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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Good get for Pacers too if the reports are true. Oladipo and Sabonis for a guy who made it clear he wasn't coming back.
  2. Free agency begins at midnight tonight?
  3. And he becomes the Hawks second highest paid player lol
  4. Was hoping he was related to Corey Maggette.
  5. Bud's future is hopefully over if not this season then at the end of the 2018-2019 season.
  6. Is there actually such a thing as a cheap contract? James Johnson will get paid this off season. I bet something north of 12 million annually.
  7. I make an offer to him knowing full well he won't accept it. In the event that he does accept the offer I rescind it as fast as humanely possible. He is a great player and could be one that sends a team from good to great, but he makes no sense for the Hawks. It's in both parties interest if he's not on the Hawks. I would approach him about a sign and trade idea because he understands the business side of the whole thing too.
  8. Imagine that...what a concept that is.
  9. I am not sipping the koolaid like so many others on the Wolves. I think Wiggins is a scorer and that's it. Offers very little to contribute in a game if he's not scoring the ball. They have zero depth to speak of and the west is still loaded. That might be the worst thing this franchise has ever done.
  10. Have to imagine a third team is involved if that happens because Minnesota is trash outside their starters.
  11. Minnesota can't sign Millsap and fill out the rest of their roster. Zero percent chance Millsap is signed to the Wolves.
  12. Well since you said as constructed...I left Indy in there. I agree they are probably blowing it up though, but until that happens they get the nod over the Hawks. A lot can and probably will happen before November, but I think those 8 teams are the playoff representers until Indy throws it all away and in that case I think Atlanta can remain in the hunt.
  13. If that was the best offer then don't trade simply for the sake of doing so. I am a noted Dwight hater, but that was a bad deal no matter my feelings on him.
  14. Cleveland, Toronto, Boston, Washington, Milwaukee, Indiana, Miami, and Charlotte.
  15. Yep Minnesota doesn't have enough cap space to bring on Millsap and I don't see enough salary that they can shed to fill out a roster if they acquired Millsap. The team as is has zero depth and having majority of your cap space tied up in your starting lineup only makes it worse.
  16. Where does Minnesota come up with cap space to add Millsap and Butler?
  17. So Cleveland, Boston, or Golden State?
  18. Would have preferred they try and get aggressive though and move up and snag Malik Monk who is the best shooter in the class. If the reports were true about Schlenk wanting to jump into the late lottery it makes you wonder who the target was who all of a sudden wasn't available anymore?
  19. It was a meh draft, but when you pick outside the lottery that is usually the case. Dorsey has potential, but his shooting percentage fell off a bit in conference play most likely because of better defense. He had some stinkers against better teams and also turned in great games. Consistency will be his sticking point as is the case for every fringe type player. He should be able to carve out a role on this team assuming they actually can find someone to shoot the ball otherwise he will be suffocated much like Kyle was.
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