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Glavine back in ATL?


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No to Glavine. The guy is nearing the end of his career (if he hasn't already reached it), and Mets fan couldn't wait to boot his butt out of town. Frank Wren would do a whole lot better by spending that money on someone like Silva and not Glavine. Yes, the nostalgic factor would be fantastic, but we need decent starting pitching, not washed up, remember-the-good-old-days pitchers like Glavine.

Of course, I won't discount the possibilty that Glavine will regain his form if he pitchers down here, but we already have an old guy in our rotation in Smoltz - who is also near retirement - so we need to be thinking long-term here, not short-term. Adding Glavine would only create 2 holes in our rotation when both of them leave in the very near future.

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If you had watched the Braves, you would know that had Glavine been on the team the last two years, we likely would have been in the playoffs. Glavine is virtually the same as always. He may even be better in some ways. He has a curve now and uses his cutter far more than when he was a Brave. It's a move that puts us squarely in contention in the NL. That nostalgia factor is also a coaching factor. Glavine would rub off more good than McDowell does bad.

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Glavine's only problem right now is stamina. I wouldn't mind if the Braves sign him with the thought of him starting 30 games instead of 35. Skip him a couple of times during the dog days so that he's fresh come the end of August.

Glavine is also another pitching coach. He would help James get his stuff together. I like the signing, but I also wouldn't mind the team getting Silva to eat innings.







Or, make Glavine the #5 starter to give him the rest he needs to be fresh come the end of the season.

The key to all this is how much is Liberty willing to spend on the team. If they are willing to go to a 100 million a season pay-roll then the Braves will have a solid, NL championship caliber team.

The key additions that I think the Braves need to make are:

1) Griffey to play center via a trade

2) Sign Jose Silva to anchor the 3 spot in the rotation

3) Sign Glavine to stabilize the pitching staff

4) Sign a clutch pinch hitter that can play either 1B or in the outfield.

IMO, Hampton will not pitch effectively again, so he shouldn't be in any equations for this team.

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