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Everything posted by Dejay

  1. I don't see Trae only playing 30 mpg, star players are normally in their mid-upper 30s; especially when they're as young as he is. Lou is going to be on the court when Trae isn't and also team up with Dunn, Bogdanovich, Huerter, and Reddish...
  2. While we all know that Lou isn't what he was a couple of years ago, he immediately boosts the Hawks' bench scoring and shot-making capabilities. And with so little separating seeds 4-10 in the East as well as Miami and Chicago making upgrades, it was incumbent for them to strike, especially when another team appears to be desperate (see Clippers, Los Angeles). For them to bring in a guy like Williams to guide the reserves, along with Bogdanovic and Hunter eventually rounding back into form, plus Reddish and Dunn on the way, oh man. And it only cost them regular season-Rondo? And they get back a pair of second rounders, too? While it wasn't a kick down the front door home invasion like what took place with the Oladipo trade (take a bow, Pat Riley), someone else got their lunch $$$ taken yesterday as well. And it wasn't Travis Schlenk...
  3. Did they just bring Lou Williams back?
  4. We don't care. I'm more concerned about what their sons are thinking...
  5. This has leverage move written all over it. If the Collins deal is giving you issues, why double the pleasure with Lonzo? Then potentially have Lavar and Rayford dueling it out all year long on Twitter about who's son should be calling the shots to the point that Trae's pissed off in his RFA year?
  6. As for this rumor, I'm not too sure about this. IMHO, Lonzo this season reminds me of an old Braves shortstop by the name of Jeff Blauser (has his best season in a contract year, only to return to being below-average after inking a huge deal). While I wasn't the biggest Cam Reddish fan in the beginning, injuries and coaching (or lack thereof) has to be factored in before pulling such a lever. Besides, the market that he is going to command in RFA, oh boy. If Collins' deal is going to be at or near the max, they'd still have to break off eight figures a year to Lonzo as well to justify moving Reddish. And don't get me started on all of us being subjected to hearing his Dad cry about him playing second fiddle to Trae, only for Rayford Sr. to return fire. More drama than an '80s soap opera.
  7. 'Ay Sal, told ya that Danny Boy was going to get the Cs back on track. Collins and Bogdanovic is coming here for a pair of Air Supply concert tickets and cleats worn by Jim Rice. O'Connor said it so we all know that it's a done deal...'
  8. Oh. My. God. That Regulate video with Nate has tears rolling down my face right now from laughing so hard...
  9. What up? I've been working like a part-time employee with no benefits over here (your tax $$$ hard at work)...
  10. I had a hard time holding it in when I found out and even so now. I remember meeting him when I was an 8-year old at the old Whitehead Boys' Club near South Bend Park. There were a ton of folks there to greet him and wanting to just take a picture or get an autograph; he was like a rock star but he had the humbleness as if he was just just another guy. But he wasn't just another guy to us and especially to me. He carried himself with such grace despite what was happening behind closed doors. And it goes without saying that he's the real home run king no matter what the record book says and I doubt anyone within the metro area has the brass ones to admit otherwise in public. A true loss to baseball and to our fair city, indeed. This does and should not take away from the recent loss of your uncle, Jay. My deepest condolences go out to you and your family. I guess we all get to the point in life where it stops giving things to you and starts taking them away. But this pandemic is really accelerating it way too much...
  11. That's just terrible to lose anyone much less a guy like him. And I still considered him as family even after he left the Hawks to go national. My condolences to his family. I don't even want to imagine what they're feeling right now. Take it light, Sekou...
  12. Let me get this straight. One of the favorites to compete for the Eastern Conference got their collective a$$es kicked sideways on their home court by some young upstarts, whose star player only hit a third of his shots? And I loved listening to Nets' analysts cry the blues after a 'go home/it's now okay to watch the Ohio State game' alley oop dunk off the backboard. If Kyrie had set up Durant for such a play in a blowout win, every sports outlet would be replaying it tonight while laughing at the Hawks for not being ready for prime time. This was one of the first true tests they've faced, in terms of how they'd respond after a hard luck loss. In previous years, this is a 114-96 game going the other way because they'd take the close loss the other day as a moral victory before mail it in tonight. They passed with flying colors. The next test is Cleveland tomorrow. Follow up tonight with another win...
  13. I'm rounding into my 2015 form of not watching the games live, enjoying the victory post-game, then viewing the replay...
  14. Dejay

    Happy New Year.

