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Everything posted by TroyMcClure

  1. Giants receiver Smith robbed at gunpoint outside home ESPN.com news services Updated: December 2, 2008, 7:02 PM ET Comment Email Print New York Giants second-year receiver Steve Smith was robbed at gunpoint in the early hours of Nov. 25 after arriving home, according to Clifton, N.J., police. Smith had just returned to his townhouse in a chauffeur-driven car when he was approached from behind by man who held a gun to Smith's head, Clifton police Capt. Robert Rowan said. "He said to him, 'Give me everything you got,' and Mr. Smith turned over his jewelry and money and cell phone," Rowan said Tuesday. The man left the scene and is still being sought, Rowan said. It was unclear if Smith's driver was at the townhouse during the holdup. The robbery was first reported Sunday by NBC's Tiki Barber, a former Giants running back. NFL security has been informed of the incident, league spokesman Greg Aiello said, according to Newsday. "We're aware of the situation," he said. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Sounds like all he did was try to go home.
  2. Forgetting the stupidity that Dj alluded to, isn't it a bit troubling that you could go to prison for simply having a desire to be able defend yourself if need be? I don't agree with permits or gun laws in general. What if you get shot waiting for it? Seriously, there are a ton of things to talk about here.
  3. I've read the thread. Your argument is sound. Personally I'm damn glad you are back. You're a smart person and a homer to boot! I get my share of criticism, too. Who cares? People hate the messenger if they don't like or understand the message. Speaking of the message; I think that while on the whole you are right, a different pitching coach, bench coach and third base coach are bigger factors in our decline than most people think. The Braves used to get a lot out of a little. Now, it is what it is. We've lost Leo, Jimmy and Pat. Those guys were huge parts of the machine. We've lost them one by one. It's no coincidence to me that we've started to lose our identity. Just what is Braves baseball now?
  4. I don't think many people here thought the Falcons could have a winning season. I did. Even without Ryan I had predicted at leat 6 wins and as many as 9. With Ryan the ceiling is really high. I was so wrong about his poise. I liked him out of college, but I was in favor of Dorsey. I guess that's why you actually meet someone before you make those kinds of decisions. I'll say it again, there isn't much difference between a 6 win season and a 10 win season. Just a couple of breaks and a little momentum. The other huge difference, which is part of it all, is the coaching. Our staff has been amazing. All the way down the line. Our team does not make many mistakes and our offense is creative. Notice Ryan is always hitting wide open receivers. He's not had to squeeze passes in. He has someone open virtually every play. He just has to find them. As a lifelong Falcons fan, for the first time, I can see the dawn, you know?
  5. Bobby has always loved him. Going back to the Expo days. He could be just what we need.
  6. I feel exactly the same way. But Hotlanta is right, this is a blessing. I don't care if he stays healthy and pitches till he's 42, to be really honest, he's not worth having on the roster if you are the Braves. You need stability in the rotation. The only thing Hampton provides stability to is the medical field.
  7. Northcyde, don't ever compare Woody to Jerry Sloan ever again, ok? It makes you seem retarded. I'll keep this quick, but I bet Sloan thinks he can win any game, no matter who is on the floor. Woody on the other hand, has an excuse at the ready whenever things aren't perfect. Which is in fact, often. The Truth just expects a little more. As do I.
  8. That's not surprising. It was typical Woody, though. Losses don't seem to really bother him.
  9. It's like he had an epiphany when he realized that he needed to hammer something home. He's just a total hack. He is a deadly combination of stupidity and sideline sloth.
  10. TroyMcClure


