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Everything posted by Atlantaholic

  1. The league si really weak right now... The Horford injury is a shame, if there ever was a year we could win it all it would be this bizarre, shortened, transition season. Sort of how that usually mediocre New York team took advantage and went to the finals during the last lockout.
  2. This right here is the end of the thread as far as I'm concerned. You are a professional basketball player, if you can't hit 50% on your free throws you should not be allowed to shoot a jumpshot. Period. If the guy starts hitting 75% consistantly (like Horford) than go ahead and take shots. The guy has not shown in 7 seasons that he can be a consistant shooter. If he can continue to hit around 43% than I'll take it, but I promise you guys he ain't gonna be at 43% at the end of the year.
  3. When he is playing like this I love the guy.
  4. I don't know about Zaza, but Collins definitely is the worst. I have not seen a display of basketball aptitude less impressive since the days of Matt Freije
  5. Twin is the worst player in the NBA, and it is honestly not even close. He had decent stretches at the beginning of last season and also against Howard, but the dude is truly awful. Like the op stated it is just sad to have to watch us play 4 on 5 because the opossing team literally does not need to cover him anywhere outside of 1 foot from the basket, and even then you feel like they are willing to take their chances. It is a testament to how reliant Howard is on his size and strength to be effective that Collins can actually provide decent defense against him. If it weren't for his enormous size Collins would have been sitting at home watching tv some 7-8 years ago. I will admit he also sets some decent sreens, but again, that is 100% solely due to the fact the guy is built like a truck.
  6. He may have one of the top 20 worst looking "games" in the nba, but he is one of the better back up big men in the NBA, production-wise.
  7. I went to highschool with two of his nieces and one of his nephews (he adopted them I think) and I have to say they were great kids and Mutombo was always an incredibly nice guy the few times I interacted with him. Sucks to hear about all this.
  8. Yeah, right. I'm not falling for this one again, wait a few weeks and everyone will be ready to lynch him again. The guy could have nights like this consistently but it will only take a few plays to go wrong before he is walking back on defense, scowling at the refs and putting up momentum killing bricks. I've watched Josh play for almost a decade and have been expecting him to "blow up" since his third season in the league. He had that one All Star caliber season the year he stopped taking threes, but it's been downhill since then. Both him and Joe have become amongst the most inconstant (Though Joe is quickly becoming consistently bad) players in the league, and anyone wondering why the Hawks can't give consistent efforts need not look further than our Bi-Polar franchise guys. I say trade him while his value is relatively high.
  9. I like Drew. Out of all the coaches we have had since Lenny he is at least the one that seems to actually coach the most. Big improvement from Woodson who's offensive gameplan was to roll the ball out onto the court and look dumbfounded into space for 4 quarters. I'm just happy he is having good games now so we can trade him for something valuable. It seemed like he was ready to bury his trade value into oblivion with the way he came out this season.
  10. We thought we could get by with a third tier O-line... well, that was a huge mistake... Seriously, all game long all we needed was 1 damn yard. We couldn't get it done even once. *vomits*
  11. He isn't without blame, but what is he expected to do without a pocket and without a running game? We haven't been able to convert for 1 f***ing yard since the first saints game, our line is bottom tier.
  12. You aren't the only one brother. I'm officially done watching this team... until we make some changes I'm not wasting any more time watching these selfish, overpaid, babies trudge up and down the court.
  13. He needs to get minutes for sure. Ivan's Jumpshot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Smith's Jumpshot.
  14. This team hasn't gotten to the conference finals. Ever. (I'm not counting the St. Louis days) That's bad. Very, very, very bad. We need to be making legitimate moves to improve our team, or they will lose all the few remaining fans that show up in the stadium. I know ownership is cash-strapped, but they need to get creative and bring in a Star to at least give us hope.
  15. Be mad at the team not at Charles. Just like the Bulls announcer the other night, he was annoying if you are a Hawks fan, but only because your sorry *ss team is giving them the chance (not saying the Bulls are worse than us but they certainly were two nights ago). We came out like it was preseason, on national tv, against a division rival. It was disgusting, and I wish I hadn't wasted almost 4 hours of my life watching.
