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Everything posted by Dexmethylphenidate

  1. So you want to let an all-star who scores 20pt 4+reb 4+ assists (which only can be said about 4 other players) walk away for nothing? Brilliant!
  2. JJ seems a bit tentative and doesn't have that leadership personality (at least not yet), however, he is still a great player and an perennial all-star. He's not thought of a #1 option on a championship caliber team, but how about developing Horford into the #1 role?
  3. I haven't thought of this... good point. The guy sets low expectations so that when the team exceeds it, then it's all because of him. And then if they meet it, it's good for him too. Seems like he only thought of himself and not for best interest of the team.
  4. Benching Horford with 3 minutes to go in the 3rd is just stupid. Yeah he has 3 fouls but so does Howard. You just can not play non aggressive bball in the playoffs. The offense and defense are in shambles when Zaza put his foot in the game. They goes on a run late and put the pressure on you.
  5. Exactly. If the head coach is doesn't have any confidence in the team, it really is contagious. At the beginning of the season, Woody said the team will be trying to compete for the 4th spot.... what a fool.
  6. realgm link Bring him home Sund!
  7. JJ has been a disappointment in these last several games. His offensive game is mostly now that awkward leaning runner/shot in the lane which is a lot tougher than just beat out your man and shoot the midrange shot like he used to do in the regular season. He also doesn't get a lot of respect from refs (result from not barking at them?) when driving which result in a tough shot or straight out turnover. Maybe someone who openly vouch for Woodson back as a coach is not that bright after all?
  8. The issue here is that their jumpers are in transition, no to mention ... wide open. Our jumpers are contested and result in 1 pass and several dribbles.
  9. I agree with not doubling Dwight for obvious reasons and it worked in the 1st quarter last night. However, I don't agree to hacking him at any moment because those fouls rack up and they'll be in the bonus a lot faster. Just play him straight... put Collins on him (actually prefer him over Zaza) if Horford is in foul trouble. Just like to beat the Hawks, Magic have to take out the fast break game and hope Woodson is still the coach... To beat the magic, you can either gameplan to takeout Dwight's game (doubling) or their three pointers. With the way they are shooting the 3 right now... taking out the 3 might be the way to go.
  10. Is it possible for management to step in and fire a headcoach in the mist of a series? That would re-energize the fan base.
  11. I agree that it all started when they start doubling on Dwight. If it works in the 1st where I didn't see a single double team, then why not sticking to it. Yeah, Zaza sucks but you'd rather have Dwight shooting free throws then having them making a wide open three.
  12. I give him credit for not playing Zaza in the second half. It seems like every time that guy comes in the other team make a run. Hawks need an athletic big to come off the bench... like that kid from the Thunder. That would truly make the Hawks one of the most athletic team in the NBA from top to bottom.
  13. Right now I like Crawford to be benched in the 4th. Bibby is a big time shooter and he will shine in big moments. I like the chances of Bibby hitting the open 3 than Crawford. There is also ball movement when he's controlling the ball. There's also one less iso player on the floor. Also, the Hawks now have to rely mostly on JJ who I think is as clutch as anybody in the NBA (there's a stat somewhere that proves this).
  14. Right now I'd go with just about anyone. I'm sick of seeing Mr. Potato head.
  15. It's unfortunate for Joe to have a game like this when he was balling the previous four. Although he made many mistakes down the stretch, you can see how the Hawks miss him in the clutch when he fouls out.
  16. The team has talent to go deep in the playoffs, but they need a coach that can mesh all the talent together. Keep the team and get a competent head coach.
  17. There shouldn't even be second option.
  18. If Josh would've made that backdoor layup, it would've sealed the deal... but looks like it wasn't destined to be... See ya Woody.
  19. Worst collapse ever... you've got the game in hand...
  20. Why? Joe will still be the go to guy. I have heard that Woodson wass one of the reason Joe wanted to be here, but I what I don't get is why? The Hawks organization were the one who wanted him and went hard after him when no one wanted to give him max money. Joe is a smart player... he should know Woodson is a dumb coach by now.
  21. Other than Woodson, I would like to see less of Zaza. His no defense, no defensive rebounding and lately trying to take the ball in play is becoming a big problem. We need a big that can disrupt shots and secure defensive rebounding (Joe Smith anyone?). What made it worse is the stupid switching defense... Zaza vs Jennings---guess who's going to win that battle?
  22. Woody won't be fired this off season. Bank on that.
  23. I agree with this topic. I rather live with a contested two from Dwight then a wide open threes from them. I just hate the way the Hawks players poke around trying to double Dwight and then didn't come back enough time to contest the 3 pters shot.
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