    Since when is 15 to's not bad? lol! It's awful. A winning team may have up to 10 or so. Do the math. Just off that assumption, that's a possible 15 points that you don't seem to care about. Every possession counts. You can't give away chances and expect to win. It tilts the playing field towards your opponent.
  11. And I would have told you that Woody cost us at least 3 of the 6. A lot of you guys need to stop talking about "the fans". It's ridiculous. Also Frank, my guess is that you either don't know or don't understand that Atlanta is a transient city or that "bandwagoning" is the very nature of sport. You see something good, it excites you. There aren't many people like myself that are "Atlanta" fans. I didn't begin to like the Hawks because I thought the colors were cool. However, if every "fan" were like me, the stadium would be more than half empty, because of the apathy alone. The sports business lives off of bandwagon fans. They make the whole thing go.
  12. You know I like you, peoria, but give it a rest. Virtually every post I see from you ( and many others, I might add) is some comment on the fans or this message board. Try thinking and talking about the game. I'm certainly not one of these people flying in the wind with my opinion. I've said it to you guys since I joined, I'm a Hawks fan, but we will never win so long as he is the coach. Very tangible, basketball related things are repeatedly used in arguments against him. But many fans such as yourself do everyone a disservice by refusing to acknowledge these things. How is blindly supporting something you know can never grow, being a real fan? Some of us know too much. Seriously, we must have the dumbest fans in the world if a 3+ year sample size doesn't get you close to knowing exactly what Woody does to hurt this team, no amount of time could ever do it. It's a shame these guys have to play for him.
  13. First let me say that I am in no way a Marbury fan. I think he should be paid every penny of the contract. It's not so cut and dry when the coach comes to him and says he won't play him, he's not in their plans, but they won't trade him. It's a better move to keep him and let the contract expire. They have the contract. It's on them.
  14. And Carson Palmer before that. He just never got a shot there. Personally, It doesn't shock me. I thought they would still win 11 or 12 games without Brady. They are well prepared up there. The qb is just another piece of the machine. The line is amazing. As a qb, you play a totally different game with that line, Welker and Moss. It's almost unfair to compare a NE qb's success with that of another team's qb.
  15. I would say Orlando. Especially with the Howard/Smoove angle. I guess I'm old, but i really miss the Central. Detroit, Chicago, Indy, Milwaukee... those were teams that you could hate.
  16. The MLB will make them spend it. They have to spend at least 85 million on payroll and cannot fire anyone, as per the sale agreement. And Liberty is run by a former Ted Turner guy. I'm not overly worried.
  17. I used to watch it religiously. Really, race home kind of thing. Last year, the writing really started to lose me, and this year I just could not watch. It's like they were still trying to shock me or something. None of the characters developed and it no longer felt real. It felt, well, like a tv show. I was very unimpressed with the way the show never evolved. And Chicklis's acting the last few years has felt, forced and cheesy.
  18. This guy is so tired. I would like to actually respect the beat writers opinion, but this guy doesn't know enough about the game to really have one. It's always some crap about Sekou or how someone he's talking to doesn't x,y,z, and if they really knew the Hawks like he does... Seriously, what a joke of a writer. It's always about him. And HawknJersey, the article was lame. The info from the scout was the only good part of the article. The rest is just typical Sekou, always putting himself in the middle of Hawks world, somehow. We've got some very good, astute writers in this town. Sekou isn't one of them. He's just a jock sniffer of the highest order.
  19. I thought he was banned? You just reminded me of a very funny line in a not so funny movie. ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
  20. The chatroom is not my cup of tea, generally. I like game threads. The game threads leave everything for posterity. Really, how do you watch the game and type? That's just not the way to watch a game, imo. I like to watch and every now and again add something to the thread. It's more about the watching than the chatting while the game is on, for me.
  21. What's up with the chatroom? Is it like Lord of the Flies in there or something? By the way, You got my vote, bro. OT - How about those Falcons? You must be having a great time this year. You deserve it after last one.
  22. I want to second gsuteke. I don't think this is the sort of thing that should be put to a vote, though. First off, are all of the choices willing and able? For instance, ahf has said recently that he would not be on as much after the move. He would be a perfect choice, but is he willing? I think any mod should have been around for a little while and we should be fairly certain of their level headedness. I appreciate you opening it up to a vote dolfan, but I think it's really your choice. Whoever you think are the good choices, probably are. Maybe I'm high or something, but I think Diesel and Exodus would both make better choices than people might think.
  23. TroyMcClure


    Come on, Dolfan. You know how I feel about Woody. This is just another example of his excuse making. And no, I don't think that a group of early to mid 20 somethings should be tired 2 weeks into a season. It refutes logic. If Woody is going to say they need the rest and then say that the rest cost them practice time, thus costing them in defeat, what does that say? It says to me that he sees certain things as inevitable. I wish his departure was.
  24. TroyMcClure


    He does realize these games all count, doesn't he? That's why you practice. Tired? The season just started. Give me a break. When you act like the season is such a marathon, you often don't realize that you've just lost a series of sprints. There is no way the whole team is "tired". Again, just another example why he is the worst coach I have ever personally seen.
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