  16. We've looked brilliant before, everyone knows we could be brilliant if we played as a team... unfortunately after four years everyone pretty much understands that the mental shortcomings of our players are too much to overcome. Too many over inflated ego's who are content with padding their own resumes instead of trying to win ball games. Yeah, if Josh focused 100% of his energy in defending and attacking the basket, Joe accepted that he doesn't have it in him to play 1 on 1 all game, and Horford played as aggressively as he talks we would definitely have a shot in what is IMHO a transition season with maybe 1 or 2 borderline great teams to contend with. Unfortunetely when you are counting on 7-10 year veterans changing the attitudes they have had since coming into the league, well, that seems pretty unrealistic. Honestly, I'm just sick of this team, just like most fans. They are not even fun to watch most nights. The last two games in particular I seriously felt guilty watching them when I could have been playing with my dog, reading a book, hanging out with a friend, watching a movie, playing videogames, watching online porn, I mean, Anything is better than our team when it plays like that. We are talking about a game on national tv against YOUR DIVISION RIVAL who is decimated with injuries. Any championship caliber team would have annihilated the Heat last night.
  17. Well yeah, I would trade everyone on the team, but we would be hard pressed to find a better young PG and PF than Horford (who is shooting almost 60% on the year) and Teague in any trade, so might as well keep those guys and trade Josh "I'm willing to sabotage the entire season so I can feel good about my jump-shot" Smith and Joe "I have so much money now I'd rather spend it on buying a tank and a shoe museum than getting in shape" Johnson. Of course Joe is untradable, and if Josh continues to play like he has he will soon join him in said category, but I'd rather cut those guys and tank the season than continue to get embarrassed on national tv by them. Josh and Joe have basically become a running joke in every opossing team's telecast. Joe less so, but only because of his reputation as an All Star (if I had a dime for every time the opposing announcers say " well, the "insert team" dodged a bullet on that one, can't leave Joe Johnson open from three he will usually bury that shot" after a Joe Johnson brick I'd be able to afford my own 20 million dollar truck). Point is, the only players with significant upside on the team are Horf and Teague, everyone else, I would be relieved if I didn't see play another game for the Hawks ever again.
  18. Build around Horford and Teague. Everything else, I could care less what we do with it, as long as we get rid of it.
  19. When the guy you signed for the vet minimum is a better player than the guy you spend 160 million dollars on. The Joe Johnson signing will go down in infamy, just like the Allan Houston and Rashard Lewis signings. The dude is clearly done as a #1 option, and probably would be a third or fourth option on a championship team. He is old, slow, doesn't pass, and can't shoot, all he has now is a good midrange game.
  20. Joe used to be a go to guy three-four years ago... he is clearly no that anymore.
  21. And yet you DO understand that if playoffs teams faced a Dallas team with JJ instead of Dirk they would be able to contain those role players more effectively. Not to mention a team like Dallas feeds off of the amazing plays Dirk makes consistently and the leadership that he demonstrates. Also the Hawks and Mavs faced no team in common in the entire playoffs, so statistical comparisons like this don't tell the story. Atlanta played the 1st and 3rd best defensive team in terms of DRTG in the NBA, while Dallas has played the 15th, 14th, 6th, and 5th best defenses respectively. The best defensive team they have played is Miami, and those role players weren't exactly lighting it up until that insane game 5. Oh, and Marion is not "shutting down" Lebron... Lebron is shutting down Lebron because he is a heartless loser who is folding and deferring to Wade now that the pressure is on HIM to deliver a championship. But these arguments are completely pointless. 20 years from now every basketball fan will know who Dirk is and there won't be a soul outside of Hawks faithful who even remember the name Joe Johnson: A guy who had a good career and nothing more.
  22. Dalllas supporting cast is not better than ours. Just no way. Horford and Josh are BOTH better than anyone on that team outside of Dirk. Crawford is Terry's equal. The only position where you could say they are better is at PG, and it's not like Jason Kidd is exactly stellar out there at 38. He shot like 36% on the season. If Dallas wins it will be with one of the worst supporting casts in NBA history. JJ most definitely would never be able to pull that off. If JJ was on that Dallas team it would take a TOP season from him for that team to crack 40 wins. If he played like he did this season that team wins around 30. If we build our team around Dirk and our Core - JJ we would be an elite Eastern Conference contender every season.
  23. Not to mention those same players that were once considered superstars ended up being considered some of the greatest under achievers in the history of the NBA for various reasons. Any of those guys was light years ahead of JJ in their prime, btw, and couldn't win anything, so how does bringing them up support the argument that JJ is good enough to win us a championship?
  24. Gasole is a much better player than JJ. I mean it's not even close. And yeah, a team with Gasole and JJ and a bunch of role players isn't winning s***.
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