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Everything posted by Dexmethylphenidate

  1. I guess if they make a goal equals 7 points like football then that'll draw some crowds.
  2. Kevin Martin the last 3 seasons averaged 30games/season. :thumbsdownsmileyanim:
  3. They hype us up pretty good there. I thought ASG wasn't that cheap but they sure are not caring about winning or they believe Zaza could be better next year. :help wanted:
  4. Maybe he should have shaved it again just before the playoffs.
  5. Looks like Teague is going to get some playing time. :line dance:
  6. Not really... I was hoping for a coach with a track record. But I'm intrigued by Larry Drew. He should've got the shot 2 years ago to run the team. I'm waiting for an interview to see how he stands.
  7. I'd like to see how the team perform with Larry coaching. The players seems to be listening to him and when the camera was on him, he always has that "what the hell is he thinking?" look on his face when looking at Woody.
  8. Anyone else interested in World Cup action?
  9. Mark Jackson has no coaching experience at any level at all if I'm not mistaken. He may want to get an assistant job first.
  10. It's only the beginning

  11. Pretty good dynasty/olympic team... although I'd rather have Wade over Joe.
  12. So which mean no coaching offers will be made after finals? :doh:
  13. At least somebody is able to see that Zaza isn't going to cut it.
  14. Complaining about what? that we should've fired him 2 years ago? If they keep the core together, meaning resigning JJ... there's no question that they will be more competitive team in the east than this year. The team is still young, the natural maturation plus a coach that can manage the game well will push the Hawks to another level. I'm willing to put 20 bucks on the line for HS.
  15. And Joe Johnson love Mike Woodson... that love delayed the firing of Woody for 2 years. But from what I've been hearing of Mitchell...he's not a bad choice. He's coach of the year once so he did something right.
  16. That's the only option for Atlanta if they want to be relevant. And it's the right option imo. With a new coach that's likely to be a lot better than Woody, they will remain a top eastern conference team. With an aging celtics team and the possibility of Lebron going somewhere else, the Hawks can be in the mix for home court advantage in round 2 of the playoff next season. Not to mention national TV appearances---owner likes that I bet. All of this go in the drain if they don't try to resign JJ. SNT won't do it 'cause we'll be getting scrubs back.
  17. :newspaper: :thumbsupsmileyanim: :line dance: About time!
  18. Good luck to JJ. Hopefully he stays in ATL.
  19. Good for JJ. Now go out and perform like a mad man out there. If you go out, do it with a bang.
  20. Not a bad plan... I also like to see how this team fairs in the playoffs with Avery Johnson or a real head coach at the helm. If they start disassemble the team now, it'll be long before they can make it to the top again with these cheap owners.
  21. I think he needs to go out and apologize to the fans for what he said if he's a character guy. You're having a horrific series and taking it out on the fans is uncalled for.
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