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Everything posted by AUhawksfan

  1. I’m fine giving Cam this season to regain his bearings but I feel like we should be seeing more offensive consistency by the end of this season and hopefully marked improvement by next. I feel like the offense is mostly a mental hurdle for him. Some work past it but others get dragged down by it. He can’t overthink it.
  2. Exactly. This falls more on Pierce to me. He accepts Trae standing around. He's accepting little movement at times. He needs to be teaching and making sure he moves. The first part to getting better moving off the ball is the actual movement part.
  3. Some observations: -As @JayBirdHawk mentioned, Pierce is way too rigid and needs to be more situational with his rotations. We need Trae but he should have never put him back in the 4th of that Charlotte game. We were close with who we had on the floor and Trae was terrible. -Trae is young so I feel like this is him taking his lumps. What I'm more concerned with is how they come back the next couple games from this. All teams go through it, only the good ones work their way out of it as a team. Will he bring the team together or isolate himself? We all know and saw what worked the first few games. -Rondo needs to start earning his pay here, even if he's not playing. Show them how this works.
  4. As much hate as Pierce has gotten I’ll chime in with the Lloyd Llove (don’t anybody get any ideas, I’m happily married). His rotations have been fairly on point so far this year.
  5. Pretty good New Years gift to see the team step up after that first loss. Hopefully a sign for the rest of this year. Collins with another great outing, really making his case.
  6. Technical difficulties it looks like but we’re back!
  7. I mean, the offensive pace is entertaining but let’s lock it down!
  8. Gallo, due to his age and potential for injuries.
  9. I mean it sucks but this is why we have depth. We have Goodwin but we also have a lot of other guys that can fill in and handle the rock too (i.e. Huerter, Cam, etc.). We've been alright without him and will continue to but I know he'll be a huge asset once fully healthy. Even if it takes half of the season for him to get 100% I'd rather that be the case when we're playing basketball that really matters than to come back early and have something else happen.
  10. Can’t remember how many times folks were saying “it’s just preseason.” You’d think it would sink in at some point.
  11. Why is Bruno sweating? He’s sitting on the bench. #thedarkknightreturns
  12. AUhawksfan


    I thought Luka was the better option at the time. Couldn’t be happier now, the Cam pick is what put it over the top for me too. I’m slightly obsessed with his potential and what I think he can be. All I had to see was that winning 3 against SA in the preseason with Trae. Even though it was preseason it was a big shot in front of a big crowd and he was a rookie. That takes guts and only the top dawgs have it. That’s what separates them. That’s when I knew he was something special and he continues to make momentum changing plays.
  13. I love Butler and DWade but they needed to hear this and be put in their place. Loved seeing this and they did concede in the end. This was when I started to like Rondo, and the fact that he wasn’t wearing green anymore.
  14. Bogdanovic looking the only one uncomfortable and still trying to find their place in this offense. Otherwise, no complaints from me with 42 first quarter points.
  15. Pretty sure it took Gallinari at least 2 minutes to get up after that lay in. He’s not Vince in age but he is in pace!
  16. Well, can’t complain about the start. Trae and Cam asserting. And that flush by Collins!
  17. Sekou had more insight but she is definitely on the pulse of the team. I’m curious to see how she does post pandemic when she can truly interact and do more face to face.
  18. AUhawksfan

    It's done:

    And does anybody really want to give up a lot for him? I don’t think he’s helping his value with how he is going about this. I agree it will take some time and a team wanting to gut it’s roster first.
  19. Good things come to those who wait. @lethalweapon3, looking at you! I don't think anybody can do that. This is not even giving him a run for two cents.
  20. Ice Gang, but that feels too much of a piggyback on Trae. Yeah I got nothing. Don’t force it. It will come naturally. Good talk.
  21. I may be getting ahead of myself but I’m envisioning the playoffs where Bogi hits a winning 3 against the Bucks to close out the series and we get to see a close up of this: Nah, I’m not petty at all.....
  22. Bogdan! Bogdan! Now that is how you speak things into existence folks!
  23. If we aren't hearing any rumblings they won't sign then I'm leaning towards them waiting until the 11th hour to match. At this point it will just be a nice surprise if they don't If they do match we still get the last laugh with that trade kicker and them bringing back someone who knows they aren't part of the future. Schlenk'd 'em!
  24. Can we just pause for a minute and think about what it will be like to have an actual bench? Even without Bogdan. I have just as many memories of the scrubs we had as I do the good players when I started watching the Hawks in the 90s until now. Too many names to list. This will be nice for a change. Even that 60 win team had just a so-so bench.
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