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Everything posted by jy23

  1. Offense looks freaking insane...we scored 45 and Julio had one catch. Think about that for a minute. The offensive line is balling, Matt is playing lights out, and the backs compliment each other so well. The thing y'all have to realize is that this defense is young, we're relying on a lot of youth at premium positions. Neal, jones and Campbell are all rookies. Vic and Grady are just second year guys, throw in Allen as well since this is his second year at that position. That's over 50% of your starting defense with less than 2 years experience. They were looking nasty last night, I liked it. Even tho they gave up points I saw a different attitude. They were hitting, being aggressive. Bree's is Bree's and there ain't much you can do about that but I believe this defense is coming together, they made the plays they needed to make. Let em grow up a bit and you're going to be surprised.
  2. From what I've been told by people "in the know"....Arthur Blank had a much bigger influence on personnel decisions than we were led to believe. We knew about the filter but apparently AB is like a Jerry Jones lite version. Just what I heard
  3. If y'all haven't noticed yet TD was not the real decision maker during the early years. He still really isn't now
  4. Campbell is the Will, Jones is the Mike, and Beasley is the Sam. Brooks is playing either DE or LEO when he's in, he's not playing Sam...go watch again. Von Miller plays DE in the nickel as well, he's pretty much the exact same size as Beasley. He's in a good spot
  5. Beasley is playing LEO which is a cross between a DE and outside LB. He is in the perfect position in nickel situations he's just not making the plays yet. He's also not playing Will in base he's playing Sam which is a good spot for him in base. It's what Bruce Irvin played in Seattle. The thing about our line is the rotations haven't worked so far. When we go with our jumbo package we can't get much pass rush and teams know that so they throw against us and with our speed package they run on us. Once they start getting the combinations right I think we'll be fine. Grady Jarrett is damn good and Hageman actually played pretty damn well Sunday. Freeney and Beasley should be able to produce off the edge. @JayBirdHawk
  6. It is most certainly a bet. And yes sir I am. You know I gotta beat y'all down again
  7. Well this is a pretty terrible thread here. You guys actually started to make me doubt the team and I'm pretty sure I'm the biggest falcon apologist on the board. Julio is the best wideout in the league (apologies to AB), Sanu is an upgrade over Roddy at this point and he's damn good at YAC which is what this offense is based on. Robinson really lets us stretch the field and Hardy should give us good play out of the slot. Free and Teco is a great backfield and the offensive line will be top 10 possibly top 5 this year. Defense looks good besides the lack of pass rush but I'm sure Dwight being out there with Vic is going to help that out and Grady Jarrett is a monster that nobody is recognizing yet. The run defense is going to be STOUT!!! Those young linebackers bring some major speed to the team and our dbs were already pretty good. I'm looking at 10-6
  8. @Eddielives I think my name is Hardknockslife
  9. I'm definitely down to kick some more booty lol. @Spud2Nique I'll try to take it easy on y'all this time lol
  10. Love Neal bringing like that, that's what we drafted him to do but I also understand where Tamme is coming from and I appreciate him being a leader and stepping up like that.
  11. I missed it? DAMN IT!!! This is my first year not participating, I hate y'all lol.
  12. I believe Korver will retire a hawk. Bud values spacing and you don't get much better than the threat of Korver. And the guy wants to be here. Bring him back
  13. You're comparing numbers and those may be similar but as far as playing styles I see no similarities. Baze is more of an athlete, not as good a shooter, and nowhere near as under control and smooth as Elliott but to each his own
  14. I'm normally not this guy but F*** Horford. We literally gave the man everything he said he wanted and he still bolted to play for the freaking Celtics of all teams. They're not a better team than us, didn't get more money and he'd still be playing center which apparently he hates. Man F*** that dude. Dead to me, soft as hell anyway.
  15. Lol if that isn't the biggest piece of crap report I've ever heard
  16. Everybody is tripping over nothing. Al talked about wanting to be with a contender...why in the world would he go to Boston then? We can offer more money, we're the better team, we can finally allow him to not have to play center like he's always wanted now with Howard being very probable. Are y'all just complaining for the hell of it bc until something actually happens it's pointless
  17. Exactly what should we be doing?? Maxing Bazemore or giving guys like Mozgov 60 mil? They are doing the right thing by not getting caught up in this madness
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