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Everything posted by macdaddy

  1. macdaddy


    We just don't know Bud's leadership ability really. Its different when your the #2 guy. I'm very optimistic but I get a little anxious because it all smells a little like when we brought Woody in. Of course I think our team now has a lot more talent.
  2. A lot of us are optimistic and I know I am. Still you look at spots 1-3 and there isn't much nba starter experience there. Bud has already told Lou that he's the off the bench guy so I'm unsure who the starting 2 is.
  3. I wasn't impressed with Korver at the 2 last year. I think that's our issue. Don't know if Jenkins will be ready to start.
  4. I wonder if he'll get boos here? I'll cheer for him. Its not like he bad mouthed us or anything and we let him go. Still I'll be happy to have him bricking for the opposition.
  5. Granger is a good scoring wing which is what we need. Hell i'll take someone better if we can get them but we've got a decent team. Just because we trade for him doesn't mean we're going to build around him for the long term or give him big money. Sund isn't the gm anymore. The way I look at it Granger is 6 years younger than Paul Pierce. Last year was a bad injury year for him but he hadn't had injury issues before these. Maybe Granger isn't Paul Pierce but Pierce has been pretty solid the last six years. At least the 5 before last year.
  6. I'm thinking they'd love to have Milsap. I'm not pretending to be an expert on the feasability but Milsap and filler give them a solid power forward that isn't that expensive and only under contract for one more season. We'll see how happy Asik is in a few months. Granger I don't know. It would take a lot to add up to that salary but if they think he's expendable (which i think they do) i'm sure they'd rather get something for him. Just like with Josh I don't think teams will be lining up for him. I'm just feeling or maybe hoping that we will be able to make some moves this year. Maybe not championship moves but ones to keep us moving up.
  7. I'm not writing this season off because we can trade midseason. This team as constructed can stay mid pack in the playoff seeds. January we could probably bring Asik and Granger through trade. That would be a solid contender.
  8. Of all the "point guards" we've been through the last 10 years Dennis is the most exciting one except for maybe Teague. I'm excited to have both of them on the roster.
  9. Welcome. I didn't even know they were working on an upgrade to Peja!
  10. I'm no expert but in Deshawn's case we could use him to fill out a trade right? do get the salaries to match. So it may make the difference between being able to do a trade or not.
  11. I'm getting anxious for a wing myself. I'd describe myself as wildly optimistic about this season but I'm also starting to feel a little deja vu like when we were trying to be Detroit south. Hopefully we will establish our own identity.
  12. As one commentator said you almost can't give out a bad 2 year deal in the nba. I'm still thinking there is something behind the scenes on that deal. Horford and Milsap are pretty similar. Maybe Milsap has a place he wants to be and this is part of getting him there and getting the Hawks the player we really want by trade. Either way I"ve always like Milsap and i'm glad he's here.
  13. I looked up nba policy and found this very interesting article: http://www.sportsonearth.com/article/41666640/
  14. I'm sure Al is hoping this is the year that discussions of his game don't always end being discussions of Josh Smith. I like Josh and really liked all the things he could do on the court but the eyeball stat told me he took way too many game-losing shots. Maybe we aren't in the game at all if it wasn't for him but still. I think Al, Milsap, Brand is going to be a great rotation. As far as boring, I think people will get behind guys who hustle, guys who have fun, and guys who try to win at all costs. Lets face it Zaza has been the biggest fan favorite. We've now got some guys who will scrap and have all star level talent.
  15. I haven't seen a ton but i felt BJ was pretty good. I'd be concerned that Heyward will hurt himself in center but that catch was great. Is Schafer coming back? I'd be happy with Schafer as starting CF
  16. He's still young. I think he'll be an all-star in future. That catch was amazing. First day off the DL.
  17. Yeah. What's the deal on that. Does the NBA test for PEDs? Braun seems like a moron but think how much money he has been able to keep because of this enhanced play.
  18. I hear what you're saying but the difference between this year's team and last year's is Milsap vs. Smoove. The rest of the pieces are pretty similar or the same. We went into the playoffs last year with a damn good record and missing Lou who was the one guy who could be a scorer and we lost. I don't think Ferry is standing pat with this lineup all year. He knows we need a wing who can score. This group is to establish a new foundation and then add pieces. Still I don't see where this isn't a playoff team in the east. The east sucks and all this talk of Toronto, Bucks, Washington being good I'll believe when i see it. I've heard it for a friggin decade now. Falling out of the playoffs in the east takes real effort or massive injuries.
  19. This tweet caught my eye and with all the talk of the draft picks and free agency and trades I wanted to take a moment to recognize the last man standing from the 'core'. The true captain and star of this team right now Al Horford. For all the talk of Al 'not being that good' or not star material I'll take this kind of stat for a half season any day. Lang Greene @LangGreene Post All-Star break last season Atlanta Hawks center Al Horford averaged 19.7 points and 11.1 rebounds on 55 percent shooting.3 minutes ago Still can't post a tweet. Sorry.
  20. That's awesome. I"m excited to see this guy and if he can play as advertised he'll quickly be a fan favorite. I've heard a lot about his hands and they do look friggin huge for a guy his size. Not sure who is guarding him there but that picture doesn't make him look like an nba player.
  21. Hopefully we can compete with anyone but if you build it to compete with one team you may not get there to play them. I don't think Milsap can guard Lebron but hopefully Carroll can. The other problem I see for us against the Heat and the better defensive teams in the league is scoring. You can't pick and pop on every play, and the better teams can usually cover Korver most of the time. We need a scoring wing.
  22. I guess 'Mookie' is out?
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