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Everything posted by Hawk88

  1. I agree that that might be a deal that gets done. Amazing how well the Hawks have done this year with a 3rd to 2nd stringer as our starting PG. Miller would be a big upgrade for us. Not the speedster that we need but a leader.
  2. Its amazing to think how well the Hawks are doing considering they have a scrub for a starting PG. Seriously, AJ is a second to third string PG in this league. Unbelievable that he is starting for us. We are cursed at the PG position. We need to figure out how to undo a curse.
  3. Horford at Center may not be ideal, but he is holding his own and then some. Especially compared to Zaza. I just think a guy like Kidd will make them all so much better. I would think we would be 5 games over .599 instead of where we are now with a player like that. We have tons of players, we just need somebody who has basketball smarts and knows how to lead a team. Not a scrub cast off pg but a very good one. Could Chris Duhon be that or is he another average pg?
  4. Josh Smith was amazing last night. Horford is and has the heart of a champion. Lots of other nice pieces. Just need the PG. I think they should be making an attempt for Jason Kidd. Marvin and Sheldon and a No. 1 for Kidd. Kidd Johnson Childress J. Smith Horford Not a bad 5
  5. Quote: We need to find that Billips/ Rip Hamilton type of player who doesnt flourish until they get traded. Alot of people thought those two were bust as well until they got traded. Ben Gordon could be a guy like that. My thoughts exactly!
  6. Women's basketball needs any pub they can get. Until they go with a skins vs. shirts game, I don't see why anybody would want to watch. Now that I think about it, I wouldn't watch that either.
  7. Aren't you sick of middling to lousy point guard play? Good grief, quit freaking experimenting with PGs. If you are going to get a PG, get a great one. A great PG will make Marvin, Josh, Josh, Al, stars to go along with Joe. But you have to give somebody up. It will be worth it. Also there are quite a few good young PGs coming up in next years draft so I say suffer through it this year and do something next year. Get a veteran next year. Hawk88
  8. I am not sure they screwed up at all. Had Jsmooth signed a fat contract he just mind be sitting on his ass, pouting and who knows what else. He is playing lights out right now, just maybe because he is in a contract year. Long term, I am not so sure about J Smith keeping his head on straight. I think he is a baby Ron Artest and we can and should get a ton for him right now.
  9. He is scoring under 10 per game and most everyone else on the list is dramatically higher. He is also older than most of the other players for their rookie seasons. But I still like him, he is my favorite Hawk. I just don't think he will ever be as good as those names. I hope I am wrong.
  10. Games given away. How about adding the @ Portland game where we were up 11 and lost?
  11. Holy Smokes, you have to much time on your hands! But you are creative.
  12. If I were the Hawks I would begin measure the height and the level on the baskets at the fourth quarter of every game. If we lose and the baskets are not level and the exact height not 10', I would protest. It's the home teams responsability right?
  13. This is nuts. What if some guys are injured and can't play. They should have to let back into the arena all the Hawks fans who went to the original game, so that they can see the finish. Then after 53 seconds they can let in the fans for the other game. Fans should sue that if they didn't see the full game, they should get a ticket to another game. Or a refund!!!!!!! Ridiculous....
  14. Hawk88

    Sekou's take

    D Wade was unbelievable. His passes, shots, defense, competitive spirit. I would love to see him matched up agianst Jordan in him prime. And yes, I was very surprised the Hawks could pull that game out after leading for so long and giving up the lead at the end. Real character game. I would think the only guy in the league more dangerour than Wade for a final shot would be Kobe. But Wade is such a fantastic passer in addition to shooter. Great Win
  15. Hawk88

    Sekou's take

    Anthony Johnson has had a couple of great games, but I hope nobody thinks this is going to last. We really need a speedy point guard to start the break, get the ball up the court and distribute it to one of our slashig forwards. Anthony Johnson is old as dirt, looks it and plays it for the most part. Is Acie this type of player? I doubt it. Maybe we need to move him to get a speedy point. I just wonder how good this team can be if they had somebody to get the ball up the court. This coming draft might have a few quick point guards, unfortunatley we won't have a pick.
  16. I agree adding Jack would be a benefit, especially if you really want to make the playoffs. But you have to unload some of these bad backup pg's we have first. No way would I give up Childress for Jack. I am thinking Zaza or Sheldon and a PG. Why is speedy still dressing up and sitting on the bench? They need to get that thief out of here.
  17. I would have been surprised if Al had done anything less and I am thrilled that he is a Hawk.
  18. Not sure if I have seen that one or not, but Al is definetly a refreshing player to watch. The guy is a champion. He is an unselfish winner. Easily my favorite player on the Hawks.
  19. AJ's expression could have only meant one thing. AJ was to take the shot. What the F?
  20. I noticed it as well. It was even an exagerated expression, like he wanted everyone to know that he didn't know what the hell the coach was talking about. It was very disrepectful. But I wonder if the coach really didn't know what he was talking about. But the play worked. Good thing too. I think Woodson might have been fired and replaced with the janitor had they lost. Allowing the layups at the end of the game capped off what was an awful performance. Joe's shot saved the day. It was really a beaut.
  21. Cool link, and very Encouraging!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, if we can make the playoffs, doubly great seeing as Pheonix will be receiving our non lottery draft pick. Makes the Joe Johnson trade look even better. I bet Phoenix is hating that trade now, if for no other reason that they signed Diaw to that bloated contract! That stiff, even steve nash could only make him good for so long.
  22. Quote: Salim is the most under-utilized Hawk I can ever remember. He is instant offense, he should get 15 minutes a game at least. He's one of the best offensive players we have, and he tries on defense, if you actually watch him, he tries really hard at denying passing lanes and intelligently going for steals. Woody is a clown. Yes he tries hard on defense but he just flops and slips around. Looks like a rag doll. He might be the Worst defender in the league. Maybe that is why he doesn't play. He might score for you but you can bet your ass it's like playing defense with only 4 defenders. Salim is as bad on defense as Josh Smith is hoisting 3's.
  23. Quote: Quote: Wake up, that is moronic. IT WAS GARBAGE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GARBOGE Garbage Garbage Garbage........ Still, Salim is superior to crap. He may not be superior to newly swallowed vomit...but he is superior to crap. No Salim is not superior to crap. Salim is SUPER CRAP!!!!! The guy plays no defense. I do wonder why at the end of a game the Coach would not put him in if he needs a 3. I guess he hasn't played in two weeks so to put him in and expect him to hit isn't fair but that is pretty much all Salim can do. He can hit a 3 , but besides that............his game is crap.
  24. Wake up, that is moronic. IT WAS GARBAGE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GARBOGE Garbage Garbage Garbage........
  25. I think for this team it makes sense for him to play center since Josh plays the PF position. The slots are filling up nicely. And what about Sheldon as the backup center, the guys looks very wide. Law bkkup Johnson Johnson bkkup Childress, Mario Marvin, bkkup Childress/Smith Smith bkkup Sheldon Horford bkkup Zaza/Sheldon/Jones Looking pretty solid to me, not a lot of weak spots. Might need a combo pg/sg backup improvement. But this roster looks pretty damn solid.
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