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Everything posted by akay

  1. We're playing extremely locked in and tough right now, Celtics collapse in the 4th, so if we can keep it up I like our chances
  2. All paths forward are good imo Most likely - Boston beats us, we retool this offseason knowing what our weaknesses are (POA defense, shooting), and we can be happy chatting about the future Possibilities - Trae has a historic few games with 40-50 points, carries us to 7 games or winning against Boston getting some nice legacy brownie points Trae has his normal 30/10, but a balance of everyone stepping up helps us secure some wins - our team has 0 consistency though, so if we're relying on this I think the max we win is 2 games Trae has his normal game, but AJ steps up as a legit playoff performer and acts as our second star, hitting 3's keeping the defense honest and the lane open for Trae. Trae has piss poor games, but everyone steps up, AJ and JJ carrying (big doubt on this one as Trae shows up for big games, and AJ and JJ aren't experienced enough BUT YOU NEVER KNOW) I'm thinking we get a legacy game from Trae tomorrow, he has a not so good game 6, but Murray carries us at home, and then Trae, Murray, and Bey go off in game 7 to pull off the upset
  3. I wouldn't put Hunter in the trade, Zion feels like fools gold - what's the point of being elite on the court when you're never there? He's the opposite of our icey iron man, you'd have to be really confident in his medicals to take the swing, but then you'd have to consider why would NOLA do this if they were confident in his medicals. Overall nah, we're in an era of the NBA where nearly every team has a star, these stars get disgruntled quite often and we're seeing more player movement than before. No need to handicap ourselves by getting rid of 2 starters for a bench player and a HoF talent who is likely to never qualify for NBA rewards.
  4. Nah, mental health is important and Zion is just another human tryna get through life
  5. What does PDS mean? And totally agree, Kevin's role has been filled - Bey makes the Sac hit hurt a lot less
  6. What are people basing their beliefs on his defense then? We didn't get mauled last year in the playoffs because of his defensive abilities. People can think whatever they want, but if Trae isn't good enough to win in Atlanta, what could a trade look like where we get something as good or better back? If we don't believe in Trae to lead us, we're definitely not getting any 1-2 players that will replace his production, so are we going back to the draft to find ourselves a franchise star? Feels shortsighted to think that the tip our spear isn't sharp enough, vs the rest of the team not stepping up and playing their roles as they should be.
  7. People would rather have a replacement level allstar player instead of our HoF pg? Wild
  8. Murray has dramatically reduced them right? I feel like I haven't seen him pull up as much as he has been, but idk where to find stats to check. The whole team is benefiting heavily from taking more efficient shots and bringing their offense to the modern day instead of being stuck wherever nate had his head.
  9. Need a Dejounte Murray masterclass tonight - DJM on, AJ and Bogi hitting some shots, Clint getting his usual 15/15, John hits at least 2 3's - EASY W
  10. If Trae has a good game tomorrow, that would be great - Luka and Trae usually play like trash against each other lol
  11. Prolly, our defense noticeably dips whenever he's out. We're 3-8 with Hunter
  12. Bey is good at spot up shooting, but any time he dribbles the ball it's almost like watching Cam, you know it's probably an empty possession or turnover. His defense is sus as well, Hunter isn't as flashy, but he shoots well and does his job on D, would definitely rather keep Hunter than Saddiq even if Bey has more dawg in him.
  13. Yessir, I'm here until end of June/July-ish so we got some time. Let's get something good and talk Hawks - Was hard enough finding Hawks fans in ATL, glad there's such cool ones all over the country and world I get to talk to
  14. Let's keep upping the record, hit 41-41, knock out some dreams of other fanbases winning the play-ins, embarrass someone by winning the first round, and have something nice to launch off of for next season We got records and dreams
  15. This is gonna be the start of a 9 game win streak to end the regular season and go into the playoffs hot. We're like a sputtering engine hovering over .500, deciding whether it can turn on and carry us or not - tonight in the face of adversity being down multiple players, we will overcome the bs of the season, have a strong and energetic win that will uplift our whole team into playing better Believe
  16. This ownership has really been investing into the city, love what they're doing
  17. Decreasing money while last year being a team option? This deal is fine, and all the trade Trae talk is wild. He ain't going anywhere lol Bogi is gonna take up 8-9% of our cap in 3 years which is not bad at all for what he brings. I'm liking how Landry is making the team his own instead of trying to replicate the warriors like TS did
  18. You can watch the draft lottery on Youtube, how can it be rigged?
  19. Deepest colors of red -> Lighter colors of red
  20. Had no idea people/Chicago hot dog shops gate keep toppings lol. Eat your food how you like, including the well done steak if that's your thing. Life too short for this
  21. People voting off tacos and wings are wild. Lemon pepper wings are one of the best foods on the planet, and tacos are too versatile - can put anything in them.
  22. The future of our Atlanta Hawks franchise just took a massive step in the right direction today, feels great. Can't wait to see coach pick up gum off the floor in statefarm
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