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The Answer in Atlanta?


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I figured it was somthing along those line Chillz. Like I said before, for all I know AI could have bust in with a super soaker and espn would have reported. AI bust into the home of a man and pulled out a gun and sprayed them all LOL.

ESPN's job is to get ratings we must remember that, don't let them pull sheeps wool over your eyes. I believe very little the media tells me because they have their own interest at heart.

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Iverson's physical problems (massive injuries) wouldn't be a problem if he played for a team that had other scorers (Reef and JT). He's always called on to do so much for the Sixers becuase he's all they really have...when was the last time you saw Eric Snow, Deke, D.C., or anyone else in a Sixers uniform have a consistent scoring night let alone season. As far as his "bad attitude" goes, you'd be amazed at what winning will do for you. An example of this was the year the Sixers made it to the NBA Finals...that year Iverson not only was, in my opinion, the best player in the league that year, but he also charmed the pants off of everyone in the media and for a short time at least everyone was singing his praises. I'll be realistic, seeing Iverson in a Hawk jersey will probably never happen due to the public perception of the man and also becuase the price would probably be to great BUT I would at least like to see Babcock try to make an offer.

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If a guy comes to your door and forces his way into your home with a gun in his waistband demanding to know where his wife is, you're telling me that you would see a whole lot of difference in whether or not he actually pulled the gun out of his waistband? I wouldn't! I think I would feel every bit as threatened in either scenario particularly if the reports of him throwing his wife out of the hose naked on at least one occasion are true.

I like AI as a hoopster but at some point, HE has to be accountable for his actions. He knows (or should know) that anything he does is going to be front page news and making threats while in possession of a gun certainly qualifies as news.

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Considering this guy's history, why is he even in a position to have this media attention? This is a guy who, his entire career, has had his off the field behavior overlooked because he is an extreme talent on the court. He has never been disciplined for his misbehavior, and he thinks he can get away with whatever he wants because he is a star athlete.

This guy isn't accountable for his actions because he has never been held accountable for them before.

Once a thug, always a thug.

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Yeah there's a huge difference in simply KNOWING that a guy has a gun versus the guy actually pulling it out or threatening to use it on you. It's easy to draw a conclusion when you are sitting back reading about it. The guy in the apartment has said that after talking to him at the door for a minute and telling him she wasn't there he pushed his way in the place to look around for her. He didn't kick the door in, he didn't put his 9 under the guys nose and demand to be let in. He pushed the door open and walked in. The guy has also said that he never saw the gun, but he knew it was there. Iverson never pulled it out. I mean this is his cousin. I think it's safe to say that this guy would know if AI usually carries a gun. I know lots of people who carry guns. I would never feel threatened by it if I had an arguement with one of them though. At least as long as they never pulled it on me.

None of the charges against him will stick, and rightfully so. If it were not Allen Iverson involved, something like this wouldn't even make it on a BAD episode of COPS. If it were you and I, charges wouldn't even be filed. At the most, the average person would spend a night in jail, AT MOST, for the forceful entry charge. There would be no court, no trial, nothing. Unfortunately for Iverson he's already been sentenced in the court of public opinion.

Sure AI is a wannabe thug. Sure he's the typical pampered star who thinks he can do anything. Sure he's a bit of a dumba$$. But for everyone to suddenly turn on him over NOTHING after over a year of people saying "man AI isn't so bad after all" is just absurd and it shows how easily people are swayed by the media.

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Iverson, Good guy ? Of course not. He has thrown his wife out of the house, butt naked ,three times. They have only been married since last year. And trespasses in to an apartment armed with pistol and makes terorisstic threats. He already had a felony on his record for carrying a gun into a bowling alley brawl that he starteed. This is a grown man, who acts like a immature thug with no comtrol over himself or emotions at times.

There is no reason for the majority of people to come to aid right now and no reason for him to be considered a Hawk

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I was in jury duty and some punk wore an Iverson jersey in to the court room. {what stupidity]. In the end he was sentenced to 2 months in jail. After the words left the judges mouth the little thug just smiled at him. Every one of his teeth were covered in gold, he acted happy to be living up to his hero's life, Iverson. This little punk was only 19 and showed no remorse in court at all for his actions. Can't believe he wore an Iverson Jersey into court.

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First of all, the report I read said that Iverson had the gun in his waistband and "showed it" to the two occupants of the apartment. To me, if he showed it to them, it indicates that he was prepared to use it if he felt it was necessary.

