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Prometheus- Alien fans what did you think?


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In my opinion it was the top 3 of all the movies in the franchise. The cinematography was wonderful. Some perceived logic holes, but then again how logical are people truly in real life? The ending was not a surprise, but a nice hat tilt to the fans. I really like the "engineers" story.

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In my opinion it was the top 3 of all the movies in the franchise. The cinematography was wonderful. Some perceived logic holes, but then again how logical are people truly in real life? The ending was not a surprise, but a nice hat tilt to the fans. I really like the "engineers" story.

I thought it was really bad, easily one of my least favorite movies of the franchise (though I actually hardly even consider this film really part of the franchise as it is quite different in tone, style, and the Aliens themselves are only indirectly referenced at the end). The photography and special effects were easily the high point, and the story itself could have made a very intriguing movie, but to me the characters their complete and utter lack of any sort of intelligence and relatability made me stop caring around half way through. The script was also pretty thin, as the character motivations are never really fleshed out to any satisfying degree. It felt more like a slasher flick where things happen just to set up a bloody death rather than to flesh out any story or add any intrigue. I think I am in a minority though, as most of my friends thought it was a good movie... perhaps my expectations were just too high, but really, I'm not sure I would ever really watch this movie again. Mostly boring and often times disgusting and never intriguing like I had hoped. A big dud for me.
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I liked how it matched up really well with the original Alien movie... but I found this movie to have a lot of questions that were unanswered and frankly I didn't think there was nearly enough action to make it as good as the original 2 movies. Then there's the whole thing about whether or not to consider the AvP movies as part of this "story" or not. Overall I thought it was a decent movie but had there never been any Alien movies this would have been a huge disappointment. Oh the engineers thing was pretty interesting though.

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I felt like I was Lindelofed when I went to see it.

Such a great premise: let's go find the great answers to the origin of humanity, why were we made, etc ...

And the great reveal is... Aliens sure are mean. They're mean. That's it. Way to go, writers!

The movie was exceptionally pretty, sure, but I didn't find myself caring about anything that happened. Fassbender was a joy to watch, though.

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I felt like I was Lindelofed when I went to see it.

Such a great premise: let's go find the great answers to the origin of humanity, why were we made, etc ...

And the great reveal is... Aliens sure are mean. They're mean. That's it. Way to go, writers!

The movie was exceptionally pretty, sure, but I didn't find myself caring about anything that happened. Fassbender was a joy to watch, though.

If you like Fassbender you should check out Shame, a movie that will show you more of him than you would ever hope for... but still is well worth watching for his performance.
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I came in with pretty low expectations on this one but enjoyed it. It isn't close to the first two Alien films and certainly wasn't a home run but there were some interesting aspects to the plot and some really striking visuals (not in a whiz-band way). For me this was a B- or C+ movie...not something I will watch over and over but something I certainly didn't regret watching. I will start a thread asking for opinions on a summer blockbuster that was much, much worse than I expected momentarily.

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