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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex


    I am not going to re-explain why I think he’s a bad player from what I saw in college. Shot selection, inefficient, lack of quickness/athleticism, no strength, and port defense is what I saw. He’s raw and young and sure he can get better, but I mean not banking on that. Yes I can be wrong too and I am going into this with an open mind. I am not an expert by any means so it will be interesting to see how he handles things.
  2. Alex


    This is a place to talk basketball, no? I haven’t followed them at all during the summer and am not that familiar with the roster. I am not actively scrubbing every box score from the pre season trying to sound like I am in tune with what’s going on. I never was a huge Hawks fan. I sort of just adopted them awhile back and began to closely follow them right around the Joe Johnson era.
  3. Alex


    No. Exhibition games across all sports aren’t an indicator of what is to come. For good or for bad.
  4. Alex


    She is doing well, thanks! A joy most of the time. Can’t believe she is already over 2 years old. It’s amazing watching her grow and develop a personality and an attitude to go along with it. It’s been rough for me and my family the last couple months though. Lost my father to cancer the same day my baby girl turned two. I just had back surgery last week and still recovering from that. Life goes on so that’s what I am going to do as well. I am glad to see you are back here as well. I have seen a couple other names as well.
  5. Alex


    Pretty much. I threw in the towel after they picked Young. It’s hard to continue to devote time to a franchise that in my mind is not making an attempt at getting better. There wasn’t a player I wanted so badly, but it was the one player I didn’t want selected. To summarize I think Young was a great college player for a couple months and then turned into a bad one once the competition ramped up. I think he will be a very bad NBA player and the only reason why he was selected by the Hawks was because they did it for publicity in an attempt to make some cash.
  6. Alex


    I mean I know they have some players and coaches, but I don’t know much about them.
  7. Alex


    Hey squawkers! Last time I posted was emotionally charged after the draft. I like the NBA and want a place to talk the game. There are a lot of smart posters here so I would be doing myself a disservice by not coming here. I am not going to pretend to know anything about the Hawks and don’t have a huge rooting interest in them, but I will try and follow them as closely as I can. I am out of market so watching games will be pretty challenging, but will relish the chances I have to see them play. I just wanted to chime in and say hello. Carry on. :)
  8. Butler is such a drama queen. He’s all about himself. Enjoying never winning anything.
  9. I have been high on Milwaukee for a couple seasons now. It’s only getting there now. I think the east will be very interesting and competitive this season. No single team save for Boston is better than the rest.
  10. I am most excited about Jaren Jackson Jr and Miles Bridges becoming solid players in this league. I hope to see Gary Harris continue to emerge as one of the better two players in the league.
  11. Alex

    See ya

    Never was a huge Hawks fan, but tonight did it for me. No longer on the Hawks bandwagon. Can’t believe this team had a chance to hit a home run and they ended up screwing it up the way they did. It’s just a complete lack of competence all across the board. There are a lot of good people here and I will miss it. Cheers.
  12. I don't follow. A proposed deal with Chicago can't work because of financials and he's being lauded as some master of the off season?
  13. Back to the original topic. Dedmon is a nice piece who can add defense and could be a starter, but probably shouldn’t be one. I don’t know if this opt in has any bearing on what happens tomorrow or at anytime during the summer. As it stands right now he’s a controlled asset.
  14. Not expecting greatness this season or any other season actually. Not expecting a high tier free agent to ever sign with the Hawks either. Just give me some cool players who I can root for.
  15. Why can’t I give @Spud2nique a liked post?
  16. I thought people were saying the Hawks were going to be one of the few teams with a lot of space. 16 million isn’t much at all. As bad as this team is it’s going to take a lot more cash than that.
  17. Limited offense and is pretty raw still. He’s a project. Like I said in another thread. You don’t draft a project number 3 overall.
  18. 3. JJJ 19. Miles Bridges 30. Nick Ward
  19. Who cares if sounds intelligent and is mature for his age? That has no bearing on his lack of an offensive game. He’s a project and needs work. You don’t draft a project at number 3 overall unless you want to be picking at number 3 the following year.
  20. Boston struggling to close out Philly in the garden. The pathetic teams the Cavaliers face year in and year out continues.
  21. Lebron gets a coach fired and nearly gives another one a heart attack.
  22. Pelicans spanking the Warriors tonight. Shooting it extremely well from distance.
  23. Raptors gonna raptor. Pretty solid choke job. Think they shot something like 1-16 to end the 4th quarter. I didn’t think they would win the series, but being up double digits multiple times and collapsing the way they did spells disaster for them. Their only chance was to win this game. A sweep is a real possibility. What a joke the eastern conference is.
  24. All I know is I need to get to McDonalds stat to get a salad for myself and family.
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