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Everything posted by Plainview1981

  1. You ignored Sheffield's remarks that Andruw doesn't want it bad enough. " Considering Sheffields playoff games the last two years(3 for 30) he probably shouldn't say much. Never did like that @sshole Sheffield anyway. I'd still take Andrew 36HR 110RBI and great defense over Chippers 25HR and 305 average...Not to mention CHipper is a libility in the outfield and 3rd base. Batting average doesn't mean much anyway. Jim Thome hits under .300 but I'd still take him over anyone on the Braves. But neither guys seem to have a knack for getting the big hits. Not to mention it can be argued that Chipper had his worst year this year.....
  2. I wouldn't be too sure on that. Remember, Doc cut Nique in Orlando.
  3. I don't think I'd want anyone on the Blazers other than Randolph...and by looking at him I have to wonder if he's the next Vin Baker. He doesn't seem like the type that can keep his weight off...Just a guess, but I bet he'll have some really good years then gain weight. No I wouldn't want Wells. He was just suspended for cussing out Mo Cheeks. He's a JR Rider troublemaker. Lets no forget, the fans mean nothing to him(even though the fans pay his salary)
  4. He looked decent in the time he played last night. He had something like 5 points and 3 rebounds in 13 minutes. You guys think he can contribute as a 10th man or so? Do you think the team should hold onto him or dumb him the first chance they get? I think I'd hold onto him for a while to see if he can become a Jon Barry or Vashon Lenard type of scoring role player.
  5. Look at the wins: Suns/Sonics/New Orleans/Bucks Notice that 3 of those aren't tough pound it out teams. Losses: Indy-O'Neal/Artest=toughness Golden State-Cliff Robinson/Eric Dampier/Calbert Cheaney= tough defenders Wizards-Gilbert Arenas and Etan Thomas are physical players New Orleans-Baron Davis/Wesley/Brown/Jamal M=toughness Now there will be a fluke every once and a while...but the Hawks are going to lose on nights when teams are tough with them. That's why the Hawks can hang with teams like Kings but struggle with teams like the Miami Heat.
  6. At least I know Chipper shows up when it matters. When has Andruw? " Chipper shows up when it matters?? Since when? What has his batting average for the playoffs? Chipper is NOT a clutch player. He batted .167 for the playoffs this year.Chipper at his salary should be posting 40 HR 110RBI...Chipper needs to produce a few more HR's. Chipper is a good player without a shadow of a doubt, but I think I'd still keep Andrew...You also have to factor in the salary cap...Andruw doesn't make as much as Chipper I don't think....Plus Andrew has upside and toped Chippers numbers this year. However, part of that is due to the fact that AJ is a hacker... Personally, when I've seen Chipper play I haven't be impressed...The last two years anyway. IT seems like he hits an aweful lot of ground balls. But I don't watch every game because baseball isn't exciting enough for me to watch EVERY GAME. In some ways I think it's too early to give up on AJ... but in others you have to wonder if the Atlanta night life will always hold him back if he's in Atlanta. But the Braves must keep Marcus Giles. Seems like that guy never got out. He had a better year than Chipper in my opinion. It seemed like made a huge impact while Chippers impact seemed small alot of the time.
  7. Jamison and Reef would feed off one another. Synergy. I think they could win together. They would need a Powerful C, however, put them together! " With all due respect, you said the same thing about Dog and Reef and look how that turned out. They actually have alot of in common...They score in different ways alittle bit, but they are both soft, both play no defense, both are turnover prone, both force shots when attention is drawn to them, both are unathletic, both are slow, both are undersized, both play without passion. Teams like Cleveland and Denver are teams of the future......That is the road the hawks need to go on. The heck with overpaid and passionless players like Reef and Jamison. I'm sick of seeing players like them. I'd rather have Ricky Davis than either of those guys. Atleast he wants to be the guy.
  8. Chillz, this brings some of my negitivity. Things that should be obvious to everyone they don't want to seem to realize the truth. I'm sure Reef isn't a loser as a person....In fact, there probably isn't a player on this team you wouldn't want to be friends with. But I don't know them like that so I don't care about that side of them. This is about ball. I think Stotts has done a decent job with the squad. It just isn't all that talented. We have three guys in the starting lineup that nobody else really wanted. Nobody was after Dion, SJ went unsigned and the Jazz only offered JT a contract because they had so much cap space.
  9. Last night, Reef touched the ball a grand total of 4 times in the first quarter. That's awful. Not four shots, but four touches. We put the ball in his hands four, maybe five times. " He gets stripped of the ball. Diesel....No Jamison PERIOD. Jamison was just like the rest of the Warriors...He cherry picked his defense for scoring and rebounding...Danny Fortson done the same thing and that's the real reason nobody wants Danny Fortson or Jamison...The Warriors must feel d@mn lucky they got rid of Jamison. I have no idea why you like these passionless loser players like Reef and Jamison.. But check the win-loss record...They haven't won their entire careers. Also you have to factor in that GS shot so bad that there was alot of rebounds to get. Trying to say solve the mystery of PP and Walker? First of all, PP is worth more than Reef/Jamison together. Second, PP is a clutch player that demands the ball in crunch time....Guys like Jamison and Reef hide in these cases. I say enough with these cream puff players. I want a team built on length, shooting, and athletic ability..These players Reef and Jamison don't provide that. All they are is undersized scorers on bad teams. Chillz:I meant the other Howard....True he hasn't done much, but atleast he's young with atleast alittle bit of upside.
  10. I think the leagues future is built on length,shooting and athletic ability....That doesn't fit the mold of Reef and Jamison.
