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Cristy Crawford


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I am annoyed that you declare my views on Crawford racist, CC is a F-ing scrub with a long contract. I hate his lame cant play @ss. Why do I even have to defend this. But what p!sses me off is that you assault JT, Reef and Big Dog everyday without a inkling of hesitation. Yet a pussyballing, injury faking pansy @ss like CC you defend. It sickens me. Is it because he is white, is it because as hawks fans you are conditioned to love second rate players?

"But CC graduated from college he is a good citizen he help kids, blah blah blah...." So is Rumeul Robinson but you dog him out. I dont here any of you clammering to bring him back. CC is a big fat Loser. F him and F you if your a fan.

Hey lets bring back Konkak and Keefe and Trevor Wilson and Randy Whitman and Snoop Graham and Roy Marble. And lets never have a disparaging remark toward them lets just talk about the stars of the team and never the scrubs wasting space and salary cap

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E-mail has a 2 year 1 million dollar contract which ends this year. Not a 20 year deal like CC. Plus I didnt expect anything from e-mail in the first place I always saw him as a NBDLer with height. Come to think of it I said he should be wave, but point is E-mail's contract doesnt effect the team one way or the other. Besides E-mail was just brought in to compensate for JT @ the 2. He has been injured the last 2 seasons, but at least he tries, CC has been injured every year since he got his contract.

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I wished we didn't have Crawford and his contract

either.However,he will WHEN HE IS OUT THERE will

give everything he has.He doesn't just stand around.

But the little bit he has been on the court doesn't

make up for his bloated contract.Sadly every team

has some bloated contracts.

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BigotHawkDown is a racist piece of garbage.

Your opinions are not based on performance, ability or anything else, they're based on the narrow-minded philosophies of an obvious racist.

You're no better than the KKK. You're no better than the skinheads. People who practice racial intolerance are some of the lowest forms of human life.

And you're one of them. Bigot.

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we went through this A MILLION TIMES, lets hope this is the last time... okay BHD?

1)We do not think Crawford is the white version of LEBRON JAMES! In fact, we all see him as a backup player. We dont praise him at all (i think this is one of the only CHRIS CRAWFORD threads on hawksquawk), nor do we diss him. Like Email, hes not worth talking about.

2)Do we think hes a sissyballer? answer- NO! Guy takes it hard to the rim. Plain and simple. All because the guy isint a sissyballer, doesnt mean he can play. Look at DARIUS MILES. He isint a SISSYBALLER, but he isint that great either! U talk about Dirk Nowitski getting too much publicity, what about DARIUS MILES? People sport his jersey all the time... and u cant even compare the two players.

Nowitski is an allstar, Miles is not! plain and simple!

3)Is he a decent backup SF/PF? Yes! thats my case. Hes is a decent backup SF/PF. By no means, do i want him starting.

4)I understand ur frustrated that hes injured and not playing... but watch the guy play a couple times before u judge him to be a PUSSYBALLER/SISSYBALLER/or watever.

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I think that you're just jumping on BHD with no reason. He has stated his point and it's very valid.

At the beginning of the season, there were many people who would criticized Dion Glover and talk about how he is not worthy of playing for the Hawks and should be traded or cut. However, CC makes about 9 times as much as Dion does (over the course of his contract) and CC will be employed for 3 more yrs after this.

I think we have not recieved any of the investment that we put into CC. To me, CC is Ken "The Snake" Norman all over again. A guy we just pay for nothing. So if CC gives his all in the 10 minutes a season that he plays... How much does that matter. If he were as honorable as you guys describe, he would retire and give the franchise that has given him so much an oppotunity to become better without him.

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Nobody loves CC's not being able to play (or his contract), but everyone with a clue knows from watching CC play that aggressiveness and toughness were always his foremost characteristics. To call him an "effimenent pansy" in effect because he is white is bad enough. To be the apologist for such nonsense is disgustingly so.


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I think being a racist piece of garbage is reason enough to "jump on" someone. Especially if they're going to continue to fill this forum with racist dribble.

Cyman and Walter both summed things up well. No one on this board is saying "Yeah, CC is the best", "CC brings so much to this offense", just as no one comments about EMail. They're of no concern at this point.

No one here likes CC's contract. No one has ever defended CC's contract.

But BigotHawkDown continues to call him out for being white, saying he's a pansy and a "sissyballer", even though most everyone on this board agrees that he's one of the Hawks most aggresive players.