Second, you said:

"The guy in the apartment has said that after talking to him at the door for a minute and telling him she wasn't there he pushed his way in the place to look around for her. He didn't kick the door in, he didn't put his 9 under the guys nose and demand to be let in. He pushed the door open and walked in."

You make it sound like the guy just agreed to let him walk in the apartment. When I last went to go visit my mother I "pushed the door open and walked in." There is a BIG difference in "pushing open a door" and "pushing your way into a place."

Third, what the hell is the deal with throwing your wife and mother of your children out of the house BUTT-NAKED! WTF is that? The scary part is that he has apparently thrown her out of the house on more than one occasion. If she did something bad enough that would warrant throwing her out of the house on multiple occasions, why the hell doesn't he just get a divorce? What kind of example is he setting for his children?

Personally, I never said "AI isn't so bad after all" after last season. I'm a big believer in winning makes everything okay and losing magnifies every little problem. I could give a damn less what AI does off the court or in practice for that matter. I still think he's a hell of a basketball player. I enjoy watching him play the game. He's a great entertainer. All that being said, do I think he's a role model? HELL NO! Do I feel like he is getting unfairly portrayed in the media? HELL NO! If he doesn't want to be in the news, he should stop kicking his wife out of the house butt naked and then threatening others when he can't find her!

Have any of your numerous friends who carry guns ever been convicted of assault? Have any of them barged into your house demanding to know where their wife was after they had just kicked her out of the house BUTT NAKED? If so, you have a hell of a lot more trust in them than I would. I love my best friend to death but if he burst into my house with a gun on him, against my wishes, demanding to know where his wife was after they had a fight, I would feel VERY threatened and he's a COP!

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If we could get AI at a minimal price I would do it in a second. Im tired of people disrespecting people like AI. Outside this incident, which has been overexaggerated, can anyone name one time he caused any trouble. Larry Brown is on par with Kruger/Babcock so nothing he said matters. And he was falsely imprisoned, so name one thing.

I dont want to write a thesis on this so I will refrain from any verbose analysis of the situation, Instead I will simply qoute Hova.

"How do you rate it when only thugs with nothing relate to it.... Put you in my world bet all your worth you lose your tie and your shirt" -JayZ GO GATORS

PS ATLien I agree with you on this subject. And by the way there is nothing wrong with being a thug. Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, George W and just about every successful businessman or politician is a thug , the only difference is AI is Black with Cornrolls and tattoos.

And to MoodyBlues "Men shouldn't be jealous thats a female trait. What? You mad because you push dimes and he sells weight. Respect the game that should be it what you eat don't make me s#!t" - Jay Z

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Well, let's start here:

"Outside this incident, which has been overexaggerated, can anyone name one time he caused any trouble."

You're kidding, right? How about.....

February 1993 -- Arrested for fighting in a bowling alley in Hampton, Va. He spends four months in prison before then-Gov. Douglas Wilder grants him clemency. The Virginia Court of Appeals overturns the conviction in June 1995.

August 1997 -- Pleads no contest to gun charge after police near Richmond, Va., pull over a car, in which Iverson is a passenger, and find a gun belonging to Iverson and two marijuana cigarettes. Completes 100 hours of community service, two years of drug testing and three years' probation, after which his record is cleared.

July 2000 -- Promised to have more of a business-like attitude following a season that saw him fined more than 50 times for being late to practice and suspended one game for missing a shootaround.

October 2000 -- Reprimanded by NBA commissioner David Stern for violent references and derogatory lyrics directed toward gays and women in his unreleased rap CD.

I'm still not ready to rake him over the coals for his latest debacle just yet. I believe in the law and the court, and that it will get settled there, wether he's reprimanded or not. And all this thug crap is all beside the point when you consider what a cancer he is on the court. He's made it obvious that he can't tolerate another scorer on the same team, and his work ethic is questionable at best, pathetic at worst. But about the whole thug controversy, maybe you can glorify a guy who extolls the virtues of violence toward women and selling poison to children, obviously you do going by your oh-so-witty Jay Z quote there, and your statement that "...by the way there is nothing wrong with being a thug...." except that by the way, thugs are called thugs because they sell drugs and comit acts of violence (otherwise they'd be called BoyScouts and that's just not cool is it?) but not everyone can idolize a criminal wether his name is Allen Iverson, Bernard Ebbers, H Rap Brown or Bill Clinton. So why don't you try to stop hatin, hatin on people who believe in law and order and society and morals? Maybe AI and all the thugs out there should try to give as much respect to others as they demand from others.

