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Hartley not good enough, Woodson is?


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What's the deal? I thought we were a little strapped as an organization. We have to keep Woody but the ASG fires a Stanley Cup winning coach because he gets off to a slow start. They think this is a critical year to grow their fan base and felt they needed to make a change. Hello?! Hawks fan here. What about our fan base? What about our change? Again, with all apologies to you AHF, I pray that Dark Lord Belkin wins. These people cannot be trusted. And when I say that, I am speaking of intellect, not morality. They fire a Championship coach 6 games into a season in one sport and have kept one of the losingest players in NBA history for 4 years to coach them in another. Grown men with toys, man.

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Sounds like the veteran players gave up on Hartley. When the GM went to find out what was wrong, the vets on the Thrashers pointed to Hartley. That sealed his fate. Will JJ, Lue and others do the same to Woody? Also, let's wait and see who will be hired before we jump the gun here. I'm guessing it will be some upstart, cheap coach. I'd love to see Woody replaced sooner than later. But if the ASG can only afford a Brian Shaw/Mario Elie/Eric Musselman type who is desperate for a head coaching gig (as opposed to an experienced leader who can take this team to the next level), well, what difference does it make? Kind of like going from Mora to Petrino. From a player-friendly incompetent to a drill-sargent incompetent (how do you punt the ball that late in the game and down by 6?????? banghead.gif)

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Good points. Can you imagine if we had hired a Stan Van Gundy and put him into this situation? It would have completed the transformation. Woody just holds this team back and the leash he's on better be a short one.

I hear all this BS about running and attacking the basket but its just lip service. The problem is that if we make the playoffs and go like 41-41 the Spirit will think Woody's done his job. Problem is that with Woody we are always leaving a lot on the table, playoffs or not.

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I don't defend still having Woody around. You can count me among the people who think he should have been gone already.

The only rationale I can see for this is (a) a total inability to attract NBA coaching talent with the team in litigation limbo and (b) the fact that no one really believes that Belkin cares about the Thrashers and the team is therefore being run differently than the Hawks. Bottomline, neither of those things really excuse the failure to bring in a good coach at a premium price. Guarantee the contract and you will be able to get someone good (for example, use the $$ given to Speedy and you can land a good coach).

I am rooting for Woodson to step up big-time along with this team but don't mistake me for a Woodson apologist!

* * * *

On the Belkin front, I just find nothing positive about the prosect of a Belkin-run team. What should get me excited?

* His stabbing his partners in the back (several times)?

* His deliberate effort to get this franchise mixed up in long-term litigation through his hostile takeover attempt?

* His open rooting for teams other than the ones he owns?

* His reported cheapness and unwillingness to match even the payroll goals of the rest of the ASG?

* His deliberate efforts to extend the litigation process that has been so hard on this team?

* His basketball decision-making skills where he blew the ownership up over the JJ trade but praised the Marvin pick through the roof?

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They fire a Championship coach 6 games into a season in one sport and have kept one of the losingest players in NBA history for 4 years to coach them in another. Grown men with toys, man.

Last I checked the GM is responsible for firing coaches. BK is the reason you should be upset with the ASG, not Woody. Owners are not expected to know a TON about the sport like the GM is, that's why they hire a GM. BK is the true idiot for not firing Woody, and it might be because they are friends.

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Be patient with the Woody situation. I think changes are in store if the team plays flat for any extended period of time.

The Hartley firing also comes right after Belkin's 30 day window to appeal expired.

This means to me that Belkin is going to accept a buy out.

AHF, is this your read on the Belkin situation?

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Be patient with the Woody situation. I think changes are in store if the team plays flat for any extended period of time.

The Hartley firing also comes right after Belkin's 30 day window to appeal expired.

This means to me that Belkin is going to accept a buy out.

AHF, is this your read on the Belkin situation?

I agree that the expiration of the right to appeal is big as far as the security of the ASG, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that Belkin is going to accept a buy out. It wouldn't surprise me if he waited to see what he trial court does with this on remand before making a decision. The trial court now has a contract where it cannot rule that the contract clearly gave Belkin the right to select the second appraiser. That doesn't leave the court with any clear guidance on where to go from here, though.

I hope someone accepts a buyout and this ownership turmoil ends soon.

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I agree a resolution one way or the other is better than what is going on now.

Is there any other city that has as many legal troubles with its sports teams as Atlanta? In the past three years there is the Belkin saga, the protracted sale of the Braves, and then, of course, Vick (and Babs). Its amazing that any of the teams can draw a fan to the games right now.

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1. 13, 26, 30 (w/160 man-games injured). The escalater Is going up.

2. The confidence of Management and players.


You guys are alone on this.

Only reason to change is because we are out of the playoffs before April with no Major injuries.

Woodson has done a good job. jedi.gif

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