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Everything posted by LamarHampton

  1. Anybody think a change doesn't need to be made?
  2. Millsap definitely isn't guaranteed to get in, but I definitely think he should make it. But he's competing for one of very few spots with several very talented guys. Crossing my fingers for Sap.
  3. I don't know if there is stat tracking for this type of thing, but Teague has got to be up there for most layups missed. Sad and confusing. Makes me think of that All Star Skills Challenge he goofed, like it was some kind of omen.
  4. Really crapped their pants in this one. A move must be made, or at least someone needs to step the F up and show some damn heart and leadership. This is pathetic. Less Uno, more basketball. Or something. Damn. Might be time for another one of those hard practices, coach. Or ten.
  5. Great write up as always, @lethalweapon3! I always get pumped up before these games against Charlotte, probably because I really want there to be a rivalry there ( but there isn't). Either way, this game should be a "gimme" or close to it, but knowing my history of predicting games it probably won't be that easy. Hopefully we can pull off another sold, assist-filled win. Go Hawks!
  6. Alright Negrodamus, who gets slimed on Nickelodeon 90's night? PS- I loved that skit on the Chappelle show. Man, I miss that show.
  7. F this. Canceling my season tickets tomorrow. Not worth the investment to watch this sorry ass effort.
  8. Here's hoping for a 2016 that is better than the last year!And that these drinks keep flowing! Happy New year! Go hawks!
  9. Out: dental work Out: coach's dog house Out: hair urine-bleaching appointment J/k
  10. I miss Zaza too. Fan favorite for sure. Guy had a heart as big as his head, which was massive. Would love for him to come back to Atlanta.
  11. I feel like I've peeked behind the curtain only to discover that the great Wizard of Oz is but a mere mortal... Glad you're finally getting the experience
  12. Great game last night. I took my son and we were in the Hawksquawk section (116) of course. Once the Hawks kicked it into gear I was high fiving Chinese people, taunting and making faces at Knicks fans, and trying to steal pinches of cotton candy from the kids sitting in front of me. It was a blast; a real feel good kind of game. Very good way to go out with the last home game of 2015. "All I do is win, win, win, no matter what..." Go Hawks!!!
  13. Um we tried for Howard and CP3... Can't forcibly make them come here
  14. So would y'all give a first for him? For Pau? (We're not using them anyway, right?) Guess we'd have to throw in filler too but I don't pretend to know anything about the cap or cba. But assuming they would take something like Mack, Scott, and a first because they're just trying to get assets (namely the First), what would you expect in return?
  15. Great win! Payback is a B! Really glad Jeffy got his game back on track last night, he brought some meaning back to Teague Time. Does anyone else read @leathalweapon3 's write ups in the voice of Mike Conti (sp?) from 92.9 The Game? For some reason I've imagined they're the same person for at least a year. (I mean that in a very complimentary way, Conti knows his stuff.) Great write up as usual! Go Hawks!
  16. I hope that Marcus kid from northern Europe we got in the 2nd round can come over and make a splash. Isn't he from Finland? Maybe he be a really good Finn-isher! (See what I did there?) Or Agravanis the Destroyer, our other 2nd rounder. No but seriously, maybe it's a guy we already picked. Eh? Eh? How's that for positive thinking?!?
  17. Now you went and got @Spud2Nique all excited. Agreed, I started thinking streaking myself over the past couple of games. It was about this time last year... We shall see I guess. Here's hoping.
  18. I think I might be coming over to the dark side on this Hardaway deal. Looking worse and worse with every passing day. And damn, if Pettaway ain't tearing things up. I really liked that kid. It's tough to be an Atlanta fan, that's for sure. Bad move, followed by bad luck, followed by more bad moves. Maybe I should start following the WNBA. At least we have much better odds there. There's some fine ass giant women,too. And I always liked climbing trees, so there's that.
  19. Want some volt threads? Come around yet? Eh? Eh? C'mon... You know it's growing on you...
  20. I know what i'm asking for from Santa for Christmas now! Thanks, @Jaybirdhawk !
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