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It may be time to boycott this team.


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Hawks fans should just stop showing up. Screw that loyalty to the team crap. Don't waste your heard earned money on spoiled athletes that don't give the effort. Screw this team.

Edited by Deeman
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The best way to vote is with your wallet. If a product is unsatisfactory for you, then don't buy into it anymore. I know that if I lived down there, I wouldn't be spending my hard-earned money on an outfit that seems as disinterested as these Atlanta Hawks. Forget that! I give kudos to Hawks fans who do go to the games and suffer the punches to the gut like that, but no. I just wouldn't do it.

A further drop in attendance would harm the team by hurting the bottom-line, but if that's what's needed to happen in order to force or hasten a change, then that's what has to happen I guess, because as it is we are just spinning our wheels and going absolutely nowhere, in fact we're regressing.

It's very disturbing and totally disappointing. It ain't easy being a Hawks fan.

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I hope I don't get -1 for this from everyone but guys ... Its not like anyone shows up to the games anyways ... The elite teams in the NBA have a packed stadium even if they are playing a terrible team ... We have horrible attendance and we have 2 players that get extremely pumped up from the crowd (al and smoove) ... I don't mean to be bashing everyone .. It's just that we have terrible attendance

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I hope I don't get -1 for this from everyone but guys ... Its not like anyone shows up to the games anyways ... The elite teams in the NBA have a packed stadium even if they are playing a terrible team ... We have horrible attendance and we have 2 players that get extremely pumped up from the crowd (al and smoove) ... I don't mean to be bashing everyone .. It's just that we have terrible attendance

You cant blame the fans. If you play hard the fans will come. You should play hard even if you dont have fans they are freaking professionals getting paid 10s of millions of dollars. You cant tell the fanbase of a team " If yall dont show up we are not gonna play hard" its your job to play hard no matter what.

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I agree and trust me I understand ... But we have never really had good attendance .... I just don't know what to do with this team anymore ... To add a random note about the other treads .. Do people not realize that the league has changed this year (eastern) ... Not saying that woody would have been this bad but when he was winning at home we didn't have the heat and the celtics as good as they are now ..( ok maybe the celtics )

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I said it before and I'll say it again; this is the biggest 'show me' town in America. When your idiot GM is telling the world how much smarter he is than everyone else like BK did, you aren't going to endear yourself to a lot of fans. When your current GM talks about the team being elite right after getting Rick-rolled in the playoffs, you aren't going to endear yourself to a lot of fans. And when the teams in your conference are loading up with real players while ours are sifting in the landfills for scraps, well, I hope you get the point.

I don't blame the fans one bit for finding something else to do with their $$$. This is big-boy sports and this team has already checked out on the season and waiting on their vacation passes to come back from their travel agents. Pay my hard-earned $$$ on that? No thanks...

Edited by Dejay
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As a multi-year season ticket holder I have always been disturbed by the number of folks who buy season tickets in order to resell them. Now, I understand that this is just part of the real world. I know that for some it's business and for others it's how they support their desire to enjoy professional basketball in person. Until now I have never felt like reselling my seats. After tonite I'm hoping that we fall to wherever we have to to get Boston in the first round because that way I can resell 3 sets of tickets for a good price.

I agree with Yungsta ... wish there was some way to let the team know that they have some diehard loyal fans but that they are doing a far better job of losing them than they are of playing professional basketball.

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The best way to vote is with your wallet. If a product is unsatisfactory for you, then don't buy into it anymore. I know that if I lived down there, I wouldn't be spending my hard-earned money on an outfit that seems as disinterested as these Atlanta Hawks. Forget that! I give kudos to Hawks fans who do go to the games and suffer the punches to the gut like that, but no. I just wouldn't do it.

A further drop in attendance would harm the team by hurting the bottom-line, but if that's what's needed to happen in order to force or hasten a change, then that's what has to happen I guess, because as it is we are just spinning our wheels and going absolutely nowhere, in fact we're regressing.

It's very disturbing and totally disappointing. It ain't easy being a Hawks fan.


it'd work even better if a low attendance effected the players' wallets... they'd play their asses of then. imagine.... 10% of phillips is full and that docked JJ's pay from 20 mill ths year to say...12 mill. still a millionaire but he'd notice.

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it'd work even better if a low attendance effected the players' wallets... they'd play their asses of then. imagine.... 10% of phillips is full and that docked JJ's pay from 20 mill ths year to say...12 mill. still a millionaire but he'd notice.

I know, but the reality is these guys get paid the same whether they win the game, play great but lose a close game, or get blown right out of the gym. Either way, they get paid their $$$, and it's possible that some of them just don't care about anything other than that. I'm not pointing any fingers because I don't know for certain either way, but it sure seems like this team seriously lacks in heart and desire sometimes and just looks like they're playing half-assed and going through the motions as opposed to playing hard always and refusing to just lie down and let other teams walk all over and humiliate them. There is no excuse for that ever.

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