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Everything posted by TheTruth

  1. He played like a TRUE #1 option and superstar tonight. Dude was a straight BEAST in the 4th quarter. Stars show up in the 4th quarter, not fade...and JJ not only showed up, he showed out!
  2. All I can say... WE BE SHOCKING THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!! What a game...what a game. Im speechless too!
  3. That FT by Smoove clinched it. WEZE BE SHOCKINGZ TEH WERLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Quote: Horf pissed at that TO. Yeah, no kidding. Probably not a good time to take the TO there.
  6. Smoove had it right in the ajc... WE SHOCKING THE WORLD BABY!!!!!!!!
  7. If its not 15, its something like that. Him and Smith have scored like the last 25 or so Hawks points.
  8. Zaza punked the hell out of KG. KG was smart not to do anything though.
  9. What A GAME!!!! These are NOT the same Hawks from the regular season. They look like a TOTALLY DIFFERENT team. And when did we replace Woodson with a coach who can coach a bit?
  10. Chills is 8th? Wow damn, that's hella damn higher than I expected him to be rated. He doesnt start, and doesnt put up gaudy numbers. He's just a do-it-all type player (offensively) that doesnt need plays run for him. Interesting...
  11. Woodson did change things up last game, kudos to him. But the minute Bibby starts stimking it up, Woody HAS to get Acie in there. Simple as that. The Celtics are gonna play with double the intensity tonight. Those cats have to be incensed by our win. They will bring everything they have...the Hawks better not back down or get too confident if they grow a lead. And yeah, that Pistons game was a perfect example of what NOT to allow happen.
  12. Quote: Agreed. There is only one reason she is an NBA ref and it's not because she's good or tied to the mafia. I'm sure she is good at something...if you know what I mean... I kid, I kid. But yeah, WAY too many touch fouls in all 3 games. They need to let that stuff go and let the action continue. They arent calling as many touch fouls in the other series I have noticed.
  13. Quote: Quote: It was on before the series started. Really? Either they played it probably once or twice, or it was just shown at like 3:00 am or something, because it wasn't showing up nearly as much as the ones with the other teams in it. Oh well, it's just nice to see that it obviously got a spike in run-time, because I've been seeing it more often. Yeah, I only saw it like once or twice around game 2. They obviously didnt show it much. It's good to see us in a commercial, in a positive way, for once.
  14. Quote: word is she hates boston and she did give us a few calls Eh, refs dont really "give" free calls per se because there is an EXTENSIVE refereeing evaluation they have to go through every game. They have to explain why the call was given, what made them do it, etc etc. They cant really afford to give out calls like that and keep their job for long.
  15. I totally agree Dolfan. I think the Pistons are the better team, but they are just getting show up by the Sixers (like we did the Celts last night).
  16. Now that the draft is officially over (and the signing of the UDFAs can begin), let us reflect back on who we drafted and our analysis of it. Here are the players we drafted and analysis from nfl.com: Our 2008 Draft What are your thoughts? And how would you rate it?
  17. Who is willing to put them up and say Philly win win the series against Detroit? Come now...dont be scared. Just curious...
  18. A perfect fit for Paul Pierce and his shenanigans.
  19. Quote: You gotta love Horford. He ain't gettin' punked by those cry-baby Celtics. Horf is averaging 15 and 12 against the best defensive team in the game. His Field Goal and FT % are all up over his season averages. I must say, he has really stepped his game up!
  20. Quote: Isn't Bibby's non shooting hand the one that's taped? He doesn't seem to be bothered by it, but you never know. Yep, it is his non-shooting hand (like Acie's). And to respond to the "missed 3 FTs in a row" comment, Bibby isn't a great FT shooter. He shoots around 70 something percent for his career. But eh, it may be bothering him more than we know. What do I know, I am 22 and have never broken a bone in my body, so I have no experience with what Bibby is going through.
  21. Just saw it. Funny as hell. Horf did taunt him though. Lucky no T was given to him. Horford just beasted that dude though...
  22. I think Horford single-handedly increased the rivalry with his taunting of Pierce late in the 4th Quarter. I'm glad you got a chance to go...wish I could have been there.
  23. He's playing under control and doing all the things we know he can do. This is what a COMPLETE all-around game would look like from him (just gotta work on his man defense). He is something special when he is on offensively and under control.
  24. Ogg only Smoove played like this EVERY game! That dude cant miss a friggin Three! Geez. He just dunked all in Ray Ray's face. Got plane? We fly Air Smoove around here!
  25. Hawks are playing great, but DAMN is Zaza awful! He is a turnover-losing, cant secure a rebound-having, soft azz 7 footer. Ug! Horford is beasting those foos out there! And Smoove is playing under control! Who knew?
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