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Chad Ford on Marvin Williams


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Max(Boston): He is turning out to be a 3-years project as predicted. I had my doubts about him. The more I see him play and I am starting to see what you and everyone else did. How do you feel about Marvin Williams' development this year?

Chad Ford: (1:30 PM ET ) I had him ranked No. 1 on my big board with Chris Paul No. 2, Andrew Bogut No. 3 and Deron Williams No. 4. If you redo the rankings now, Paul and Williams would be 1 and 2. I said on draft night that the Hawks should take Paul because of need, but I still believe Williams will be a fantastic player. I doubt he'll ever be as good as Paul has turned out to be, but I do think he has the potential to be the best player on the Hawks. He's starting to show why he was the No. 2 pick in the draft. You have to patient with these young players. It's starting to pay off for Atlanta.

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Chad Ford: (12:59 PM ET ) Happy Holidays everyone. Thanks for coming out to the chat today. Trade rumors are heating up ... so is draft talk. There's lots to discuss so let's get rolling ...


Dan (Chicago, IL): Hey Chad, what a nice Christmas gift coach Scott Skiles got when he was fired on Christmas Eve by Bulls Management. I believe Bulls/WhiteSox owner Jerry Reinsdorf should've fired GM John Paxson if anything. Pax assembled this team-he should be the one held accountable. Chicago has much more issues than Scott Skiles. I expect to see a trade maybe for 7'0 C/PF Pau Gasol. What would it take from the Bulls roster to acquire him?

Chad Ford: (1:03 PM ET ) Paxson has made some mistakes, but for the most part I think he's one of the better GMs in the league. The Ben Wallace fiasco wasn't totally his fault. Reinsdorf got involved in that. And you can't blame him for not overpaying Ben Gordon this summer. As for Skiles, he had lost his team. I don't think Pax had much of a choice. However, they do need to make a move for a low post scorer. Gasol makes the most sense. I think it would cost him Nocioni and either Joakim Noah or Tyrus Thomas. Probably a future No. 1. I think they can get Gasol without parting with either Gordon or Deng ... Memphis is going nowhere fast.


M (DC): Everyone says that the Bulls need a legitimate low post scorer, but how can they get such a player? Nobody is trading Tim Duncan or D. Howard, so they would have to trade half of their starters for inferior talent to get a semi-legitimate big.

Chad Ford: (1:06 PM ET ) You're right. These guys don't grow on trees. Gasol has been mentioned a lot but you can understand why the Grizzlies are reluctant to part with him. Jermaine O'Neal is available ... but how much gas does he have left in the tank? Maybe Nick Collison from the Sonics? Charlie Villanueva from the Bucks? Nene from the Nuggets? There aren't a ton of options ... you're right.


Jeremy (Bellevue, Wa): Doesnt Pax have to be held accountable for trading Aldridge for TT? LA would be just what this team needs, a low post scorer, or for drafting Noah when they already have TT? Someone needs to take responsiblity for the assembling of the team, no?

Chad Ford: (1:08 PM ET ) Yes he does. They thought Thomas' aggressiveness and intensity would be a good fit with the way Skiles likes to play. But right now it looks like Aldridge was a better choice. However, I wouldn't write off Thomas yet. He has enormous talent if he ever puts it together. But it does make you wonder why the Bulls didn't go with a player more ready to contribute right away like Aldridge or Brandon Roy.


matt, Ny: when is andre miller gonna get traded so the sixers can start losing more they need a high pick not just miss the playoffs build around lou williams

Chad Ford: (1:12 PM ET ) I watched the Sixers beat the Heat last night and I thought Miller was playing great ... and he has the rest of the Sixers playing well. I don't think playoffs are out of the question for them. However, with that said ... I think the team is better off in the long run moving Miller for cap relief and a young player and rebuilding. If they can get the cap relief, they'll be the only team in the NBA that could offer a free agent a max type deal. Given the talent out there next summer (read Elton Brand and Gilbert Arenas) it may be worth it. Besides, with Miller playing this well, I think a team fighting for the playoffs may be willing to give up quite a lot to get him. He can still play. As for Lou Williams, he's got great talent but I don't think he's a point guard, he doesn't have the head for it. I think he'll be better in a sixth man role, kind of like Leandro Barbosa.


