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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Obvious troll is obvious. All he did was read about the Sixers owners wanting to be the London NFL owners (selling the Sixers in the process) and is parroting it here to be the troll of all trolls. As he does on other boards as well.
  2. They have Demarre and the Hawks don't.
  3. What's a "Hotlanta1981" and why do people keep bringing it up?
  4. That's because it wasn't NBA Live at first. They had Lakers Vs Celtics, Blazers Vs Bulls, NBA Showdown 94. NBA Live didn't start until 1995 (I think).
  5. Your life must be a deep pit of despair to never enjoy anything.
  6. Just ugh. Low grade sports talk caller material.
  7. Pretty sure we all knew you don't watch the games.
  8. I have a feeling he won't do any time. We've seen this before with athletes.
  9. I really hate it when he does that.
  10. At this point, he's probably looking at probation, or getting it knocked down to a misdemeanor. I doubt he sees jail time.
  11. Don't we typically have a rough time in Toronto?
  12. Oh give me a break. There is nothing embarrassing about it at all.
  13. He was married to Kim for 72 days. Kris sued her after the divorce and they settled out of court. The marriage is thought to have been a publicity stunt for the TV show except nobody let Kris in on the plan.
  14. A "force" defensively? Blocks do not equate good defense. Especially when most of his go right back to the team that shot the ball. He gets completely lost on defense. And he is, and will always be mentally broken. He won't be anywhere near worth it to whatever team dumps a ton of cash on him. He will be overpaid and it won't be by the Hawks.
  15. Horrible teammate, bad back, on the wrong side of 30, and will be getting max offers from stupid teams? Yeah...sign me up.
  16. Comparing any team to Golden State is futile at this point. They are a circus side show that are probably going to win more than the record 72 games. That's just an anomaly of a season. In their current state, there is no other team in the NBA that can touch them in a series. On the plus side, it will be nice to watch them mop the floor with whatever East team decides they want to make the Finals. Hope it's the Cavs again.
  17. I'd say the last week shows what "rumors" are good for.
  18. I refuse to quote it, but there is a level of stupidity above me that breaks the laws of physics.
  19. I'll bite. 7-3. Two losses to Golden State (because seriously...that's a freak show). They Also lose at Toronto.
  20. So he was "never a locker room problem" until he became a locker room problem?
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