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Kobe will be traded this season!


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  • Premium Member

Think about it. The Lakers know that Kobe will opt out of his contract. Why keep him? Especially now with the Sex Charges and the SHAQ fights....

The question now is WHO? Who will the Lakers trade Kobe to?

First team that comes to mind is Memphis?

Memphis has enough stiffs to send to LAL to make Kupchak somewhat satisfied because the truth is that the Lakers lack depth.

But.... I doubt the Lakers trade Kobe to a Western team. I also doubt that Kobe is traded to West.

NJ comes to mind. However, all that NJ has that the Lakers would want is KIDD!

Kobe for Kidd! Sounds fair but I doubt LAL would do it with GP there. However.... You never know.

In my mind... I comtemplated an Atlanta trade!

Theo/CC/Dickua to Dallas.

Finley + 2 1st round picks (ATL) to LAL.

Kobe to Atlanta

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Kobe says he wants his own team to lead. Well just imagine some other Eastern teams in the mix:

1. Chicago. I don't think the Lakers would take Jalen Rose for Kobe. However, if the Lakers could get Chandler.... Maybe they'd consider it. For imagine:

GP, Jalen, Chandler, Malone, Shaq....

That would be the strongest, biggest team in the game.

2. Toronto would have to deal Vince and a pick. This has been mentioned before. With Kobe being able to opt out, it's more than likely that Vince alone might do the deal. Shaq would love to prove that he could win with the less attitude haivng Carter.

3. NY. This trade would be of course getting Alan Houston. This fits everything that the triangle has ever been. NY would also have to cough up a little more... Maybe Lampe and maybe a first.

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I agree with your synopsis. Given all that is going on, it would make good sense to trade him. But kobe is the glitz on that team. Shaq might be the meat and potatos. But Kobe is the sizzle. PLus that team is carrying a lot of hype to drop one of their key components. I think they could still win it all without him. But having 3 guys in your starting lineup who don't know the system would make it even more difficult.

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To trade Kobe would simply be suicide. Do you really believe Shaq when he says he'll play for 6 more years? Last year he said he wouldn't play without Phil, and might not play past two to three more years...GP and Malone are fine...but they'll be gone soon too...and all that'll be left, when it's all said and done... is Kobe. A Kobe who will be about the same age as MJ was when he started winning his titles...

it'd be his team, in the biggest market in the world, on the team with the most hype and the biggest following...they'd be retarded to trade him.

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See that's exactly what I'm talking about...

YOU said:

In reply to:

PLus that team is carrying a lot of hype to drop one of their key components. I think they could still win it all without him.

However, that is not trade. That's losing him because he opts out. IF Kobe Opts out, there will be no money for another star. Just enough to help pay GLove and Malone without Shaq feeling the blunt of the blow.

However, the Lakers are a very cheap franchise who likes winning. I suspect that trade...

When you lose him and get something in return is their best option.

IF they want, they could trade Kobe for Vince. Makes some sense because of Vince's injuries of late. Vince's demeanor as being too laid back. However, I don't think Toronto has an atmosphere that can keep Kobe.

Then there's Kobe for Iverson. Kobe is a native of Philly. He could go home. Play in front of his hometown. However, Iverson just signed for Career. I don't know if Philly would do it.

Then there's Kobe for Rose/Chandler. That's a great depth building move. However, Rose ? Plus Chandler would have to play SF until Malone is ready to come off the bench.

Then there are three ways like the one I proposed to get Finley.

The Lakers could get Jones back. Although I doubt that they would do it unless they got many picks.

The Lakers could get Houston. But again, his one dimension means that the Knicks would have to give up Lampe and some other pick...

However, keeping Kobe just to watch him opt out and walk doesn't make any sense compared to trading him at HIGH value.

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he's just going to opt out to test the waters. If they win it all this year, L.A would still have to be the front runner to keep him.

I mean this isn't the first time those guys have had it out. While I do think it's gotten a little more personal, maybe it's just my perception. Until now it's always been Shaq calling Kobe out. Calling him selfish and all. Maybe Kobe finally had all he could take and said what EVERYONE in the Lakers org. though, but was afraid to say. Time will tell.

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I think it all depends on what happens up until the trade deadline. If the Lakers are winning and they are able to keep any more shiznit from hitting the fan, they will probably ride it out and roll the dice on their ability to keep Kobe after the season. If things are falling apart by the All Star break, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Lakers make a move. It would be an absolute last resort for them but if Kobe makes it clear that he is not going to come back, the Lakers would be foolish not to pursue a trade for him.

The problem in trading FOR Kobe though is that he will be a FA at the end of the season and he won't be obligated to stick with the team that trades for him. For example, I would hate to trade Reef and 2 #1's for Kobe and then see Kobe decide to sign elsewhere next year.

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Opting out means that Kobe is in total control of his future. Moreover, if they won it all, LAL would be far over the cap trying to resign KOBE, Malone, Shaq, and GP.

The importance of Kobe being in control of his own future is this... KOBE doesn't have to come back. And because Kobe is ambitious, I don't think Kobe will come back. It's already word that LAL is holding it's salary cap because somebody from Kobe's camp says Kobe could play for them next year and not have to leave LA?

What is true is this...