  11. IF they throw in Howard instead of Danny Fortson I'm with you. The problem with Fortson is that he's a poor defensive player. He's a good rebounder, but seems to be a troublemaker...So I don't know.
  12. Well not work. These two are the same non rebounding finesse tweeners. BOTH seem to lack the heart. Where is the leadership going to come from? defense? Trading for Reef was a huge error and just getting rid of him for cap space and draft picks is the best way to go. He isn't going to win unless he's a side kick to someone like Paul Pierce.
  13. hen I would play: JT, Jackson, Jamison, Reef, Nazr... " Doc Rivers has only a 50-50 record as a head coach. But is it me, or does that team look an aweful lot like the team had last year. Dont you get it, you aren't going to win games with JT/SAR in the starting lineup unless you have a superstar. These players have an aweful lot of flaws. And JT can't get Q Rich now...He's playing too well. Trade Reef for picks and a ending contract and start over from scratch.
  14. Yeah Arod shouldn't have got the MVP IMO....He's the MOST VALUABLE PLAYER to a franchise that doesn't even matter at this point. He's the best player on a doormat team. The Rangers weren't just a losing team...They are a doormat team.
  15. Theo isn;t a true Allstar. We'll say that Reef is a allstar PF IN THE EAST...But the bench is bad....Stephen Jackson is bad....I'm starting to think I'd take Harpring/Andrei over SAR/JT. The worse thing about this team is the dumb mistakes. These guys are supposed to be PRO's. Nazr tried to go behind the back...And he he tried to lob the ball inside to Jacque Vaughn. There is noway a player can be that dumb. JT should come off the bench if he can't be traded. I still think Knight needs to bite the bullet and start over. I mean, what is the team trying to do? The team really can't be upgraded with all of these contracts, Boris is the only young player the team really has......I mean, the team needs some kind of direction. Cleveland/Denver and even the Clippers are building good young teams while the Hawks are basically just keeping the same bad team and wasting seasons away. The Hawks are like one big puzzle that can't get sorted out.
  16. Besides, aren't you the one that calls Reef a heartless loser?" As a player I'd say yes...I don't know him as a person.. but I'd say he is a heartless basketball player. Heck, we had teams calling about Reef all summer." Who knows what they were offering? Antonio Davis and Morris Peterson maybe? But, since JT isn't a PG, he isn't as strong as David Wesley and so that makes it nearly impossible to be sucessful with him in the starting lineup. That means he either needs to traded or turn into a 6th man...But he makes more than a 6th man should be getting...It's a problem.
  17. Hey do what you got to do. I guess I do need some limitations..You decide how many. I may be negitive, but we live in a negitive world....
  18. 1)Hockey sucks anyway so I don't really care. And 8 wins and 7 losses is a good season? I know the supposed to have some talent, but they haven't won something yet. Haven't they also lost 4 in a row? " Talking out your ass, as usual. I'm going to start limiting your daily post total. That might put an end to you making a worthless reply to every thread that gets started here." So your going to put a ban on me huh?
  19. I disagree, unless the Hawks want to make a bench player out of JT he needs to hit the road. The franchise will NEVER build a sucessful team expecting him to be a top player on it. JT is one of the least fundamentally sound players that I've ever seen play. He has no fundamentals whatsoever. He flings the ball around like it's all fun and games and he plays ZERO defense. I don't know how he won College defensive player of the year, but he clearly isn't even a average defender in the NBA. I'll look at some trades, but I think getting picks is the best option, but you aren't going to get anything of real value for Reef. I think most GM's see him for what he is and you add that huge contract and you have a player nobody wants to touch with a 10 foot pole.
  20. I don't know if Billy Knight will do anything or if he really can do anything. But this team really needs some young talent. Sorry, I just don't see much in Boris...And he's surely not going to be a top player. Wonder what the Nuggets would want for Skita and another young player they have...
  21. This current Hawks team will not go far with anyone. Reef should be delt. I sniffed out that he was a loser with a loser attitude two years ago. Stephen Jackson said that, well the losing attitudes comes from the leadership(or lack there of)and that comes from Reef. Sure this team lost before he got here, but they hustled more than they do until he arrived on the scene. Some people say Reef needs to be given the ball every trip down. Well, everytime the team went to him down low he got stripped until he was defended by the undersized Jared Jefferies. Sadly, it might take to mid season to get a hang of who else will be in the lottery...But when that happens I'd throw Reef/Theo up for trade. Nobody is going to take JT I'm sad to say. Don't want that bust Kwame Brown.. The team needs draft picks and players with real potential.
  22. No coach can save this team. I don't think Cheney will get fired. I think he's all buddy buddy with Knicks owner ship.
  23. Rivers fired as Magic coach By DOUG ALDEN, AP Sports Writer November 18, 2003 SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Doc Rivers was fired as coach of the Orlando Magic late Monday night after the team got off to the worst start in its 15-year history. Rivers told The Associated Press early Tuesday that Magic general manager John Gabriel told him of the decision in a meeting at the team hotel after Orlando lost to Utah 90-88 on Monday night. The Magic, an NBA-worst 1-10 this season, have lost 10 consecutive games. ``It is part of sports,'' Rivers said. ``I thought I had a good run here. Things just didn't work out in the end. Maybe the players need to hear another a voice.'' http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=ap-m...p&type=lgns
  24. Well Billy is going to have to bite the bullet and start over. I mean, if we can trade some players and get picks and maybe package together for a second lottery pick the team could already be off to a good start on rebuilding by this time next year. There will be alittle more sense to be optimistic if we can do this. Right now it seems like the team is spinning in circles with no ansewer. That is why the situation seems hopeless.
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