The fact that you, Diesel, are sticking up for this piece of garbage is unfortunate. While I almost never agree with your opinions concerning the Hawks, I've always respected your basketball knowledge and your devotion to the Hawks.

That said, backing up BigotHawkDown's race-hating diatribe makes you no better than the Bigot himself.

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You agree with every move that Babcock has made. Giving CC a big contract for 1 good quarter was a mistake. I said so when he did it. I still stand by it.

Again, I ask...

What good is the 10 minutes per season that we get out of CC? It doesn't equate to even 1 win does it?

How about this.

Let the Hawks organization pay me 2.8 million dollars per year. I will give you as much effort as CC. This is not about WHITE or BLACK... This is about Right. IS it right that year by year CC gives us NOTHING? NOTHING. Absolutely Nothing. Walter I suggest you cherish the memory of those 16 minutes against the knicks. That's all the Hawks will ever have to remember CC by.

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If CC is soo darn aggressive it should have shown some results by now. But he is a bench warmer an overpaid long contract bench warmer.

But I disagree with one thing Diesel, CC doesnt even deserve to be in Ken Norman's category, at least "the Snake" had a few decent seasons over his career. CC has never even had a 10/5/5 year. Babcock was an idiot to draft and sign CC.

Kelston827 normally I just ignore you because you havent brought a decent point to back up your accusations but if you actually want to call me on something and prove your point afterwards I will be happy to enter a dialogue with you. But the insults are just plain lame. But I do like the BigotHawkDown that is really funny. In fact I will sign my post with it. Hey how about BiasedHawkDown. I am biased as [censored] against scrubs, and people who make accusations without backing it up.

Walter where have you been working hard ont that PhD in Philosophy @ Tennesse, man your going to make a killing when you finish, useless degree from a second rate school. WOW! Glad to have you back.


PS. Walter why do you argue with Diesel other than his trades he is perhaps the sharpest poster hear, you however are inconsistent, you stared out with sharp logical debates now you spit dribble.

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Okay BlackHawkdown I just wanted to correct a statement you made that Babcock should have never drafted crawford. Actually Crawford was a lowrisk and a steal as a 2ndround draft pick. Babcock was foolish to give him a longterm deal,but who knew he would suffer through these injuries. In all honesty I don't think Chris's legs will ever heal to the point where he can play consistently.

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"I think being a racist piece of garbage is reason enough to "jump on" someone"

No, it isn't. Anti-racism is simply the current pasture

that the average American sheep is grazing. Just like

being racist was "proper" 50+ years before. Those

people were just as convinced they were right are

all of you are.

You people are so caught-up in your currently popular

"ideals" that you fail to see that what you are missing

is the fact that you're moving around in a herd like a

bunch of stupid ruminents !

BHD can hate-on or like someone for any reason he

chooses. Your "judging" him is as bad as anything

you're accusing him of !!

If you don't believe me, go look it up in that Bible

that most of you claim to live by the teachings of.

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The last thing CC is is a sissyballer - the guy can take it to the hole fearless - in fact he's so fearless he trys to do things his body can't take, and he ends up on the IR.

We'd get a lot more minutes from him if he WAS a sissyballer!! (can't say what kind of minutes, though).

Babcock made a major error with CCs contract, and with Hendu's contract too. Fact is, there are always more and new players around and one doesn't have to give insane contracts to anyone but a handful of the best superstar/franchise players in the league, of which this team has none.

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Your post was one of the most foolish things I have ever read.

Do you honestly think that I'm against racism because it's the trendy thing to think?? I'm "moving around in a herd" for thinking that people who hate because of race are wrong and a detriment to society??

#1 I don't claim to live by the Bible.

#2 Your claim that anti-racists are as bad as racists shows how out of touch you are.

Anyone as foolish as that post makes you sound shouldn't be telling people what or why to think.

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This "sissyballer" is going to try to play through the knee problem. He will be off the IR after 2 more games and will try to play. The MRI didn't show bone chips but CC will be checked out by additional doctors.

BHD doesn't hate CC, he just wants to start a lively debate here and he knows this will do it.

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I don't hate CC either. I just feel that looking at it from an investment perspective. We have invested a whole lot in CC and to date, we have gotten back NOTHING. I don't think he's a "sissyballer" or lacks toughness ala Theo. However, I don't think that he's worth the contract either. Even if he were 100% all the time, he would not be worth the contract. The reason being is because the contract was given to him after 1 qtr of good playoff play? That's a bad basis for any GM to award an iron clad 7 yr deal.

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