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Cristy Crawford


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agreed. his contract was far too long and hurts us, but I think we're a little harsh...he's only making three mil a year right? It's not like it's a 7-8 or even 5 million dollar deal...

it's bad, but it's not horrendously restricting.

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Your post was one of the most foolish things I have ever read.

>Do you honestly think that I'm against racism because it's >he trendy thing to think??"


>I'm "moving around in a herd" for thinking that people who >hate because of race are wrong and a detriment to >society ??


>#1 I don't claim to live by the Bible.

You should. It's a good teaching.

>#2 Your claim that anti-racists are as bad as racists shows >how out of touch you are.

Ever question whether being "in touch" was really a

positive ? Remember the "forrest for the trees" thing ?

>Anyone as foolish as that post.........

No foolishness in my posts.

>makes you sound shouldn't be telling people what or why to >think.

Oh, yes I should !!!!

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CC has never even had a 10/5 season, the Hawks have always been weak at the SF so he should have had plenty of chances to prove himself. It is easy to play hard for 5 minutes every 2 or 3 days. CC pussyballs all week during practice, and sucks on the court. If he was soo darn aggressive he would at least put up some decent numbers. I would rather have Roshown McCloed back than watch CC waste bench space.

Please why do you racist defend him and attack certifiable stars like JT, Big Dog and SAR. CC contributes nothing yet you call me racist for hating his wasting money and space. Yeah JT is this is that but OMG CC HE IS A GOD, DONT TALK ABOUT CC.

Kelston ChickenStanley is right the biggest racist claim not to be because it not PC to be one.

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I don't know who is a racist or who isn't and it really doesn't matter.

Chris Crawford was signed by Babcock at what has turned out to be the apex of his career thus far. Remember that playoff game where he scored 28 points with a seperated shoulder? Babcock never thought he would be any more than a decent role player and he gave CC the top end on that salary scale. Crawford tore his freakin ACL last year and now he looks to be hurt for a while longer than expected. Stuff happens.

This is not a whole lot different than what happened with Alan Henderson (even though Henderson's is more skilled). Babcock gave him that big contract right after he won league's most improved player. Then Hendu's knees give out last season.

This sort of thing happens on most team all the time, so to single Babcock out for giving CC that deal is unfair especially considering that you can find so much more viable things to be critical of Babs for.

And you can't call Crawford a sissy for being tearing his ACL and having ligament damage or Alan Henderson for having bum knees for a season.

Get on with it.


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"Whatever you need to believe so that it's easier to hate anyone not like you."

"Hate" is not a good thing, regardless of reason. No one

reason is any worse or counter-productive than another.

But "hate" iis something that cannot be legislated out of

existense. Legislation cannot change what is in the heart.

And having something shoved down ones throat will always

result in either choking, puking or both.............

[some of you amaze me the way you expend so much

effort attempting to understand and debate things in

their most complicated forms]

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Last time, it was that "you people" have a "herd mentality" with regard to the idea that Kwame Brown would be a good draft pick for the team prior to last season's draft. Now, it's "you people" have a "herd mentality" with regard to anti-racism. Give me a break!

Just because many people on this forum believe that racism is wrong does not mean they believe it is wrong because of some "herd mentality." I would suspect that many believe it is wrong because their value systems tell them that it is wrong. I would suspect that others believe it is wrong because they have been subjected to it in some way. I would suspect that still others have their own reasons for believing it is wrong, including teachings in the Bible.

No one mentioned legislating anything with regard to racism other than you. Just because Kelston and others voiced their opinions that BHD's comments regarding CC were racist does not mean that they were calling for the government to legislate his thoughts. He has a right to believe and say whatever he wants, just as those who disagree with what he says have the right to tell him that they disagree.

As for hate, you're right, I believe that it's not a good thing regardless of reason. So in my opinion, hating racists is counterproductive. As for judging them, that is certainly not my job as well. That being said, I certainly form OPINIONS of individuals based on what they say and do. I think we all do.

I can't wait for your next diatribe regarding the "herd mentality" that you think exists on this forum and I suspect in society as a whole. You may be off base but you are certainly entertaining. By the way, that is an opinion not a judgement.

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Crawford makes 2.5 million a year. The NBA average salery per year is 3 million. How can this be restricting, cc hurts himself because hes trying to do way to much for his own good. This is not true for many other players. He has the heart and the passion which i don't think I can talk about the rest of the team the same way. Most do not have the heart or the passion that makes a big difference.

