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Suppose Ferry does move the franchise to Seattle


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"THIS IS ALL PART OF FERRY'S PLAN!!!! THE WHOLE FRANCHISE IS A LAME DUCK!!!! HE'S SECRETLY MOVING THE HAWKS TO SEATTLE!!!!!!! OH NOEZ!!!!!!!" If they move there they will have the Seahawks and the Hawks. If we get a new franchise at the same time, I'm down.I'm thinking two lottery picks and all cap space after 10 roster holds (vet min.).Who is the GM?Who is the coach?I say Arthur Triche as GM (the Smartest guy in the room and knows where the bodies are buried)I say Micheal Cooper as Head Coach (instant creed).Who's in?

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Never heard of a gm moving a team before..Anyway, I have been a Atlanta Hawks fan for almost 25 years, and I want to see them win the championship.Im not gonna just root for a new team just because they have the name "Atlanta "on their jerseys.It would take to while to win me over ,because im not a nba fan anymore,I'm a Hawks fan only.

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The Hawks are not going anywhere. At worse, Stern wouldn't approve of such a move. He wouldn't let a team leave a top 10 basketball market. The owners want to make it work here. Ferry and his family love it here. The team isn't going anywhere. Seattle will have the Supersonics back someday, but it won't be through moving the Hawks.

What next, Dimitroff moves Falcons to L.A.? I think owner Arthur Blank would object Posted Image

Blank would hate to have to try and sell his beloved estate in Alpharetta... Plus, I bet the Chargers move back to LA. After that game against the Falcons where you could hear more Falcon fans cheering than Charger fans and the fact they have trouble selling out Qualcomm anyway, I bet the Chargers are in LA within 5 years. Not sure San Diego would even care.
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