at that point in time. As stated in reason one about the playing time problem's it would of created if Shelden wasn't such a bust, Shelden's playing time just would of taken away time from our growing stars (Josh & Marvin) that have much more potential. Even if he was brought in for a specific role he has not done that unless the role I benchwarmer. He is too undersized to play Center, and didn't have the upside or intangibles to play like an undersized bruiser like Ben Wallace. There were many other good guards to Also to promise a guy that you would pick him that you didn't even workout. That in my opinion is just laziness and not doing the job to the best of your abilities.

3. Billy's horrible trades

Billy often has the right idea what players to try to get, but he often gets cheated by other General Managers and thinks he's done a good job. I as well as many liked the idea of Joe Johnson coming to the Hawks in the summer of 2005. But in order to obtain him the hawks had to give up a huge piece of their future. Those three draft picks that we lost came back to haunt us. There is a very deep and talented draft as we all know and because of Billy's horrible reputation percieved by others we as a francise were able to be cheated out of trade transaction and unless we either tank (which Im ashamed as a fan to even mention) or get very lucky we will have to miss out on a huge step to becoming a winning team and winning city.

4. Billy's Free Agent Signing's

For a young growing upcoming team like the hawks are, signing an often-injured, point guard that can't shoot, that came off the bench for practically his whole career is not good for a young team that needs to save it's cap-space for a permanent solution at one of it's big position needs. I'm talking about Speedy Claxton. Speedy nice for a team that is already on it's two feet and is ready to get a good point guard off the bench. He is too often injured to waste a large part of a growing teams cap-space to sign to a 4 year deal. That was a huge block of money, that Billy threw away. We wouldn’t of needed to sign a point guard if Billy had addressed the point guard issue in the draft instead of drafting Sheldon for no reason. Speedy is now a big useless contract that we will have to force feed to other General Mangers in future trades to get rid of him. Also another bad signing was Lorenzon Wright for two years. This signing just like Speedy's eats up a chunk of are money for free agency this year. I can fully understand signing Speedy and Lorenzon to 1-year deals, so that they are not hurting us if we want to sign a great player to match with Joe, J.Smith, and Marvin. But once again Billy's poor judgement of talent and money spending have hurt this franchise.

5. Billy’s lack of use with building great tools

Over the past 3 years of rebuilding Billy has had great tools to help us get back into contention. He has not took full advantage of the weapons and still has us the fans dissatisfied with the way he used these tools to rebuild. Over the past three years many believe Billy’s use of picks #2, #6, and #5 have been horrible. No. 2 pick Marvin Williams although as stated is coming along, he is not worth the passing of any of the three great point guards drafted that year in the top 5. No. 6 pick Josh Childress is a decent player but at this 2004 draft there were other much better players to be easily had. Players like Luol Deng who is tearing up the playoffs right now and Andre Iguodala who is starring for the Sixers and will be a top 10 player in the NBA very soon (Shelden at No.5 has already been covered). Another tool Billy has once again wasted was our cap-space. Last year as stated previously, we had a good amount of cap flexibility to use in free-agency and/or trades. This was wasted on Lorenzon Wright who is just not valuable to this team, Speedy Claxton who can’t shoot and is constantly hurt, Anthony Johnson

6. Billy pushing the fans away

7. Billy hiring Mike Woodson

Look at the Raptors with a simple change at General Manager they are almost a lock to win the Atlantic Division we must do this. I would love to buy season tickets soon but I refuse to with Billy Knight as the General Manager. It's time for change, please get rid of Billy Knight. GO HAWKS!

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You might find the polls I ran on BK and Woodson at the end of the season helpful in terms of additional ideas for your letter.

One bit of warning, though, you shouldn't write "I am a dedicated Hawks Fan that is sending you this letter on behalf of Hawksquawk.net, Realgm.com, and other Hawks fans from everywhere." unless you have permission from the owners of Hawksquawk and RealGM. The people that run those sites may not agree with your views or appreciate the letter being sent on their behalf.

You could possibly re-write that as: "on behalf of Hawks fans signing this petition from fan sites such as Hawksquawk.net and Realgm.com and other Hawks fans from everywhere."

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BK won't be fired.

Gearon said "BK is the smartest basketball Mind I know" or something like that.

That might not mean much to you, but that's the owner of the team talking.

Put that into perspective.

The owners are severely handcuffed with what they can do, but Gearon has on staff a GM who he believes is one of the smartest basketball minds in the game.

That's like owning a sinking record label but you have Jay Z who promises you 3 more albums. That's not to say Jay-Z is the best album seller or anything like that, but he's credible and he's loyal, and to you, he seems like the best.

Do you then fire Jay-Z for incompetence?

Now about your points, you have to find better... (STICK WITH THE DRAFT)..

Trades... BK is a winner at trades in their mind.

Let me show you why...

1. JJ is an allstar!! It's very unlikely that whoever is picked 4th or 5th in this draft will be an allstar any time soon if EVER. But JJ is one.

2. Al for #11 saved Salary.

3. 2nd rounder for AJ got a vet PG into the roster. 2nd rounders are not guaranteed to even make the squad.

4. All the other trades were cap cutting trade that the ownership wanted!

5. The Al trade was a winner.

6. The JT trade turned out good.... got rid of Big money Hendu.

FAcy, Bk ties FAcy

The Losses or Lo and Speedy (if Speedy doesn't recover).

The wins are Zaza.

Then there are non-moves that became winners:

Not getting Kmart.

Not getting Damp.

Not getting Curry.

Those all happen to be wins. The Curry may change.

The Draft

I think the Spirit knows a lot more about the Draft than we do. For instance, the Marvin pick.. I know it was definnitely a BK type pick, but I recall Belkin campaigning loudly for Marvin. The Spirit are in a position to know exactly how that went down.

Chillz = Versatile do everything guy. Nobody's mad about Chillz production but us.

Smoove = Definite Homerun.

Marvin = I have heard he's only 20 so much, I'm about to go out and get a t-shirt and send it to BK to wear.

Shelden = It's easy to talk about ROY Roy, but Shelden without the Brace had about 7 games that were double double down the stretch and he was named player of the week... Not Rookie of the week, but player of the week for the last week of basketball. Plus he filled a need.

So there you have it. BK won't be fired. Not now. Maybe if a new owner partner came in and said, I will do the buyout of Belkin as long as we get a new GM, then maybe they would follow that lead, but right now, I doubt AS wants to spend the funds for somebody that they would consider inferior to BK anyway.

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I suspect that there's no way BK will be fired, at least by the current ownership. He is entrenched here for now, for better or worse.

It's like they used to say about Huey Long- the Kingfish, the relentlessly corrupt yet still enormously popular and even beloved Governor (and later US Senator) of Louisiana...."The only way to beat ol' Huey is if they find him in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy." tongue.gif He was that firmly entrenched in power, just as BK is now.

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