Jerry (Dickinson, ND): Hey, Chad. What are the chances the Lakers will make a trade before the deadline? I feel they are one Ron Artest away from challenging the Spurs for best in the West? Your thoughts.

Chad Ford: (1:19 PM ET ) With Andrew Bynum breaking out and Trevor Ariza coming along ... it looks like the Lakers are a lock for the playoffs. But you're right. They need another piece to compete with the Spurs and Mavs of the world (after watching them beat the Suns, I think their size up front could give Phoenix problems in a 7 game series). The problem is ... who do you give up? Lamar Odom is the teams best rebounder and a guy that is OK not dominating the ball. I think Artest and Kobe would really bump heads. I think they're best chance is to use their $11 million in cap relief (Kwame and Sasha's expiring contracts) along with a young player like Crittenton or Farmar and try to get a solid point guard. Maybe they're the team that can get ahold of Andre Miller ... Kidd is still too expensive.


Chris (Broadview Heights, OH): Can you pinpoint the difference between the Cavs last season and this year? Even if you say the NBA Finals appearance was a fluke, Cleveland did win 50 regular season games and had the #2 seed. They are nowhere near that this year with virtually the same cast.

Chad Ford: (1:22 PM ET ) I think lots of teams improved this summer. The Cavs did nothing. In addition, I think Larry Hughes' self-destruction has left them without much of anything to rely on other than LeBron. Ilgauskas still has some gas in the tank and from time to time Drew Gooden or Daniel Gibson shows up to help on the offensive end. But the truth is that Danny Ferry has assembled a team that isn't great offensively. This year their defensive intensity (which was their calling card last year) has dropped off. I don't think this is Mike Brown's fault by the way. What can you do offensively with this crew?


Eddie (Hoboken, NJ): Chad, WHEN OH WHEN!?!?! will they fire Isiah? Who SHOULD replace him? Who do you think WILL replace him? Give me some hope, please!

Chad Ford: (1:26 PM ET ) I read the other day, when the valuation for franchises came out, that Isiah was puffing out his chest because the Knicks are worth so much. That's a joke. No one has mismanaged a team as badly as he has ... not even his predecessor Scott Layden. I don't know what the Knicks are thinking. He keeps doing damage. Any other team would've fired him more than a year ago. The Knicks gave him an extension. In other words ... I don't see things changing soon. As for replacements. Close your eyes in a crowded subway and point in any direction. Odds are you'll be pointing at someone (man, woman, child) who couldn't do any more damage than Isiah has. Everything about the organization needs to change. Ownership, management, coaches, players. Everything.


Matt (New York, NY): Chad, have you ever seen such extreme regression in a player like we have seen from Eddy Curry this year? I mean last year he was a 19.2ppg guy with like 5.3rpg, now he is almost at the point where he is playing like a backup.

Chad Ford: (1:27 PM ET ) Players are not immune to the chaos that surrounds them. There is no stability in the Knicks franchise and that means it affects players performance on the court. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge Curry fan, but this mess is effecting everyone.


Max(Boston): He is turning out to be a 3-years project as predicted. I had my doubts about him. The more I see him play and I am starting to see what you and everyone else did. How do you feel about Marvin Williams' development this year?

Chad Ford: (1:30 PM ET ) I had him ranked No. 1 on my big board with Chris Paul No. 2, Andrew Bogut No. 3 and Deron Williams No. 4. If you redo the rankings now, Paul and Williams would be 1 and 2. I said on draft night that the Hawks should take Paul because of need, but I still believe Williams will be a fantastic player. I doubt he'll ever be as good as Paul has turned out to be, but I do think he has the potential to be the best player on the Hawks. He's starting to show why he was the No. 2 pick in the draft. You have to patient with these young players. It's starting to pay off for Atlanta.


Tenorca (the Bay Area): Chad: If I said the Rockets miss the playoffs, could you really disagree?

