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Everything posted by parfait

  1. Actually he would have cost us over $5 million if we didn't get rid of him in time. He was going to cost us $1.7 million no matter what. And unlike past years, nobody was interested in trading for partially guaranteed contracts (remember the summer of 2014 when Danny Ferry gave up Lucas Noguiera and Lou Williams for John Salmons and his $7 million contract that had a $1 million buyout). Well every team that had such a contract this summer had to just cut them, just like the Hawks did, as there was no longer a market for them.
  2. KB21, I have a a lot of respect for your viewpoint. But I think you hold Danny Ferry in too high a regard. Ferry knew how to construct a roster, and he scouted pro personnel very well, which I cannot say for BudCox. However, he was below average in his drafting (hit on Dennis, missed on Jenkins, Noguiera, and Payne). But I think the reality of the circumstances surrounding his ouster were more complicated than simply lacking political correctness. He made a dumb mistake in reading the report that he did. I don't think he was an actual racist. And he was definitely caught in the crossfire of an ugly ownership dispute. But David Aldridge documented how Ferry basically didn't have a lot of friends around the league, nor in the org) because of his arrogant and condescending attitude. And when he made the mistake that he made, he simply didn't have the goodwill around the league (let alone within the organization) to survive the situation. There were Bobby Knight-esque stories of how poorly he treated even low level employees of the Hawks. All in all, we definitely would be in a better state organizationally right now had Ferry been around the last 3 years. But Ferry's fate did still have a lot to do with the fragile nature of his relationships. And I think he's likely learned from the whole thing, and would likely come back a better person in his next opportunity. Heck, Adam Silver even recommended him for the Milwaukee opening. So, there's still room for a happy ending for him. Hopefully Schlenk has a happy chapter in store for us, and right now I think he has at least earned the benefit of the doubt as he gets started.
  3. I agree with this in general, except for the part about the Top 10 draft pick. I really believe that Schlenk will be signing a couple of interesting young veterans this summer, that combined with Schröder, Prince, and a re-signed Hardaway, will make for an interesting and upwardly mobile team that likely scoots into the middle or back end of the playoffs in the weakened East in 2017-18. Then in the summer of 2018, he will shoot for one of those Restricted Free Agents, such as the aforementioned Embiid, Harris, Aaron Gordon, Nurkic, or LaVine. But there's also Jabari Parker and Andrew Wiggins. And Sturt mentioned guys whose stock could increase, and such guys could include RFA's Dante Exum and Julius Randle. And the wild card could be poaching RFA Patrick McCaw from Schlenk's Warrior backyard. And on the unrestricted side there's Derrick Favors. On top of that you add hopefully two First Round Picks in 2018. With additional young assets like that, all on good contracts, we wouldn't be far off in my opinion.
  4. I would contend that the market for Hardaway has pretty well dried up. I think we could get him on an affordable 2 or 3 year deal. The roster looks that much better with a young improving guy like him retained at a good price.
  5. If they were thinking rationally they would not match. But they have vowed to match the offer. Every reporter indicates that they will.
  6. MCW is now officially the world's youngest journeyman. This is like his 5th team already. He just signed essentially a veteran's minimum contract, he still can't shoot, and he still can't guard other point guards. Is this really a feather in Charlotte's cap? Believe me, there will be better value signings available over the next few days.
  7. That was several years ago. KB21 is right. Phoenix is now extending their rebuild from a 6 year program to a 10 year program. How's that working out for them? Especially when they screw up their draft picks, like Alex Len. If Travis Schlenk simply follows the formula he has laid out (draft well, sign flexible contracts of value) then we will be on the upswing far sooner than lottery treadmill teams like Phoenix, Orlando, Sacramento, and even Philly.
  8. It's about $18 Million this coming year and the one after. Is it that bad, for a good-shooting stretch 4? We're not signing any real free agents for a couple of years anyway, right?
  9. I think we go maximum 3 years $36 million. Or they push for a 2 year deal for like $30 million. If he gets offers for 4 years and/or $15 million plus per year then Schenk says sayonara.
  10. Why have we not heard one single word from coach Bud since the arrival of the new GM, nor regarding any of the draft picks?
