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Everything posted by Atlantaholic

  1. So the first year kicks in after this season and last year is team option. I went from not liking this deal to being Ok with it. To me a perfect deal would have been three years with the last year being a team option. We give Bogi next year to prove he can be healthy and if he can't he's essentially in a contract year the following year and very tradeable.
  2. Don't understand locking up the oft injured 30 year old player who has declined every year he's been on the team, but whatev. We must not be too high on AJ. Rather just have kep Huerter who at least was trending the right direction and was younger. Bogi is a good player but we need defensive players on this team and his defense just gets worse and worse.
  3. Some people on this forum still think this team is something. Mid at best. Everyone outside of Trae, JJ, AJ and Okonguw needs to be made available this offseason so that we can improve this team that has no prayer in hell at winning a championship.
  4. Tras was partly to blame for our poor play in the first half of the season, but he's been a lot better and actually really good on defense and the team still sucks. Can't keep blaming our horrible defense on Trae anymore, where are our studs defensively and how come they never make a play or hardly ever get a stop?
  5. Hawks have plenty of talent yet there's around ten teams in the NBA that have a lot more of it.
  6. This is what I mean when I say the Hawks aren't talented enough. Boston is just better, no doubt about it. Hawks haven't played poorly but they are outmatched. They have two combo guards on the bench and they are both at least as good as Murray if not better.
  7. 100%. Trae is about to overtake Dejaunte in defensive Raptor... that's wild. IMO the Dejounta Trae experiment was a flop. We need a legit 2 way guard next to Trae, Mikal Bridges / Cam Johnson would have been fantastic trade targets but alas they are probably pretty untouchable now. Dejaunte is a PG and his defense at the 2 is sub-par, plus he isn't a consistent enough shooter from the outside to be an optimal pairing next to Trae. If we had kept Huerter and not mae the DJM trade I'd wager we'd be around the same record, maybe 1 or 2 losses more at the most. If we had kept both Huerter and Delon Wright, we might even be a better team.
  8. The Hawks have played well since Quinn took over for the most part. Problem is, well, the East is stacked. This isn't 2020 anymore, last year's Heat team that manhandled us and was a couple of games from the finals is a play in team this year. Philly, Cleveland and NY have taken big leaps and Brooklyn despite trading everyone is also a team stacked with talent, mismatched though it may be. Most of us were complaining about our depth all year long and justifiably so but seems to me at this precise moment it's not really a lack of depth but a lack of consistent production from our top guys. Fact is for the Hawks to be a "contender" Trae needs to play at the borderline MVP level he was playing last year which he hasn't really showed all year, and Murray needs to be playing at the All Star level he showed last year plus we need Collins and Hunter to play like 25 million dollar players instead of JAGS which is what they have been all year. OO, Cap, Jalen, and Bogi have played pretty much up to expectations and with the addition of Bey and Griffin waiting in the wings that gives us a pretty solid and deep roster so it's really up to our top four paid players to actually produce. We'll see if they can do that now that we are down the stretch and in the playoffs.
  9. I'm happy we got Quinn but I was trying to tell ya'll. Hawks main issue was not a head coaching issue. Talent is not there Trae is having a bad season.
  10. So not sure why but the quote button hasn't been working for me but responding to Nothscyde, I don't think these are the same rotations. Looking over the game log I count a total of 19 minutes shared between Murray and Trae and can't say for sure but that seems like a lower normal than usual. Some of it may be that Trae was being rested more than usual though.
  11. I liked the Quinn rotations this game. I have zero problems with Trae and Murray alternating more instead of sharing the backcourt together so much. With the current personnel, I think it makes sense and improves our defense lineups as Murray is MUCH better guarding the PG spot than he is guarding the wing. Interesting to see if this is just a situational thing or if it becomes the trend. PS... Also, barring an injury foul trouble to Saddiq/ Bogi /Hunter I think AJ will continue to be the odd man out in the rotation, and I think that's fine at least until Bogi cools off.
  12. Always hate to burn a challenge on a blatant missed call.
  13. Saddiq is essentially Huerter but still in his rookie deal.
  14. Saddiq is the wing depth we needed. He's not goint to be a consistant difference maker as a starter, but as a guy off the bench on nights Hunter is in foul trouble (again) or doesn't have his shot, or Bogi is struggling (like he does quite often) then we have a guy who can play some minutes and hit some shots and isn't a complete turnstil on defense. We didn't have that guy and now we do. If Saddiq develops into a consistent scorer (45FG instead of 40) and his defense turns out to be a lot better than his advanced stats in Detroit would indicate THEN we can think about if he should be a long term starter for us, but obviously it would have to be at the 3 in favor of Hunter if that was the case.
  15. All indications seem like he will be the hire and that it will happen soon. Seems like a great move to me.
  16. Yes, 100%. Makes zero sense to wait until now to fire Nate if the intent was to move on, especially if the plan was just to have an assistant take over as interim.
  17. This isn't going to fix the team like some may assume but it seems like a pretty necessary move for a disappointing team with new management. Now they have all the time to start the search for "their" guy.
  18. Eh, part of the reason the stats of the starter lineup is so good is small sample. The more they play together the less impressive those stats will look like. The bench still sucks. Sadiq Bey was not an addition that will add any value to us, barring an injury to Bogi or Hunter.
  19. Not to toot my own horn but I've posted many times that even when fully healthy this team is a 5th seed at best. That may have been optimistic.
  20. Why can't the Hawks ever play good offense and defense at the same time? Bogi is one reason, but he can't be the only reason.
  21. How can you hate Bruno? He wasn't good enough his first go round but he has improved so hopefully he can be a good third center for us. Great locker room guy.
  22. Immediate future. He's 35, so much tread on his legs. Not everyone is going to age like Lebron, KD is at the point any year could be the one he falls off a cliff. Even with KD we are not assured any type of championship run. Biggest weakness right now is once again defense. Adding Kd won't help us there.
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