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King Kong worth buying?


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Can't decide if I should pick this one up or not. Seems to be getting mixed reviews... Mostly about the running time which doesn't bother me because I like long movies such as Dances with Wolves.

Is KK worth the 15 bucks?

It's cheaper to rent it, why would you buy it??

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Can't decide if I should pick this one up or not. Seems to be getting mixed reviews... Mostly about the running time which doesn't bother me because I like long movies such as Dances with Wolves.

Is KK worth the 15 bucks?

Have you seen the movie? I would rate it a B- and describe it as comparable to movies like Jurassic Park.

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Can't decide if I should pick this one up or not. Seems to be getting mixed reviews... Mostly about the running time which doesn't bother me because I like long movies such as Dances with Wolves.

Is KK worth the 15 bucks?

It's cheaper to rent it, why would you buy it??

Well, because sometimes like to watch movies more than once.

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Can't decide if I should pick this one up or not. Seems to be getting mixed reviews... Mostly about the running time which doesn't bother me because I like long movies such as Dances with Wolves.

Is KK worth the 15 bucks?

Have you seen the movie? I would rate it a B- and describe it as comparable to movies like Jurassic Park.

No, I haven't seen it yet.. I was just trying to decide before opening it.

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Can't decide if I should pick this one up or not. Seems to be getting mixed reviews... Mostly about the running time which doesn't bother me because I like long movies such as Dances with Wolves.

Is KK worth the 15 bucks?

Have you seen the movie? I would rate it a B- and describe it as comparable to movies like Jurassic Park.

No, I haven't seen it yet.. I was just trying to decide before opening it.

Well, I would put it in the same genre of movies as Jarassic Park. Some things I liked better about it, some things I didn't. I hate hearing about a movie before I see it so I won't provide any specifics. It has a lot of action like JP and actually has more developed emotional themes. On the downside, I think it also has a little more cheese and the length makes it more daunting to rewatch. Just my $.02.

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I've seen it three times or so. It's worth owning. What AHF said about it being similar to jurrasic park is basically right, action wise. It's a much more emotionally developed story than JP though. It requires a slightly more developed attention span to get the most out of the movie.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I've seen it three times or so. It's worth owning. What AHF said about it being similar to jurrasic park is basically right, action wise. It's a much more emotionally developed story than JP though. It requires a slightly more developed attention span to get the most out of the movie.

I finally got around to watching it. Call me crazy, but I enjoyed the first half more than the second half. I think the ones that complain about it's length just have a really short attention span. If you stop being a critic and just watch the movie the relationship between Watts and Kong should be able to pull you into the movie.

Abit of a spoiler:

It does a good job of making you feel sorry for Kong aswell. I mean, nobody would want to be caught and used in the manner Kong is.

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