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Everything posted by Randy

  1. I think maybe Josh in on a drug called Josh Smith.....
  2. One of the talking heads on the Heat - Lakers game was talking about the Heat's problems and said "This is a flawed team. They don't really have a good point guard or center." Where have I heard that before?
  3. My candidate - Marynell Meadors. She's already proven she can teach a bunch of girls to play like boys.
  4. Back to the origial question - getting wiser can take a very long time. And even when a guy does get wiser in his 30's or 40's sometimes he regresses and acts a fool in his 50's. Look at all the rich guys who make a fool of themselves with a younger women.
  5. I'm pretty much in agreement. He did have a great month in January, but that's the only month so far when it looked like he was worth Max Money. I'd say send him to the Knicks. They don't seem to mind paying the big bucks and he would do pretty well with that team. I'd say I don't know what they were thinking, but I guess I do know what they were thinking since they kept saying because of the salary cap we couldn't sign anyone better (or in thier view, as good.) Not a very good reason to tie up $120m bucks, but then its not my money. (Until I buy a ticket, I suppse, which I'll do a number of times per year, w or wo JJ.)
  6. Randy

    Pape Sy

    I'm guessing they decided that he was needed as a backup in case one of the guards got injured. Right now we only have 4 guards. Say one guy gets injured, another gets in foul trouble and you are hurting.
  7. Maybe Teague has gained a little bit of confidence over the past few games playing against statars so that he can at least be more effective playing against other teams backups. What is sort of interesting is that while he wasn't nearly as effective as Bibby on offense, he may have made up for it on defense. Seemed to me we probably won as many games with Teague starting as we would have with Bibby. I think he does need to play some more minutes.
  8. Looks like this could be a non-issue unless there is some animosity between the two guys. Crawford seems to like the role of being sixth man, and Captain Kirk would be PG. I see this lineup at the end of games - JJ, Kirk, Jamal, Al, Josh. The one question is if Jamal is still upset about not getting an extension, and may see this as a slap in face. But I'm guessing he'd still like to stay, so maybe he's over that.
  9. I don't know how he will turn out. One big disappointment was I never really got to see him play very much. You would have thought there would at least be some games with enough garbage time for him to get out there, but (aside from some blowout losses) that never happened. At least, now while I was able to watch the game. I'd like to see him do well, so good luck to him.
  10. Uh, Joe, you realize this is not baseball.....
  11. Hate to always be a pessimist, but we all seem to be thinking a trade will bring in someone to get excited about, in exchange for someone who isn't producing. If a trade is made, it could well be a "What the heck were they thinking?" kind of deal.....But I really hope I'm wrong.
  12. I think it was decided in another thread he's the Enigmoe. :laughing5: I'm wondering if Hawks starting lineups mean anything. When Collins starts he doesn't play starter minutes - he's maybe 15 at most. When he doesn't start, he's DNP Coaches Decision. So does it really mean anything if Collins starts? Then you have Crawford who probably gets more minutes than anyone but Joe. Whether he starts or not, Marvin seems to get about the same number of minutes. If you look at who's one the floor at the end of the game its usually Joe, Bibby, Jamal, Al and Josh. (Sometimes Marvin over Bibby).
  13. Crap shoot for sure. Or worse. We've had a bunch of lottery picks. Weren't Chillz, Acie and Sheldon all lottery picks or darn close to it? (Not sure about Acie, but think he went 10th). But they were all drafted up there. Then there's Marvin - drafted No. 2. Another lottery pick. I'm betting you could field a really good team with guys we passed up. Of the guys we have drafted Josh Smith is the only one who exceeded expectations. He was like 17th pick or something, and I recall on draft night, one of the talking heads said he might be a big bust. Al Horford is the only other guy we got in the draft and I think he is about what you'd hope for in a no. 3 pick.
  14. I've always been a Josh fan, but more because back when the team was really bad, he was the most exciting guy to watch and it was fun seeing him develop his talents. I've even got a Josh t-shirt. But it does seem to me someone has to take the fall for the Hawks problems. In other words, a scapegoat is needed, and it needs to be someone who can bring something in a trade. (We already fired Woody, so I don't think they can fire the coach again, right away. If they do that, then the players will never take any coach seriously.) So they don't want to trade Al, no one would want Joe's contract. Bibby's too old. Marvin or Jamal wouldn't bring enough. So looks to me like Josh is the only guy left. Not to say he doesn't deserve some of the blame - in fact he does, which I think makes him the guy to go. If you are going to shake something up, you got to get rid of Josh. I'd rather someone figured out how to get his head screwed on right, but I don't think that's going to happen.
  15. The problem of lacking a PG or C is not good, but the blow outs at home are a symptom of something a lot worse. A lot of teams have weaknesses at various positions, but don't get blown out on a regulatr basis at home. Something is wrong with these guys in the head, or the heart. Bottom line is these guys just don't show up to play every night. One thing I"m grafteful for is that I didn't go to that game. Its a whole lot easier to change channels and watch something different..
  16. I wouldn't read too much into that. At the last Hawks game I went to they had Josh Smith t-shirts on sale, at a very nice price, and it was the best looking one of the bunch by far. So maybe on sale. Or maybe got it as a gag-gift.....
  17. Just based on the lmited sample or games I've been to, I think the Hawks attendance is down for sure, and I also blame it on last year's playoff debacle. At that point, fans stopped beleiving in this team. Had they done anything in the off season, it might have helped, but they didn't. But the Hawks attendance numbers are pretty much imaginary anyway. The numbers have been made up for so long, that no one really has any idea what the real attendance is, or was. So it might be the numbers are down this year at least in part due to counting less empty seats in the number.
  18. Pretty good, but not what I heard. I heard it was "Man, they drafted you ahead of Chris Paul and Deron Williams?"
  19. Maybe true, but I'd bet Josh would benefit a lot from playing for a really great coach. Also, Utah couldn't keep Boozer, so they may have problems keeping Deron.
  20. Made the list of the NBA's worst players..... http://nba.fanhouse.com/2011/01/24/the-works-who-are-the-nbas-worst-players/?icid=main%7Chtmlws-main-w%7Cdl9%7Csec1_lnk3%7C197375 Solo make the list as did ET. Both Collins brothers got honorable mention.
  21. Maybe we should get an NBADL franchise for Gwinnet, like the Gladiators. :lol6: We could just move guys back and forth. Seems like Teague, and JC2 should be there getting playing time......
  22. It is pretty interesting the Damien is getting more playing time than Teague, JC2, Powell, and ET. (In fact, probably more than all those guys put together.) Yet he's the guy who may not be around much longer.
  23. This is a really good question I have wondered about to. One thing I'm thinking is that there really aren't that many good centers in the NBA anymore. There are a lot of good pgs. We get blasted by opposing guards a lot, but how often is the opposing center doing us in. (Dwight Howard did for sure last year, this year we've survived him so far.) So I'd vote for pg.
  24. Pretty amazing on Collins, esp. since he really isn't much of a shot blocker or rebounder. Strange thing about him is one night he starts (when the other team has a really big guy). Next night he may never even get in the game.
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