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Everything posted by swanlee

  1. AJ has been great and has a bright future but dont take him being good out the gate to ding our other players. AJ is probably the most polished complete rookie to come around in a longtime. Also his BB IQ and instincts are off the charts.
  2. The team is obviously still gelling and working on things. Im happy with 11-7 and being division leaders while still working on this team with alot of new players gelling and Bogi still yet to come back. Basically chill, we will get better but right now at least we are division leaders and its seems we will not need to climb out of a hole when we do gel.
  3. I wish this would stop. John is a professional that adds alot to the team ge us a swiss army knife every yeam needs. Must suck to have gotten that long term contract and trade rumors still follow him around. Very lame
  4. Well we just played the 2 best teams in the NBA back to back and we won one and lost one and the one we lost we could have won. While Bogi is still out our team is having a shooting slump and we are still building chemistry with many new players we are still in the mix with the best teams in the NBA. I'd say it's been a good start to the season and it is encouraging how well we are doing while still working through some very obvious issues right now. When we are clicking we can be the best team in the NBA, even right now on any given night we are in the mix for that.
  5. Yea but we already have a backlog, lets maybe let them develop before we go trading solid depth for crap shoots
  6. Yea I never understood the desire for trading our depth for crap shoots or draft picks, seems like a never ending cycle and just a case of chasing shiny new toys rather then an actual improvement on our team. We need to keep our young young guys and develop them and at least see what they are in their prime before we go trading them.
  7. Bummer that Trae is out. I just hope we do not get blown out
  8. swanlee

    DJ Murray!

    He's been way better then advertised and him and Trae have the making of the best back court in the NBA. We need to lock him up long long term even he he needs a max contract.
  9. I'm not worried, seems the team as a whole is just having a shooting slump which given the skills of our players won't last long. If our shooting gets back to normal we will be pretty deadly. We have alot of new players on the team so it should not surprise anyone that we are still working out a few issues
  10. Yea he needs to STOP missing from 1 ft away from the goal. The whole team is not shooting very well right now
  11. That was a bad game, looks like we are just not shooting well in the early part of the season but this is the first game to do us in for that. I hope when bogi gets back his shooting catches among the team
  12. He's going to be great for us and be a legit star in his own right
  13. swanlee

    DJ Murray

    Houston would have come back and won if it weren't fir DJs defense at the end if the game. Something we did not have before.
  14. Hope for 50 wins and a good solid seed. IF we suffer crazy injuries like we seem to every year then should be another wild ride but hopefully we get hot around the playoffs.
  15. No way would I trade for him with anything from our current roster. If we can get him another way fine but our young core and newest additions this year need to stay put.
  16. Na, if Hunter has another injury riddled season we just need to move on from him. His skills are great but he needs to prove we can depend on him for a season.
  17. I like the fact that Star from " The Lost Boys" is our most visible owner.
  18. I'd like him to stay healthy for at least one season before we drop alot of money on him
  19. I missed the game so did we look pretty good?
  20. I got the last 2 for my Series X but this one is 150GB which is just way to much for a single game so probably going to pass this year.
  21. Think it is time to lock this thread, JC is not going anywhere
  22. Yea that's BS, we had a major portion of our roster signed off the street for a crucial time in the season, the league failed us not Nate.
  23. I would like 2 more full years of Nate before we think about doing anything. Last year the covid BS put us in a huge whole. The league should have stepped in to help us but they did nothing.
  24. We just made the ECF not even two years ago and made some serious tweaks in the off season to address our weaknesses, why wouldn't we be considered a contender?
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