LAL would be fools not to consider trading Kobe. For if he has had enough to being second to Shaq.. and if his ego can't take him being "good only because he plays with Shaq" and if he's tired of Hearing Shaq say " this is the Diesel's Ship". Then he might leave just to prove a point.. And that fit Kobe's personality.

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Here's how I see it...

The Lakers will do it and probably before the deadline. If GP shows that he can run the triangle, the Lakers will look to trade Kobe for some other SG.

Pierce, Carter, Iverson, Houston, and even Rose (with Chandler) all fit what the Lakers are capable of doing. The point is that I think Jackson would prefer having a BIG SG who can play defense. Pierce fits perfectly, but I doubt that Boston would entertain the trade.

However, if Ainge did... If Ainge saw that Kobe was the answer and if Ainge could get Kobe to either not opt out or resign with Boston before the trade, I think Ainge would do it.

It's a win for everyone.

Pierce brings everything that Kobe does and for Pierce, it would be going home to LA!

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I think one point that is not being brought up in this whole debate is the fact that Kobe wants to test the waters in the off season.

So no matter if he gets traded to another team, he is still going to be a free agent. So why would teams gamble to trade for him? He would only be there for half the season and possiblly leave.

I saw Jim Gray discuss this issue last night. He discussed the very topic of him opting out and Kobe's words to Jim Gray was "I want to explore free agency, I don't know if I will sign with anyone else, but I want to test the waters. I have only been with one organization for my entire career. I want to see what other teams have to offer."

This doesn't sound like a guy who when traded will stay with that team. So why would you trade for him?


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OK Diesel,

Tell us. Would continue to dislike Kobe if he became a Hawk ?

What if he didn't carry the Hawks to a title. Would that mean

he had been carried by Shaq in LA ? But what if LA didn't

win either ? A thrid scenario would ask, "what if LA did win ?"

Could they have won without GP and Malone carrying Shaq ? Certainly Kobe would not have the supporting cast

here that Shaq had in LA.

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First off, there must be somebody to talk to Kobe to figure out if Kobe wants to leave because he wants to see what other teams have to offer or if he wants to leave to get away from Shaq and try to win a championship.

Let's look at a possible trade here:

If Chicago traded for Kobe. They give up Rose, Chandler, and a 1st.

Kobe steps on the floor and this is his team:


This team sweeps through the East and meets the Lakers in the Finals.

I'm willing to bet that Kobe opts out and resigns with the Bulls.

Usually when a high profile player wants to test the market, they have a specific place in mind. Ala Duncan and his talks with Orlando and Shaq going from Orlando to Hollywood.

However, Kobe is not interested in a specific place other than away from Shaq. He has said on Several occassions that he wants to lead his own team. Kobe has something to prove.

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Dislike Kobe and NOT praising Kobe are 2 different things.

Last year (and I still believe this to be true), I said that Kobe is NOT better than Tmac and KG. I still believe this to be true.

You can't compare a guy who has never done it to guys that do it every night and tell me that the guy who has never done it is better?

Done what?

Carry a team. Kobe has never carried a team. Tmac, KG, Iverson, and even Vince carry their teams every night. How can Kobe be better when he has Shaq? Shaq is the BIGGEST defensive priority in the game. OF Course Kobe will look good.

This doesn't mean that I don't like him. I think he's arrogant but so was Jordan. My only problem with Kobe is that I believe he gets too much praise and has not really proved that he deserves it.

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How about Kobe going to the Clips? They'd have to give up Brand or Maggette (I doubt they'd give up both) along with QRich and maybe a draft pick. Kobe would be leading a young, inexperienced team, he'd stay in LA, he'd be playing the Lakers 4 times a year with opportunity for vengeance against Shaq, and he'd be coached by Dunleavy. Kobe would be the guy who would finally get them into the playoffs, cuz they sure as [censored] aren't making it this year.

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It's been rumored that Kobe's people have told the Clips to keep their cap space because if Kobe opts out, he'll go to them next year.

Think about that:

Kaman/Brand/Maggette/Kobe/a PG.

I'm thinking they may trade Qrich away for a PG if this happens.

Just for grins, lets say: Qrich/1st to Atlanta for Terry.

They'd have:


Are they ready to play Shaq/Malone/George/GP/Fisher?

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Suppose, Just suppose:

This blow-up with the Lakers causes them to abandon, as it were, Kobe. They trade him to say, Atlanta for half the

team and all the draft picks for the next five years.

Exaggeration, yes. We don't give up THAT much, but suppose

that the deal gets done.

Then, after the trade, Kobe goes to court. He is found

guilty. He is sentenced to not less than three and not

more than ten years. What do we have then?

Could we get him out on "Work Release" for the season

and let him do his time in the off-season? No way.

You're sure he will come out of this, "Not guilty!" But,

you never know until it is over what will happen.

If he isn't guilty, as charged, he sure as heck is guilty

of being stupid for what he did do, and he doesn't know

as yet what the verdict will be.

Until this is settled, I wouldn't touch a deal for him, no

matter how good he is on the basketball court. If the

Lakers loose him because of this case against him, they

will go on, still being the Lakers and still being one of the

top teams in the N.B.A.

If an N.B.A. trades half of what they have and then he is

sent away for an extended period, that team is ruined

for years. Is it really worth the gamble??

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