BHD, CC is furthermore not a sissyballer because he wants to play its the staff thats not letting him play don't blame that fact on crawford, you shoud now whats goin on before you make comments like that.

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>Last time, it was that "you people" have a "herd mentality" >with regard to the idea that Kwame Brown would be a good >draft pick for the team prior to last season's draft.

And that's what all of you did. Don't blame me, I was

simply making an observation. There was no clear-cut

Shaq-like player. No one even close. And forgive me

if I find it hard to buy that 30 people decided to fixate

on Brown --- and all came to this conclusion without

being influenced by one another ? Never.

>Now, it's "you people" have a "herd mentality" with regard to >anti-racism. Give me a break!

Ya'll do [but I'm sure that like with Brown, all of you will

swear that you arrived at your feelings independently. Yeah

right, just like the racist majority back in the 40's all arrived

at their racist feelings independently -- no chance]

>Just because many people on this forum believe that racism >is wrong does not mean they believe it is wrong because of >some "herd mentality."

Herds will always have some type of logical reason for

doing what they do. It will make sense to them. Call

it 'justification", if you will. It's pretty obvious that

people don't want to believe that they are mindless

pieces of their social order.

Let's look at two examples.

1. Religion

Religions are based on notions so preposterious that it

would difficult to sell to a 6 y/o --- yet the majority

of the US population departs from sanity, justifies

their beliefs to one-another and I'm sure claim that

it was an independent decision. But it couldn't be !

Why ? Because no sane individual would ever believe

in virgin births, men walking on water or rising from

the dead --- unless their was something else at play.

Guess what it is.................

2. Patriotism

Young men and women join the military and willingly go

off to wars and risk "dying for their country". They,

along with their nutty society use many types of

[seemingly] logical reasons to justify this practice.

And they will tell you that they decided for themselves

that this was "right". But again, this could not be so.

Why ? Because no one in their right mind would ever

intentionally go into a situation where there was a

high chance of being killed ! Guess why they do it...

Just because there is a set of justifications behind

popular beliefs, doesn't mean that the believers

aren't behaving like a herd.

>That being said, I certainly form OPINIONS of individuals >based on what they say and do. I think we all do.

Yes, but once you've known one, you've known them

all --- seemigly. They can all argue about which color

to paint the house --- just not whether to paint it at

all. They can argue about what should be on a flag ---

but not whether such symbolic nonsense should even

exist in the first place. They will debate at length

what should be done as a result of the 9/11 attacks --

without ever stopping to see that the so-called attacks

almost certainly could not have been pulled off as

explained. Christian's will debate at length about

whether Catholic's or Baptist's are the "Closest

to God intentions"--- yet will not give an atheist the

time of day.

People must have a set "givens" in order to think and

form opinions. This is when they feel comfortable 'thinking'.

In fact, they don't feel comfortable without "givens".

The inherant need for "givens' is the reason people move

in herds without ever realizing it.

>You may be off base but you are certainly entertaining. By >the way, that is an opinion not a judgement.

All of you are entertaing to me as well.

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"Religions are based on notions so preposterious that it

would difficult to sell to a 6 y/o --- yet the majority

of the US population departs from sanity, justifies

their beliefs to one-another and I'm sure claim that

it was an independent decision. But it couldn't be !

Why ? Because no sane individual would ever believe

in virgin births, men walking on water or rising from

the dead --- unless their was something else at play."

This is called "ANTIsupernaturalism." And you're wasting your time with these line of reasoning...If you really want to disect Christianity, go right to 1 Corinthians 15. Paul (of Tarsus) openly admits that if the resurrection did not happen, then Christians are the most "pitiable" of men - and he's right, the entire system of Christian thought rises and falls at that point in history.

"Christian's will debate at length about

whether Catholic's or Baptist's are the "Closest

to God intentions"--- yet will not give an atheist the

time of day."

In general, this is true - most Christians are sectarians. I can even empathize from a Christian perspective, having grown up in a non-Baptist or Methodist assembly in an area of WNC where 95% of all "religious" people are either Baptist or Methodist (I felt like I had more in common with the sincerity of atheists than most Christians)...But this is not necessarily true of Christians in Africa, China, etc. It seems to be an American phenomenon.

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