Chad Ford: (1:32 PM ET ) I couldn't. McGrady's health is a question. Yao looks tired. The rest of the supporting cast hasn't been great. You think Darryl Morey wishes he had kept Rudy Gay instead? At least the Rockets would have a future and a scorer who can deliver when T-Mac is out or struggling.


Yatin (LA): CP3 or Deron - today? in 5/10 years?

Chad Ford: (1:33 PM ET ) CP3 today and in 5 and in 10 years.


Jay (Memphis, TN): I have a feeling the Grizzlies franchise is well on it's way to imploding. Any way the Grizz can turn this situation around? Is trading Gasol the answer?

Chad Ford: (1:36 PM ET ) Yeah it doesn't look good at all. Gasol looks uninspired. Darko looks like he can no longer dodge the bust label. Conley's been out with injuries. It's ugly. And Iavaroni sure doesn't look like the Mike D'Antoni clone he was billed to be. I thought, coming into the season, that they'd compete for the playoffs. So far, Rudy Gay's been their only real bright star. They need toughness and a winner badly. Conley might be that guy down the road ... but they sure could've used a guy like Nocioni ...


Joe (NY): Your suggestion for the Heat? make a trade for Miller or Bibby and push for the playoffs or play out the season with the team they have now??

Chad Ford: (1:39 PM ET ) I think they need to rebuild. One, I'd try to move the expiring contracts of JWill and Ricky Davis for draft picks or young players who can help them rebuild. Two, I think they ride out the season, have a high draft pick, add a stud like Derrick Rose or Michael Beasley and rebuild that way. I don't think Andre Miller or Mike Bibby will be enough to put them into contention. I think it's rebuilding time.


Aaron (West Laf): Hi Chad. Your thoughts on the Pistons... is their bench is solidified enough to withstand injuries and keep the starting 5 fresh? Thanks.

Chad Ford: (1:41 PM ET ) I think so ... but Flip Saunders is going to have to trust them more. We read going into the season that Saunder was going to develop Amir Johnson and Rodney Stuckey this year. Johnson hasn't gotten any real burn. Stuckey's been injured. Now that he's back, he's played a little. We'll see down the road if he gives them any playing time. If not, Joe Dumars needs to step in. It's more important to develop their bench than to finish with the best record in the East. They learned that the hard way two years ago.


Joe (Davis): Chad, Andre Kirelenko for Mike Miller and Darko Milicic. Do you bite?

Chad Ford: (1:43 PM ET ) Yes. For both teams. The Jazz need the shooting and some help in the middle. The Grizzlies need the defense, rebounding and shot blocking Kirilenko could provide. That's a good one Joe.


Dave (Milwaukee, WI): The Bucks have no depth and role players for starters, when is the senator gonna ax Larry Harris?

Chad Ford: (1:44 PM ET ) I actually think Larry Harris is one of the better young GMs in the league. They have lots of young talent, it just needs time to develop. Taking Yi looks like a steal at No. 6. Bogut and Villanueva are still young. Ditto for Mo Williams. There's a bright future for Milwaukee ... just be patient.


Rob (LA): Chad...with all the freshmen hype in the NCAA right now...the guy that is flying under the radar is Jerryd Bayless. He is getting next to no hype. His numbers are comparable to OJ Mayo, if not better, and his team has a better record, the #1 RPI and #3 SOS. Do you see this guy being a one and done freshman?

Chad Ford: (1:46 PM ET ) He's on the radar screen. He's not a pure point guard and he's a little undersized for the two guard position. That's what's keeping his stock a little lower than OJ for example. Still, he's ranked No. 22 on our big board. He's a very talented prospect.


Josue, Puerto Rico: With the first pick of the 2008-09 Draft the Seattle Supersonics select:

Chad Ford: (1:47 PM ET ) If they got Derrick Rose ... watch out. Also having a big guy like Michael Beasley or DeAndre Jordan would also be great.


Ryan (LA): Draft question! Hey Chad, where do you see D Collison going into the draft this year with all of the hype on these young PG's (Mayo is overrated)? Or do you see him sticking it out at UCLA another year and trying to bring back a 2nd straight national title?

