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Everything posted by macdaddy

  1. I just don't see anyway Paul doesn't reup with the clips. All this non-committal crap is just to give the appearance that the Paul, Rivers, Garnett deals aren't related which of course they are. Sterling wouldn't have footed the bill for Rivers without knowing with absolute certainty that Paul was staying. Of course I see no way that the Lakers help create a dynasty in the same town. So we still have a shot at Howard. Howard has other buds he'd like to play with. Unfortunately Paul is the only bud that anyone around here likes. Still Horford-Howard is pretty formidable.
  2. That's the problem now. No one to trade. I'm thinking we trade some picks. I'd take a chance on Danny Granger. He's probably available and while he makes a lot he only has two years left. Teague/Granger/Horford and add some good veteran pieces like we know Ferry can do. Of course I don't know how this can work seeing as we have very little to trade but since you can trade coaches for assets now maybe we can trade a mascot or dancer or something.
  3. I"ve always loved Doc but frankly I hope this fails miserably. I like Doc and Paul but I'm just tired of the Hawks being completely ignored while other teams make deals that are not even 'legal'. So now i guess Garnett gets traded in two weeks so they can claim these are separate deals. Who we fill a roster with next year if we strike out on paul and howard is beyond me.
  4. This sucks. I guess Paul will never be a Hawk. I'm not sure our owners can afford another slow rebuild.
  5. Ginobli was absolutely horrible. The spurs could probably have one more run but they need Granger or someone in there.
  6. I agree with you. And putting him behind Jarrett Jack, Robin Lopez, Brook Lopez is ridiculous. Those guys are ok but they are just doing what they have been doing for years. I don't see where they drastically improved their games at all. Teague had bad games and bad stretches but we watch every game he plays. Paul and every other PG in the league has those times too. I'm not saying Teague is an elite PG yet but he's a damn good one.
  7. So how is this not tampering? If you are working under the direction of a free agent to meet his wishes in order to sign with your team? This will happen. There is no question in my mind at this point. I still wonder if we couldn't have had Doc and Paul here in Atlanta had we not jumped at Bud so fast.
  8. But how many can even make one big signing? and how many, like the lakers, are pretty well stuck unless someone really helps them out? I don't know really but you have to like our position.
  9. If we sign Paul then Teague is a luxury item. I think Teague is great but there are guys who can run the point for 12 minutes a game and we need to spend money on a wing. Now if we don't get Paul then we better bring Teague back. I think he has a big future.
  10. The one thing giving me hope is the new rules. As a lot of articles point out, some of these guys are interested in going here or there but in a lot of cases it is almost impossible for it to happen sometimes. Much more so now than in previous years. I think there are guys who are going to find real quick that they are choosing between a very small number of teams and options.
  11. I gotta say that even I was dumbfounded that they let Duncan check in during a video review. Here is an article about it but had the spurs converted, or worse had duncan scored, what would be the nba decision today. I know its moot but really a major blunder. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nba-ball-dont-lie/tony-parker-misses-game-winner-may-illegal-play-072304921.html The other thing is I thought Parker should have tried to go to the hole. He could have drawn a foul there.
  12. I'm doing the best I can, or are you talking about the dancers?
  13. Dolf my reading comprehension has gone way down since you changed your avatar. I try to be a good boy and you aren't helping.
  14. Well the NBA is taking no chances and apparently the Heat are sparing no expense to try to ensure a game 7. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1676676-joey-crawford-will-referee-game-6-of-spurs-heat-2013-nba-finals How this guy is still working is beyond me. He should be playing shuffle board with Eric Gregg(if he was still with us. RIP) and Angel Hernandez.
  15. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nba--doc-rivers-unsure-about-returning-to-celtics-as-coach-after-clippers-deal-falls-apart-171226963.html Maybe its over but I have a big question. Can you really trade a coach for a draft pick? I mean there is no way right? I'll have to find the article. It was on sbnation or hoopshype or something saying they would 'trade' doc for a 1st rounder. That's gotta be bs.
  16. You know I hate tanking. I didn't want to tank this year and am glad we didn't. But I'm about on board with this if we fail to land anybody. The real question would be do you hang on to Horford. I want the guy to retire a Hawk but if you tank this year then you are basically talking about wasting his prime on rebuilding years. On second thought I just don't know if its in me to support tanking. The NBA is such a mess.
  17. Deron, Monta, Morrow, SJax and Dwight. Here comes the championship! Make Lambeir the coach of that group and we've got a good reality show.
  18. I hope Danny can pull this thing out. Ferry I mean LOL. I forget about Ainge.
  19. I'm not sure how long we can go not playing him everyday. I was at the game saturday and you just had a feeling with him coming up as a pinch hitter in the ninth that something good would happen. I know he walked but he earned that walk. He slowed the pitcher down and that dude did not want to throw him anything meaty. Instead of going up hacking he went up with a plan. He's the anti-Uggla (although uggla does walk a lot i know). They put a stat up which i hadn't seen. It was like 16 pinch hit appearances and 8 home runs. 8 pinch hit home runs in 16 appearances. Are you kidding? There are career pinch hitters without 8 home runs.
  20. For one of the most miserable sports cities in the country we sure have good teams. NFC championship game, top 4 in the nba east, division leaders in mlb, best team in the wnba, hey even the silverbacks are doing well. Too bad no hockey.
  21. Maybe he's following Karl. I'd like to have him for a reasonable price.
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