    Same to you and your families. Stay safe and go Hawks...
  15. As in Red Foreman telling Eric not to wake his mother up because she's 'very tired' satisfying...
  16. Dejay


    Oh man, I was boiling mad over them trading Luka for Trae, as I thought that he would only translate into a 'gotta get mine' chucker (see Davis, Ricky) at best. I didn't start to come around until after the All-Star break of his rookie year when he just did the impossible almost every night. Dallas has their man but losing out on Trae and Reddish is going to prove over time to be an extremely high price tag. Like buying a luxury vehicle that everyone is impressed with but paying the note at payday loan interest rates...
  17. Oh well, I'll give this a shot... 41-31 1 (Trae, even though the national folks won't like it one bit) 0 0 6th 38-34
  18. This pretty much sums it up. BB was the missing piece when the Bucks made a move on him and the Lakers were interested. Here, he's nothing more thana slimmer version of Alexander Volkov. And Gallinari is way too old and just should've retired; same with Rondo if he wasn't going to sign for a 'real' team. Have them tell it, Trae just pads his stats and just isn't a winner, Reddish should be in the G-League, and Collins should be in playing for the (insert contending team here). We'll just have to see what happens. That's why they play the games...
  19. To quote Hulk Hogan when Ted Dibiase offered to buy the WWF World Title off of him... 'HELLLLL NOOOOOO!!!!!' First off, Moses Malone (RIP) and Theus were both passed their primes by the time they got here. Rollins was still reliable defensively but clearly lost a step by the time Nique got things going. Kenny Smith was here for about eight seconds before leaving town to win titles in Houston. I never, Ever, EVER liked Augmon or his style of play (you know I openly revile wing guys who can't fire away true from the outside). If Fast Eddie had left the drugs alone, Rivers wouldn't have been here in the first place. Speaking of which, I loved Rivers and Mookie but would gladly trade either of them for Dennis Johnson or Isiah Thomas in their respective primes. That leaves Carr, Ehlo, and Levingston, the latter helping the Bulls win titles. They were good coming off the bench so I have no real beef with either of them. So no, I never thought all that much of the 'help' that Nique had in the mid-late '80s, especially in comparison to the help that Jordan, Bird, Magic, and Isiah had while winning rings. Hell, even Clyde had better guys riding shotgun in Portland while losing in the Finals...
  20. Other than missing the fact that the Dallas pick used to get Cam Reddish was top-3 protected, A+ on the thesis paper, kid. I was initially one of those who bemoaned the trade when it took place; now, I'm one of Trae's biggest supporters. It's one of the few times as a Hawks fan that I was totally wrong about a lottery pick of theirs (the SAR trade and Acie Law being the exceptions). And I was dead wrong on this one. The thing when I saw Trae turning the corner and me being needled by everyone in the barber shop with 'haha, remember Trae? You said you didn't like him...' was that I hoped that the Hawks' front office didn't do to him as their predecessors did to Nique in his heyday over 30 years ago. That is sit on their hands in the offseason while hoping that he can do the impossible with middling guys who wouldn't have seen the court on contending teams of that era. That was a bigger fear of mine than wondering was he better than Luca Doncic. It goes like this for me; after two seasons (the last being interrupted by the 'rona), Trae is already the greatest scorer the Hawks have had in this city since Nique and the best passer since...maybe Doc or Maravich? If he could hang up the numbers he has with a bunch of young guys still learning the pro game and unproductive veterans who would have a hard time beating Mercer or Georgia State, I'm already on Cloud-9 thinking of what he can do with REAL players on the court this season. In other words, Luka has gotten off to a great start but the race isn't over yet. And Trae just pulled into the pit stop to get a fresh set of tires and a tank full of gas...
  21. This. Right. Here. To most NBA fans and national pundits who only watch highlight reels on Sportscenter, Trae pads stats like Matt Stafford after the game's been long decided. And since the Hawks aren't good, the sole blame for that falls on him as well. No never mind to the fact that Luka had at the very least a competent lineup riding shotgun with him the entire time. And as for Cam, oh boy. Those same folks stopped looking at him after Christmas last year and called him the worst lottery pick ever. Let them tell it, he shoots only 40% from the free throw line not the 3pt line. He, like Trae, is a garbage player who plays for a garbage team. Because this narrative was set so early in their careers, this will never change because folks absolutely HATE admitting error, especially in front of millions on TV. Short of winning a slew of NBA Titles, they will always have to take a knee to Luka no matter what...
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