Chad Ford: (1:49 PM ET ) I have him ranked as the No. 4 point guard in the draft behind Derrick Rose, DJ Augustin and Ty Lawson. I have Mayo ranked as a two guard, I just don't see him being a full time point ... unless he's a Gilbert Arenas type scorer, then point. This is a stacked year for point guards, Collison might want to wait another year.


Johnathan, Phx: any chance my Suns get Budinger, in this years draft, thanks to the Hawks pick. Thanks.

Chad Ford: (1:51 PM ET ) No ... I don't think Budinger will be around that long, though you're right, he'd be a great fit on the Suns. I have Budinger ranked No. 6 on our big board. Looks like the Hawks will make the playoffs.


Tiffany(flint,Michigan): Do you see Michigan State guard Neitzel being drafted????

Chad Ford: (1:52 PM ET ) Second round to undrafted


Matt (New York, NY): Chad, I'm a Syracuse fan and I think Donte green would be perfect for a Phoenix or Dallas type team, what do you think? He reminds me a lot of Shaun Marion.

Chad Ford: (1:53 PM ET ) I'm not sure I'd go that far ... but he is one of those combo forwards that defies a true position. He's a very good prospect, but needs to improve his shooting range. He's ranked No. 12 on our big board.


Joe (Davis): Chad, who is the sleeper in this year's draft?

Chad Ford: (1:54 PM ET ) John Riek, a 7-foot-1 center from the Sudan who's playing in prep school in Mass. He was dominant at the LeBron James skills camp this summer and has a lot of buzz from scouts. Read my column tomorrow for an indepth scouting report.


Steven, Louisville: Hey Chad, Where do you see Louisville's foward Earl Clark being drafted?

Chad Ford: (1:55 PM ET ) He's a bubble first rounder right now ... but give him another year and he could be a lottery pick.


Jerry H (Saline MI): Are there any prospects aside from the gargantuan likes of Roy Hibbert who WOULDN'T look great on the Suns?

Chad Ford: (1:56 PM ET ) Point taken.


Mike (PA): Should Tyler Hansbrough wait one more year to go into the draft?

Chad Ford: (1:57 PM ET ) Yes, because I still don't think he'd go any higher than the 20s. His lack of size and athleticism will hurt him. He's a great college player and with his toughness he'll find a place in the league. But he doesn't have the upside of so many of the other guys in the draft.


Dave (Naperville): Chad where do you see IU's DJ White being drafted?

Chad Ford: (1:57 PM ET ) Second round to undrafted


Scott (Reno): You going to watch Javale McGee and Marcelus kemp of Nevada tonight against UNC? Should be McGee's coming out party!

Chad Ford: (1:59 PM ET ) Good call Scott. McGee may be the other real sleeper in this draft. He's starting to get some significant draft buzz.


Mike (PA): I think the NBA should make college players go to school for at least 2 years. Your thoughts?

Chad Ford: (2:00 PM ET ) Nope. I think the age restriction is a joke. If a kid is ready to play, he should be allowed to play in the league. If he isn't and he declares anyway, well that's a price I'm willing to play. Guys like LeBron shouldn't be penalized because there are some foolish kids out there.

Chad Ford: (2:01 PM ET ) I've got to run everyone. Great chat. Let's do it again next week. Happy New Year everyone.

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You took the words right outa my brain, lol. Fords comment makes no sense since Joe is a better player than Paul and you can say that without bringing Joe's D into the conversation. If you bring up Joe's D then its not even close.

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Johnathan, Phx: any chance my Suns get Budinger, in this years draft, thanks to the Hawks pick. Thanks.

Chad Ford: (1:51 PM ET ) No ... I don't think Budinger will be around that long, though you're right, he'd be a great fit on the Suns. I have Budinger ranked No. 6 on our big board. Looks like the Hawks will make the playoffs.

I love reading that. We as fans have taken so much sh!t for the lack of success the team has had the past few years.

That's why I posted that game thread on RealGM. the Indy board over there last year would tell you "you're a hawks fan, what do you know?" when it was obvious AL Harrington played 0 defense and was a black hole on offense.

My favorite is "yeah you got young pieces but they'll sign somewhere else to get off that sorry team in FA"

Ind and PHX fans can all kiss my @ss

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