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Everything posted by AUhawksfan

  1. Trae saying screw the rest of my terrible teammates. I’m just going to go try and win this myself....and I don’t blame him.
  2. Vince. He has earned it, I’ve never heard anyone talk major trash about him. Even if he plays poor he makes sound decisions and is a mentor for our young guys.
  3. Guys we should totally be a playoff team with two rookies starting and two of our top players missing...... Even at full strength I expected at most to be a fringe playoff team around .500 - that was best case for me but not my exepectation. My question for you guys bashing: if you're so upset with this team, what was your honest expectation heading into this season? We've lost a bunch of games on the road, to Western Conference teams that for the most part are at the top half of the conference give or take. Besides the typical "my expectation was for this team to not play like trash" what were your hopes before this season? The fact that your so upset tells me you set the bar way too high before the season started or just don't know how to handle what we're putting out on the floor, which is not a team with a high ceiling as it stands.
  4. A lot of premature speculation going on with this thread. You see a Dr. about that? Didn't we used to have a smug doctor around these parts? Maybe he can take a look.
  5. Agreed, I love his bluntness. That's my style. No need to sugar coat a "positive" from the game for the media.
  6. This is the reality of being a young team. Big win early in the season followed by worst loss so far. Going to be Jekyll and Hyde this year so I'm not going to get too up or down on this team.
  7. His movement and overall offensive game remind me a lot of Tracy McGrady but I think Cam can be more well rounded like PG.
  8. A lot of it is just mental with him and getting his confidence. I agree that we may not see huge strides this season but I think getting a full offseason under his belt will do wonders for him. He has the tools.
  9. I'd take him as a solid bench guy but he obviously doesn't want that and he wants more $. Pass. Agreed with the Prince comparisons/struggles. There's a reason we moved along from him, so I don't want another one.
  10. My most bewildered moment of my Hawks career was when they traded away my boy Smitty and broke up the Jail Blazers so we could get.....Isaiah Rider and Jim Jackson? I knew at that point we had no direction. Smitty was on the decline but he was still solid and always a Hawk in my eyes. Isaiah and Jim weren't going to bring us any wins. Only thing we got was inefficient scoring. Jason Terry was the lone bright spot that season, as I knew the Mookie/Smitty/Dikembe era had come to an end.
  11. If he averaged 24 and 9 over his last 20 games, there is no reason why he couldn't do that over the course of a season. I've yet to see any direct comparison to Trae, he is his own person. He is a better one-on-one scorer than Nash and a better play maker than Curry. Sky is the limit for this kid.
  12. The term pressure is super subjective so I think saying one player has more pressure over another is a moot point. Pressure can come from a lot of places (coaches, teammates, friends/family, etc.) not just fan and media expectations.
  13. This idea of coaches as GMs too just isn’t a good idea to me. Thibs wants to win now to secure his job at the expense of what would’ve been a very good trade with Houston. I feel like a lot of free agents might be turned off by Minnesota because of the talks about the young guys work ethic. Should’ve racked up on some first rounders and at least rack up on some talent.
  14. I’ve been lurking but a 6 month old, 3 year old, and a new business has kept me fairly busy. I see you guys though! I’m watching....lol
  15. That just tells me the Cavs have poor locker room leaders. The easy thing is to blame Sexton. He’s a rookie, he has plenty of time to learn and grow. Who has taken this as an opportunity to take him under their wing and teach him? He may have issues that can’t be fixed but it sounds like they’re just giving up and ratting him out rather than challenge him directly. What a punk move. All I’ve heard is good things about Vince. He seems like the type of guy that gets respect from the young guys because he gives his time and respect to them. I’m glad he decided to suit up one more year.
  16. Trae with 15 dimes with this group and without Collins? I love it.
  17. It has also helped that “ze Germans” have disappeared off of this board. Especially one that had quite some interesting views I thought had died off after WWII.
  18. Huerter has a certain swagger about him that I love. He needs more minutes. The shot will come. Trae playing within himself. Solid.
  19. I forgot about Marvin. His form was pretty textbook.
  20. For a lefty you’re right, I thought it was decent. If he was quick with his realease it usually helped but I remember sometimes watching him cocking it up slowly and being like “oh no....”
  21. Yeah good point. I hope he starts getting that comfort level soon. I'm sure he will once he sees a couple in a row go in.
  22. ....of all-time. Taurean got me thinking about this. I love a pure shooting stroke. I'm talking about strictly form here, not based on the numbers as a whole. Who do you have? Here are my top 3: 1. Taurean - Compact and super smooth for a guy his size. Always has a good fluid jump with no hitch. I love watching this kid shoot. 2. Joe Johnson - For such a muscular guy, he kept really good form on his shot. 3. Steve Smith - Smitty could put it up with the best of them and always had a nice follow through. He really inspired me to focus more on my shooting form.
  23. Interesting read and even thought I was a huge Bud fan this article makes me do a double take on him. Sounds like he was trying to force a situation he wanted on the Hawks, to the detriment of the young guys. I definitely feel better about the move to get rid of him after reading this but his hand was kind of forced at that point anyways due to the earlier mistakes.
  24. Trae has potential just on his passing alone. It forces to play off of him and give him opportunities to score as well. He is setup to do big things if he sticks with his game. If an un-athletic guy like Nash can get looks on offense because of his passing, I can see big things happening for Trae. Here's hoping.
  25. I don’t know what scared Al more: that bird or the ball coming off the rim.
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