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The more I think about it, the more I hate it.


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I've now read the columns.

I have to say this.

Blow me, May. May is an idiot. First, Reef has not been a first option most of his career. 14 shots a game - NOT first option. The closest he ever was first option is under Brian Hill.

Second, blow me Knight. This deal does nothing to better the Hawks immediately or long term. The entire roster needs to be remade next year, so any cap savings are going out the window the moment the season ends. So, next year is over too. If they held onto Reef/Theo, they could have resigned Reef for less and offered Theo less.

Further, it puts Reef in a career ending role. Portland gets "perimeter Reef". We all know and hate this Reef. It is the one that stands at the top of the three point arc and acts like a swing-man.

Third, I wanted to see Diaw progress and learn the game. I wanted him to do it alongside Reef.

This just stinks from all angles.

I really wanted to see him win in Atlanta.


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Actually, it's not as bad as you say.

It capitalizes on Next year. I don't expect us to be winners at all in the FAcy market. However, I think that we stand a better chance to get back to back high lottery picks.

Unfortunately, I don't think Ownership agrees. I think Wallace will be either a resign or a trading chip. I think we can resign Wallace starting upward from 11 million. That will still leave us with about 13-14 million of cap money to spend if we trade JT for Cap Space.

I myself wouldn't keep Wallace or SNT him. I would take the 17 million and keep stepping. I would also take the 7 million from Person and the 12 million from Brandon.

At the end of the day, I would try to move JT and CC also.

I would completely gut this team and build from draft THEN FAcy.

Who's in the 2005 FA class.

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When we traded Dog for capspace and didn't make any further moves to create additional capspace, I felt we had basically set ourselves up for disaster. You can't trade an asset like Dog for nothing in return and expect to improve. It wasn't so much trading Dog for me that was bad. If we had traded Dog for Spree or even van Horn, I think we still would have had a chance to win in the EC but that didn't hapen. I felt that deal left us half pregnant. We were still over the cap and close to the luxury tax so we couldn't pursue any quality FAs. All that deal did was keep the team from paying the luxury tax. At least with this deal, we CAN get far enough under the cap to go after a big time FA (or 2). I think this deal (or one very similar to it) was inevitable once we made the Dog trade.

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Because the Big Dog trade did absolutely nothing to help this team in the long or the short run. We were still a 50 to 60 million dollar team until 2005. The only thing we did was give away talent. It was an incomplete move. A token move that didn't really give us a destination. With the latest trade, I can say, at least I know that there's a direction. It's either by getting Real talent in FAcy or getting stronger through the draft. Those are 2 things that were not possible by just coming in slightly under the cap for 2004 with the B.D. trade.

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well, it depends on how you look at things. CAlling him a 10mil player (over a four year deal, with that being the avg. after raises) really ins't that far off.

Look who he's played with in POR. CAn you honestly say that his numbers haven't suffered some becaues he's not "the only good player on a bad team?" NO. They've had several all-stars around him, and he himself one.

Look at how Peja's #'s have changed this year with Webber being gone. Playing with that many players, and playing a team game, definitely changes/lowers ones stats. But it doesn't make them less of a player.

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Wallace led Portland to the Western Conference finals (should have beaten the Lakers but folded down the stretch in game 7).

Also, trading Glenn Robinson allowed the Hawks to resign JT. If they hadn't traded Robinson they would not have had the $$ to resign JT b/c AOL wasn't paying the luxury tax for a bunch of losses (as I wouldn't want to either).

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Trading Dog was a great move...if we had not have done it then ...we would be just like Philly...trying to trade him and finding no takers. Dog was a mistake that Babcock made and thank goodness Knight had to brains to get rid of Dog as soon as he did or we might have been stuck with Dog. for the duration of his contract.

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