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$30 OFF hawks tickets!


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The guys won't even consider that they have a lousy methodology but they wonder why people don't come to the games? These guys are totally clueless.

They would rather give you a discount knowing the seat has no chance of selling. Or, they can even give if free and hope you eat the lousy food and drink a few beers.

I say boycott all things ASG and Hawks until these asswypes make some real changes!

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The guys won't even consider that they have a lousy methodology but they wonder why people don't come to the games? These guys are totally clueless.

They would rather give you a discount knowing the seat has no chance of selling. Or, they can even give if free and hope you eat the lousy food and drink a few beers.

I say boycott all things ASG and Hawks until these asswypes make some real changes!

What is wong with a discount ? Sounds like good business to me.If the seats are not going to sale..well $.70 on the $1.00 is better then $0.

Maybe if people woud go to some games and show some interest it would make fiscal sense to pour some more money into the team.

The only people that should be pissed are the guys who buy tickets at FULL price well in advance to only find out about a discount later.

Some people complain about anything.

Why do you bother to watch the team or post here ? You seem to be living in misery and depression. You constantly come on here and cry like a broken record.

Hawksquawk is not your shrink. We are not paid to listen to all of your sh*t. chairs.gif

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Coachx, try bringing something to the table other than than weak ass rose colored "analysis". The Hawks have sucked for years, and continue to underachieve their talent level. Thats not OK with me or with real basketball fans.

I had season tickets for 22 years with a vested interest in the team and am sick of underachievement and poor performance.

Your an apologist of the worst kind. Plus, what you know about basketball would fit in a thimble. I know because I suffer with some of your worthless posts. You know the game at about a 3rd grade level. Thats why I rarely read your crap, because it comes from nonsense and ignorance 99% of the time.

If you want to support the ignorance and garbage that is the ASG you go for it. There are a lot of ill informed people that buy lousy cars every day. They love people like you.

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I had season tickets for 22 years with a vested interest in the team and am sick of underachievement and poor performance.

Like I said, the only people who should be upset at ticket discounts are the ones who bought season tickets. Now we know you fit that bill and it mnakes sense why your so pissed off every day.

Hope your savy enough to have NOT bought season tickets any of the past 5 years.....if so you might want to check on who sees basketball on a third grade level or who has the business sense to NOT allow the ASG to raid their wallet.

Don't worry, I don't allow a 3rd grade, playground diss to bit me into a playground sticks and stones debate.

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Coachx, try bringing something to the table other than than weak ass rose colored "analysis". The Hawks have sucked for years, and continue to underachieve their talent level. Thats not OK with me or with real basketball fans.

I had season tickets for 22 years with a vested interest in the team and am sick of underachievement and poor performance.

Your an apologist of the worst kind. Plus, what you know about basketball would fit in a thimble. I know because I suffer with some of your worthless posts. You know the game at about a 3rd grade level. Thats why I rarely read your crap, because it comes from nonsense and ignorance 99% of the time.

If you want to support the ignorance and garbage that is the ASG you go for it. There are a lot of ill informed people that buy lousy cars every day. They love people like you.

Just because other people aren't as negative and miserable as you Pete, doesn't mean you have to have to lash out at others who don't share your wrath. I understand you're pissed at the organization, but people like coachx actually ENJOY following the Hawks and discussing them on this board. Something you don't seem to have a concept of.

This is a message board for "fans". All we can do is try and enjoy the product that the Hawks put on the court and last time I looked we were in a playoff spot. Could you make that statement same time last year? We compete almost every night with the top teams in the league and most night we play a brand of basketball that is very fun to watch...win or lose. I always feel entertained when I go to games and isn't that what sports is all about?

I can't believe you would find something negative in ticket discounting. Pete....relax, enjoy life and remember...it's just basketball. It's supposed to be fun and make us forget the other pressures life throws at you for a few hours. It's not life or death. Hang in there....it will make it that much sweeter when the Hawks do have some success.

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Thanks Dad. Your wisdom, along with Coachx, is just touching. Your a real Zen master.

FYI, Coachx attacked me first. Second, I'm hardly always negative. The only time I'm negative is on BK, Woodson, and the lame ASG. Thats it.

If that bothers you then move along. I really don't care what you think. The Hawks are a poorly run outfit, and I call it as I see it.

Levenson is not doing you or anybody any favors with these discounted seats. These seats have no chance of being sold. If you really want a great seat call a broker and you can get a huge discount for a great seat, not some nosebleed deal. There is NO DEMAND for Hawks tickets in this market. My seats were $100 a piece face value and a broker wouldnt give me more than $25...so, for $50 you can sit right behind the bench anytime you want. Levenson is trying to get you to buy seats for anything just to get some revenue and hope you buy a few beers while your at the game. This isn't a grand gesture on his part, its smart business.

My point is that Levenson needs to fix the damn team. There aren't many people who think Woodson can coach a lick. Or that BK can draft. Keep your f'ing tickets and have some balls, fix the squad, get us a real basketball coach.

Jack, if that offends you...so be it. I really don't care.

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Thanks Dad. Your wisdom, along with Coachx, is just touching. Your a real Zen master.

FYI, Coachx attacked me first. Second, I'm hardly always negative. The only time I'm negative is on BK, Woodson, and the lame ASG. Thats it.

If that bothers you then move along. I really don't care what you think. The Hawks are a poorly run outfit, and I call it as I see it.

Levenson is not doing you or anybody any favors with these discounted seats. These seats have no chance of being sold. If you really want a great seat call a broker and you can get a huge discount for a great seat, not some nosebleed deal. There is NO DEMAND for Hawks tickets in this market. My seats were $100 a piece face value and a broker wouldnt give me more than $25...so, for $50 you can sit right behind the bench anytime you want. Levenson is trying to get you to buy seats for anything just to get some revenue and hope you buy a few beers while your at the game. This isn't a grand gesture on his part, its smart business.

My point is that Levenson needs to fix the damn team. There aren't many people who think Woodson can coach a lick. Or that BK can draft. Keep your f'ing tickets and have some balls, fix the squad, get us a real basketball coach.

Jack, if that offends you...so be it. I really don't care.

Pete...it's obvious you don't care what other people think. You have made that abundantly clear. If thats the case, I just don't understand why you post here?

I am not sure why coach went off on you like that...I am guessing that it's been building up over time and not just based on your reply here in this thread. I don't know what history you guys have and don't want to get in the middle of anything. We are all Hawks fans here and everyone is entitled to their opinion and to agree, disagree and comment on what others say. Let's just stay away from personal insults and attacks. That never leads to anything good.

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