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SC says Sheed may be traded before Thursday!!!


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Well, the same guy--cant remember full name, its that guy "David (Something)"--said that he thinks Iverson wont be traded before end of this season (not that that's big news to most folks). So I'm not sure who he thought Sheed would go to.

This is most definitely a quirky time for us Hawks fans... One of those fragile situations that can end up being either terrific or terrible (we are certainly due for the former, I would think).

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possibly to detroit for expiring and a pick

i'd hope he could get prince instead of a pick instead, but that's prolly a pipe dream

either way, it's a good move

we need to get into the lotto, and we may not with sheed

if u solely want cap space, u hope the players are as bad as possible...we don't want sheed to come in here and win even 8-10 of the final 29 games and then leave to ny for midlevel

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I read that same thing today in the Detroit newspapers. I maybe the only one on this site that things this way, but I hope it doesn't happen. I would rather make the trade to Denver with Doleac for White and then see how this team finishes out the year.

I'm not one of these Hawk supporters that want us to lose for the sake of getting a good pick. I would like to see this team have a chance to win. If Wallace leaves in the off season so be it. There is no guarantees in the lottery anyway. Who knows how good Howard is going to be or Okafur for that matter. Or what if we do have the worse record but are picking 3rd due to the lottery balls.

I just think it is wrong to root for your team to lose. Regardless of what position we will be picking in the draft we will still have plenty of cap room to make significant moves in the next couple of years.

Also, did some of you think that if this team made a run for the playoffs or improved it's play in the last 30 games what that would do in the team outlook? It would be more attractive to free agents. Than it would be if the team was picking first in the draft.

Some say Wallace doesn't look like he will resign and that is fine. But, if this team starts playing better do you not think the thoughts will creep in Rasheed's head that maybe I could resign here. They have money it's an upcoming team and they are going to be able to sign other top players. Why wouldn't I want to be a part of it? I'm not saying he would resign, but it would make him think twice.

Also, more free agents would be interested in the team because they would recognize the team isn't as bad as they thought.

It just seems to me that there are more positives for us winning than tanking the season. Most importantly it's good to win and not to be the running joke of everyone that associates themselves with the league.

So count me as one that roots for this team to win and the better chance of that is keeping Wallace and not trading him for four scrubs that sit on the bench for Detroit and either their draft pick or philly's, whichever one they give to us.

You mine as well forfeit the rest of the games if that supposed trade goes through. No one is going to come out for:






How could you support that? Yeah you may get the #1 pick, but I think karma would go against the Hawks. They would end up with #2 or #3. Or better yet they would still not be worse than the Wizards, Magic, Bulls or Suns. Who all have a worse record than the Hawks. So guess what, you don't get a top 3 pick and you still suck which won't draw any interest to your team.

Keep Wallace see how the chips fall. If you trade him you are not getting any benefits. You get the same money off the cap if he stays. Keep him.

Just my opinion.


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No way should try to win. The Hawks need to maximize their chances for success in future years and that means getting high picks, young talent and cap space. Winning 60% of our remaining games would do nothing but prevent this team from getting a good pick in the draft.

There are no guarantees in the lottery but you put yourself in better shape to draft an impact player by maximizing your odds rather than by setting yourself up for continued mediocrity.

Also, there is no real advantage to resigning Wallace. He is not a franchise player and you have to either sign him or renounce him before you can sign anyone else (for more than a couple million) so there is no way to sign Kobe & resign Wallace unless Sheed was willing to play for next to nothing.

This team is following Denver's blueprint for rebuilding and they need to follow it through and get their Carmelo Anthony, not put themselve in position to draft a Mike Sweetney by winning games.

Just my 2 cents.

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There is no guarantees in the lottery anyway.

That's just how it sound to me. But Babcock is gone! You don't have to be afraid of the draft. Look at the good teams right now... San Antonio, Sacramento, Dallas, Minnesota. They are all where they are because of the draft. Every year there are 5-6 great players in the draft. It just takes a good eye to find them sometimes. If Babcock were drafting, I would be afraid too. But I think Knight is better than that. Heck Knight might be replaced by Doc or someone else by then.

Why on earth would you want to win 10-15 more games? We aren't any better for winning those games. We still run the same risk of losing Rasheed and we have nothing to show for it except another bad season. For the next 30 games LOSE should become a mantra to fans of this team.

making a run at the #8 spot in the east is meaningless. Have you noticed how bad the east is? It's not real basketball. If we'd made a run at it with that old unit, it wouldn't have mattered. Because it doesn't take a trained eye to see that we would never be a real contender with that team. Why go through it to MAYBE become a .500 team, MAYBE...

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