  11. Well, the salaries have to match up. And Sap's new salary will be sky high!
  12. I actually agree with you. But apparently a half a dozen teams have been inquiring about Rubio, per HoopsRumors, including the Jazz, Pistons, Knicks, and Mavericks.
  13. I could see something like this: HAWKS send a signed Millsap to MINNESOTA. MINNESOTA sends ATLANTA: Ricky Rubio, Jordan Hill, Shabazz Muhammad, and the draft rights to Justin Patton. ATLANTA flips Ricky Rubio to a 3rd team for another pick/young player. Interestingly, the JAZZ have been interested in Rubio, and they just traded away Trey Lyles. How about a trade then involving Rubio for Derrick Favors?
  14. 2 things to keep in mind regarding Collins and Dorsey: COLLINS: 1) Yes, he was advised to avoid foul trouble. Defense can be taught especially to a 19 year old. With this guy's character and motor, he will defend, don't worry. 2) The guy can shoot, just watch him. He simply wasn't asked to shoot from long range in the WF offense. He has good form and rotation. And he shot 75% from the line. He will extend his shooting range soon enough. DORSEY: 1) Dorsey became Mr. March for Oregon once he became the primary ballhandler, which wasn't until 3/4 of the way through the season. That's when he turned into a Harden-lite type scoring point. 2) He was called upon to be a playmaker at the Draft Combine, and came through beautifully, with a stellar assist-to-turnover ratio. So keeping the ball in his hands will be the key to unlocking his pro potential.
  15. I was certainly someone who thought that Sign-and-Trades were a thing of the past. But there have been multiple mentions of Millsap S&T discussions in the press now, the most recent being a possible one with San Antonio involving LaMarcus Aldridge: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/basketball/knicks/clear-draft-carmelo-anthony-doesn-fit-knicks-plans-article-1.3271162 I'd be intrigued by a deal involving LMA, especially since his deal only has 2 years remaining. And, I'd be more confident in Travis Schlenk not being overly accommodating to San Antonio the way BudCox may have been. Of course, there was the reference by Brian Windhorst to S&T discussions with Phoenix, Sacramento, and Denver. This is of course speculation, but I would point to two small clues that might hint at a possible Millsap S&T brewing: 1) The absence of UDFA contracts signed despite having so many roster spots open. We haven't even signed a dinky two-way deal. I think that Schlenk is unable to offer anything more than a Summer League invite due to an impending roster influx. 2) This one is even more of a stretch, but I also find it very weird, and so does Peachtree Hoops, that Minnesota drafted Justin Patton despite having KAT and Gorgui Dieng already. And Patton was a guy that we looked at very closely. I think that contending teams that covet Millsap, such as San Antonio, Denver, Minnesota, and Houston, lack the cap space to sign him outright, and Millsap knows that. And he doesn't want to be stuck in Phoenix or Sacramento. So he is willing to work with the Hawks to get the 4 year max and land with one of those Western Conference contenders. Part of this is clearly wishful thinking on my part. But if Schlenk can pull off any sort of S&T that nets us assets for Millsap, then he will have done what seemed an impossibility just a week ago.
  16. This trade works on the RealGM Trade Checker: Love, Barea, and Martin for Millsap, Teague, and Carroll. Add a pick/picks from Atlanta and perhaps that's a framework of a deal that could work? Atlanta did pick up two wings this offseason. So they could move Korver to the 3 and start Martin at the 2, with Sefolosha and Bazemore coming off the bench at the wing. This also puts the newly-signed Mack in the driver's seat for the PG position, with an improving Schröder nipping at his heels.
  17. Yes, this is a telltale sign. This clearly means that Salmons' contract is being saved as a dumpable contract to include in a trade. Intriguing!
  18. Well, ajc.com is actually the only source anywhere that is saying that we get a 2nd round pick in the deal. Scoopage for once, for CViv?
  19. Viper, you said something about a 2nd rd pick also being included. Was that just BS?
  20. I'm not quite understanding. Don't we come to this board for information and entertainment? I actually have enjoyed when NBA Supes (and previously Sothron) put up so called insider information, even when they are wrong. Don't the professional insiders get it wrong most of the time? To me this adds to the value of such fan sites. Not sure why it should make people so upset. Just my 2 cents worth.
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