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Another turn in trade talks

By Sekou Smith | Wednesday, August 2, 2006, 05:55 PM

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

With the addition of uber-agent Arn Tellem to the Al Harrington negotiating team, everyone is wondering what to expect from this process now that it has taken yet another unexpected turn.

At this point the only thing I know to expect is the unexpected — as far as a timetable for the completion of this new deal, I won’t even go there (please everyone, enjoy your weekend and we’ll revisit this topic bright and early Monday morning).

But with new teams added to the party there will be new opportunities for the Hawks to consider, as there will be new scenarios for Harrington and his team to consider.

Remember, before July 1 Al was considered one of the top two free agents available. I guarantee you all the teams poking around in this situation now remember that. (I’m thinking everyone from Seattle, the Lakers and Denver out west to New Jersey, New York and Indiana in the east, along with plenty more, will want in on this discussion).

Toss in the fact that all the other activity from the start of July slowing now to a crawl, if you’re a NBA GM it’s probably much easier to clear your head and see what viable options for improving your team are available were you to enter into discussions with Harrington and the Hawks.

All that said, expect Indiana to remain a major player in this deal. I don’t think they’re going away. And much of what happens from here on out depends on what the Hawks want and are willing to take back in return in a sign-and-trade, if that is indeed the eventual solution.

And I think it should be obvious to all by now that there is no other way for Harrington and the Hawks to part ways.

After all, how else do you part honorably with a player who has provided you with two years of faithful service?

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If I were Al and Indy was still interested, I'd make them beg. I don't like the thought that we may be looking at a minimum ??? of two weeks before anything can happen, but those are the rules. You have to wonder if this doesn't rekindle the thought of him playing with the Warriors?

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This indicates that the player's association can act on Al's behalf during the two week period, meaning that it will not have to wait that long.

IndyStar.com Sports Pacers

August 3, 2006

Pardon me: Atlanta's Al Harrington (front) works last season against Indiana's Jermaine O'Neal. - GREGORY SMITH / Associated Press

Just how that affects the Indiana Pacers' status as the leading contender for Harrington remains to be seen. CEO Donnie Walsh, however, remains hopeful even as he considers possible backup plans.

"We do think about that," Walsh said. "We'll spend the rest of the summer developing something I think will be good. If (the Pacers lose Harrington), we still have the trade exception.

"I don't see anybody in the free agent market that fills (the need for a starting forward) other than Al. At the same time, I think through trades there may be somebody out there who fits our team. I've got some people in mind. We'll have to see."

Harrington's status became murkier after he dropped agent Andy Miller in favor of Arn Tellem earlier this week, arousing speculation that the bidding will be reopened. Harrington has said he would like to return to the Pacers, where he played his first six NBA seasons.

The Pacers were the only team negotiating for Harrington in recent weeks, and had reached a standstill with Atlanta, his most recent team.

For Tellem to bring significant change to the negotiations, he'll have to convince the Hawks to take back contracts that would add to their payroll, something they have not wanted to do.

If he achieves that, the Pacers could use their trade exception in a three- or four-team deal to acquire Harrington, or look elsewhere for frontcourt help.

The Pacers also have the mid-level exception, which would allow them to offer a free agent contract starting at $5.2 million, and the biannual exception of $1.8 million.

They could use their trade exception and the mid-level without having to pay the luxury tax, but Walsh indicated that would be done only if a special opportunity arises. They also can use a portion of the mid-level exception.

Tellem did not return a telephone call to his office. Harrington has been unreachable since changing his cell number.

According to NBA rules, Tellem cannot officially become Harrington's agent for two weeks after the termination letter was sent to Miller. A trade can be made during that period, however, with the National Basketball Players Association acting on Harrington's behalf. Tellem still can negotiate the trade and receive a fee for his work.

"I'm sure there will be a period where Arn is going to go back over the steps taken by Andy, so there will be a delay," Walsh said. "Other than that, there shouldn't be a difference. I've dealt with both men. I thought Andy did everything he should have done. Arn will do everything he should do."

The Pacers had offered their $7.5 million trade exception and a first-round draft pick to the Hawks for Harrington, who averaged 18.6 points and 6.9 rebounds last season. They might have been willing to take back former Pacers center John Edwards in the deal, but the talks stalled over whether the Pacers would include a cash payment.

That all could change now that Tellem is representing Harrington. Walsh, however, is comfortable working with Tellem, who represented former Pacers Reggie Miller, Mark Jackson and Jonathan Bender, and now represents Jermaine O'Neal.

Tellem already has talked with Walsh a few times regarding Harrington as well as members of Atlanta's ownership group in an attempt to recharge the process.

"There's a lot of time yet," Walsh said.

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interesting that arn has put the muzzle on al (changing the cell number). al DEFINITELY didnt help the process by blurting that the hawks werent interested in re-signing him.

of course arn himself is the apparent source of the pre-draft info that we were locked in on shelden. im sure billy let him hear about that, and mebbe he learned billy likes to deal hush-hush. much better way to deal.

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By Sekou Smith


August 3, 2006 09:09 AM | Link to this

That’s why I said everybody rest this weekend and we’ll get back after this Monday morning Billy. The deal could be completed at anytime between now and the end of that two week period. But I imagine Tellem will take a few days and survey the landscape before moving into any more serious discussions. By Monday or Tuesday, however, I expect for this thing to heat up significantly. I just want this thing to beat the Aug. 19 deadline - it’s my unofficial deadline which stems from last summer’s Joe Johnson’s deal. But I don’t think there is any way we’re waiting two weeks for this deal to get done.

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