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I am now a NJ fan....


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Didn't you pay attention?

They were talking about this on that NBA Shootaround show with the talking heads on ESPN. Anyway, they were stating that 4 to 5 GMs were waiting on Toronto to get back with them, and that call never came. After seeing what Toronto got for Vince, these GMs were wondering why Toronto didn't call back.

As for where Billy Knight is, he's been scouting in Europe along with Chris Grant.

I'm glad we didn't make the move for Carter though. He's soft, injury prone, and doesn't play a lick of defense. We don't need anymore players that don't play defense.

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I think it was a very good trade for the Raptors. They got rid of Carter who was unhappy there anyways, and in return they got some quality players, if healthy Mourning could be the 2nd best Center in the East. But the real reason it was a good trade for the Raptors is the 2 draft picks they get. Would anyone here be upset if we got those 3 players and 2 1st rounders for just Walker? I wouldnt. Yeah it'd be some cap we are taking on but this is a deep draft and 2 extra picks would be nice.

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Mourning will never AGAIN be the 2nd best center in the nba. even if the dude was healthy- the best he can do now is as an above-average starting CENTER in this league.

the guy has been through a lot and will NEVER be the same.

there is a reason why hes only playin half the game as a starter.

but ur rite- the thing RAPTORS wanted most wasnt the players- it was the 2 FIRST ROUNDERS. the players they received was just to make the deal workout and to get cheap players who can contribute. Mourning shortterm for $5-6 million or so isint all that bad.

i think the biggest shocker of the deal is the fact taht VINCE CARTER DOESNT HAVE MUCH TRADE VALUE- period! i think the RAPTORS received several deals (not in their favor at all), and so they just ignored all of them- told them whoever gives them


2)short term, quality players


but after all is said and done, i think DIESEL & TIP are right KIDD, CARTER, JEFFERSON- will be fun to watch... however, they wont win anything. prob go to the playoffs, may win a series... but nowhere near a championship.

This is assuming Vince Carter resumes his play and settles for MEDIOCRECY. now, if the guy was motivated and really came to play night in and night out- he'd be top 3 SG in this league and would drop 30 ppg (with a good shooting percentage).

NJ werent going anywhere anyways. so they're just hoping that VINCE CARTER would excel outside of TORONTO.

as for TORONTO, they are just sick of CARTER's play. a guy so gifted should be puttin up more than 15 ppg (dont u think so?). C'mon, a raw JOSH SMITH could avg 15 ppg on VC's percentage given full time minutes. Toronto is lookin out for the future, since CARTER isint willin to provide them with a PRESENT.

- good trade for both teams. gives both teams something to look forward to.

if NETS still had MARTIN- that would be allyoop city. prob record the most alleyoops in 1 game. or maybe even a SEASON!

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how this effects his game. Vince is obviously not the leader type. He wants to be the man without having to be the man. Kidd takes a lot of the superstar burden off Vince. Now he will be able to create on the fly and not have to do it with teh ball in his hands all the time. This could really be the thing that gets him back among the elite.

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This is a good trade for both teams. i watched a lot of raptor games and vince carter wasn't doing anything. He drived like two times a game and clearly his head wasn't in the game. Maybe now with Kidd he can flourish but now NJ has no frontcourt player and and i don't understand why they didn't pay kenyon and now they are willing to trade for a max player like carter who game resembles jeffersons. i think toronto could've gooten a liitle more talent but i think they value the draft picks a lot.

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I never said that mourning could be the 2nd best center in the NBA, just the East. But that isn't likely either, Shaq is obviously #1, and then Wallace probably #2, considering who is able to play at this very moment (so excluding bans, and injuries) he is a top 5 center in the East.

But yeah it just comes down to those draft picks. I'm assuming they are the two Denver picks. Thus making the trade Martin and Mourning and Williams, for Carter. I just don't know why NJ did this.

They wanted to clear payroll so they didnt resign Martin...ok i guess that makes sense, but to take apart a championship caliber team because of ''payroll problems'' just to turn around and add more payroll?

Wow...this is only a good trade if Carter is able to finally tap into his potential and try 100%, and finally joins the likes of Mcgrady, and Kobe, and even Lebron.

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