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I was just getting ready to write a reply to BHDs post, and then I read yours and you wrote my feelings almost to the T.

One thing you missed is how BHD tries to make himself sound so intelligent with his "verbose analysis", and yet he cant even spell simple words. I love it when people try and use words outside of their vocabulary to try and make themselves sound more intelligent, and love it even more when they follow that up with 2nd grade spelling errors. Must be from spending too much time partying with Iverson at his crib.

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You call Tim Duncan a "sissy baller" despite the fact that he is the reigning league MVP and he has a championship ring yet you are worried about people "disrespecting" AI because he keeps getting into trouble with the police? Give me a break!

When is the last time he caused trouble? HAAAA! Please! AI is walking trouble! The guy kicks his wife out of the house, doesn't go to practice, is constantly fighting with his coach and even his teammates get tired of his antics at times, despite the fact that he is clearly the best player on the team. The Sixers have traded some very talented offensive players (Stackhouse, Tim Thomas, Larry Hughes) because it is apparently difficult to get him to share the ball with other capable scorers. Iverson is such a great basketball player that Philly puts up with all his BS but make no mistake about it, he is a difficult person to deal with.

I like AI as a hoopster. There are very few players on his level. I also think AI has some good personal qualities. He is a very charitable guy, he is loyal to his friends and he never forgets where he came from. All that is well and good but at some point, he has to be accountable for his own actions.

As far as you Jay Z quote being applicable to this situation, give me a break! AI is certainly not a "thug with nothing." The guy is filthy rich. AI is not hustling to feed his family or even to "get his," he's already got it! And what "world" does AI live in where kicking his wife out of the house butt naked is okay? What kind of example is that setting for his young children?

I do agree with you on one point. There ARE a lot of "corporate thugs" out there. The guys at the top of the Enron scandal and at the head of the World Com scandal are right at the top of the list. But their behavior is NOT okay and there IS something wrong with what they did.

By the way, being a thug is not limited to people with cornrows and tattoos. In fact, the vast majority of people with cornrows and tattoos are not thugs at all, they just like making a fashion statement. Nothing wrong with that. I know a lot of people who have both. Come to think of it, my wife has a tattoo and she has worn her hair in cornrows in the past! She wouldn't know how to act like a thug if her life depended on it!

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Why do you steal peoples quotes all the time?Do you have any

of you're own?I'm not trying to bash you,but you just throw

out these quotes that these"famous"people have said but what

is the point?

And of course there is corporate thugs,but that doesn't excuse

Iverson either IF he did actually have a gun.

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You made some good points Traceman. Even though I dont agree with you.

PS When I qoute Jay Z dont interpret it literally I imply the conotations of what he is stating.

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Before you even read this dont take this as a personal affront.

Look Dolfan23, exactly why you are questioning my my ability to articulate myself I don't know. But the simple fact is I hope that isn't the only thing you could say because its not even germaine to the subject. I am sorry if I'm well spoken by your standards. I will try to keep it Jed Klampet so you wont make useless attacks on my spelling.

PS. To you other point where you claim I call all White players please show one post where I bring anything to do with basketball, not court cases, in with race. It is sad that you dont acknowledge racism exist in America, but frankly I dont care if you don't.

And for future reference, If you want to mock me please try something other than my spelling or vocabulary, it makes me question yours. Esp. when you think saying verbose analysis is scholarly.

For the record


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You have a lot of nerve calling H Rap Brown a criminal. THAT IS THE MOST IGNORANT STATEMENT I HAVE EVER HEARD You have the sheer audacity to call a man who fought for Civil Right and Black Empowerment during a crucial period in history a CRIMINAL that is the biggest load of S#!t I have ever read. Keep You have right to your opinion. But keep Your comments on basketball players when you talk to me because I really did find that offensive.

PS Bill Clinton was born with nothing and became the most powerful man in the world. Can you say the same.


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I just want to say I know racism still exsist...I know because

it happened to me.I was dating a women that lived in a all

black neighborhood and I heard plenty of racial slurs coming

my way.

Racism is bad,but some black people try and suggest it goes

only one way but I know better because of personal experience.

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Well you feel the need to criticize everyone with your posts, so why shouldnt I criticize you? And please show me where I said you are well spoken by my standards. I only quoted what you said in a previous posts and had to laugh at the irony of what you were writing. I love how the person you refer to as the opposite of being well spoken though, Jed Klampet.......Thats racist right there, with that statement you made. I find that highly offensive.

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