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Everything posted by LamarHampton

  1. I hate the Bucks a lot for some reason, almost as much as I hate the Knicks and about half as much as I hate the Celtics (which is actually saying A LOT). I even had my son during the game shouting ridiculous things about the horrible city of Milwaukee. "Milwaukee exports inferior cheese!" "Milwaukee doesn't support the troops!" "Milwaukee has sub-par infrastructure!" "Milwaukee suffers from abnormally high depression rates!" "Milwaukee is very, very cold!" "Milwaukee has worse pollution than China!" "The last movie to ever be filmed in Milwaukee was What's Eating Gilbert Grape!" (We just made this crap up as we went along. But it was fun.)
  2. Tonight after taking my son to the game, we were in the car listening to the post-game broadcast. Bud (or somebody) during the post-game press conference said "it's so important that the bench gets into the paint" and my 9-yr old son, mimicking the voice from the radio says "It's so important that the b!tch gets into the taint." And I had that moment, as a parent, where I thought I had both succeeded and failed at the same time. WTF
  3. Last I heard ballstreams was taken down
  4. Thanks for clarifying. I had no idea what he was saying.
  5. Not sorry to see him go. Good riddance, Old Dumpy Pants.
  6. I just figured it had more to do with getting Hiney some burn before the playoffs and keeping Dennis fresh for the game tomorrow which is more important since it's against an eastern team we might see in the postseason. We need a loose Hiney with experience for the playoffs, right?
  7. Loved the ear blowing reference. I'm here with my son in section 116. Hope the Hawks bring it and put away these upstart bench players.Go Hawks! PS- Lance is practicing his shot from the hash Mark, not bad actually.
  8. I know it has been said on here that Jamal resembles E.T. - but with Wesley Johnson it's like E.T. brought a friend.
  9. Wow, I know it's DLeague, but Edy averaging just shy of a double double & 2.5 blocks in 21 minutes?!?! I'd really like to get him some more burn, even if it means missing the playoffs (but getting a better pick), so that he's much more comfortable next year. Plus he'd make these games a lot more interesting to watch even when we are losing.
  10. Dang, @Spud2Nique is posting while high again .... FWIW Spuds, I do the 'Sap War Cry' myself, but only while the games are on. It's my way of randomly asking the gods or refs to give us a foul. AAAAYYYYEEEEE!!!!
  11. Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to miss the playoffs, but we'll probably make it. I wouldn't mind the playoffs so much if I thought we had a realistic chance at getting to the ECF, but I don't think this team is that good. I'd prefer the better pick in the draft. If we add a great player somehow and can toughen up, maybe I'd change my opinion, but as constructed, nah.
  12. LamarHampton


    This exactly. Most of the time I actually feel dumber from having listened to Nique. Him being a great player for the franchise is completely unrelated to him having skills as an analyst or broadcaster. There are no other tidbits of knowledge I get from him about the players' backgrounds or histories or off court life. I never hear anything relevant about strategy or X's & O's. His handful of catch phrases are overused - "That's not a good shot right there" or "Heat check" etc. The mispronunciations, if intentional, would be funny. But as I can see no evidence that they are intentional, after awhile it just becomes embarrassing. For him to not be able to say the name of a Hawks player is pretty bad - "Sheldon Mack." But also one of the great players of our era - "Derek Nowinski" - is also embarrassing for the franchise. And some are just out there: remember when he called Kelly Olynyk "Kelly Oh-lick-it?" That one I thought maybe had a chance of being intentional, but given his other name failures I can't believe that it was. Stinger is so much better. He has a great understanding of the game and can communicate it effectively and engage the audience, without embarrassing the Hawks organization. I'll always appreciate Nique's game when he played here, but I find it harder and harder to listen to him. And why would you ever call a game before it's over? There are a lot of things that can happen in a short period of time in basketball and you'd think he'd know that from his years as a player. Plus it's just unprofessional to demean another team like that, especially when he does it five minutes into the game. Yup. I'm not with you on where exactly you're putting these bananas or whatnot, but somebody needs to give that guy a talking to. Wish he'd taken those classes Ferry was talking about.
  13. It had me looking for 30 minutes for ways to remove it myself before i figured out that it wasn't on my computer
  14. Is there a way to turn this off or remove it?
  15. Yeah, @Dolfan23 WTF is this Infolinks crap? makes this site horrible to read.
  16. I'll chime in. Book me at 3-7. This team has fallen and it can't get up. Maybe 2-8. Absolutely pathetic. No chance we even come close to beating GSW.
  17. I really liked Shelvin and I'm sad to see him go. I felt like he was a solid BU PG on a very reasonable deal, he was young, and we had at least early Bird rights on him. Trading him for a 35-yr old Hinrich seems questionable to me. Very minor savings here. We had a lot of PG depth already and had a guy who could've been a decent BU for another few years at least, but now that's gone. Hinrich did little to impress me during his last stint in ATL, but I hope he makes me eat my words. I really hoped we could find another deal for Jeff that would benefit the team; I don't think this move does much of anything and just basically wasted an asset in a young PG.
  18. SSDD WLOC BS BudCox can EABOD F this mess
  19. Y'all remember the year we just traded a second round pick for Jeremy Tyler, let him play five minutes, and then cut him? I think it will be a move along those lines, but hoping for better for sure. We could really use an upgrade if we are really going to be contenders. No Dwight, No Gay. I would love to get a trade going with the Sixers to land Saric and / or one of their bigs to set us up for the future though.
  20. Tiago seemed like a no brainer at the time, I bet any team in the league would have done that deal. Hardaway is a different story. both still have a chance to redeem themselves, like next season.
  21. All this time I thought that the question was: is Al Horford better than Karl Malone?
  22. Just to stir the pudding about Vuc, he doesn't have a history of tearing his titties (twice) like Al does. Just saying... You max him out and he tears his titty again, you'd better believe some Al-dvocates on here will change their mind REAL quick. I like Al just fine, but let's not pretend his injuries don't create a larger concern than normal. Does for me anyway.
  23. Probably got the hip injury because he runs so awkwardly. He ambles/wobbles up the court like a fat kid on the way to a candy store. I haven't compared the stats, but it seems like Moose has been pretty effective in his absence. And he's like $8M cheaper or something ridiculous. So if we can trade him to a team that would want his services next year for a player of need, I'd give it a listen. He has been less than impressive.
  24. I might add Dario plus filler to that list
  25. Skytran? Makes me think of Skynet. Could this be the beginning of the end and the rise of the machines? Anyway,I thought Cobb had CCT already. Are they not planning an extension/expansion with the new stadium?
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