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Nintendo Wii Hunting


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I also did not enjoy it. I played it for about 2 hours and the realized that the first two hours of the game are just a tutorial basically. Made me angry and I quit.

Hahah, I did the same thing.. I eventually picked it up out of some weird sense of Zelda Obligation, and it gets much better smile.gif

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Don't own a Wii, but have messed with one a few times. Thought it was fun, and was thinking about getting one until I realized the pitiful lack of software support for it. Besides Mario, I don't see anything worth buying for the Wii. I'm doubly curious as to why there isn't a lot of FPS (First-person shooters) on the Wii. The Wiimote and nunchucks are tailor-made for such games, and I'm surprised at the lack of quality FPS games for it.

I did pick up a PS3 from Amazon a week ago on the basis of its formidable 2008 lineup of games. Love the purchase, and Call of Duty 4 is keeping me busy. I just hope most of its stellar looking '08 titles live up to their billing. Did think about getting an Xbox360, but with the plethora of reports concerning hardware malfunctions and its uncomfortable controllers(imo), plus the familiarity I had with Sony consoles made me decide on a PS3 -- free online play didn't hurt either. bannana_guitar.gif

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You're the first person i've come in contact with who actually owns a ps3. You're missing out on some of the best games ever, now, but if you'd rather wait till 08 that's your right

I started to buy a Wii but I didn't. I'm really PO'ed at Microsoft because the systems tear up. My nieces hubby to be bought one and now the tray will not close unless you push it. Plus I've had a shitload of problems with every single one that I've bought. I've had to take them back.

Mine is currently tore up. I might get it fixed soon though.

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You're the first person i've come in contact with who actually owns a ps3.

Tell me about it. I don't know anyone who owns a PS3, which is so weird considering every soul on this planet owns, or used to own, a PS2. Pretty lonely out here... frown.gif but once I told some people about my purchase, they were really excited and curious to see it. Some of them loved the look and feel of the system, and a lot of them were amazed how good Uncharted looked.

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history doesn't mean much in the video game world. Gamers go where the games are and they aren't really on the ps3. If you want a blu-ray player, sure, I guess the ps3 is the best option out there, but if you want to play games, the 360 is where it's at and where it will continue to be.

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but if you want to play games, the 360 is where it's at and where it will continue to be.

Well, it's like not like third-party support for the PS3 just suddenly dwindled. Even though it took a year or so, quality titles are finally starting to trinkle in for the PS3, such as Unreal Tournament 3, which btw, I'll probably pick up. And again, their 2008 lineup of games looks impressive.

And yes, the PS3 does make a fine Blu-Ray player. Don't think I could ever go back to watching regular DVD's on a standard definition television. grin.gif

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I got one.

My wife and I had been looking for weeks and could not get one. Finally a friends at work knows someone at a videogame store and they held one when it came in for me. It was used, but it works fine.

Our backup option that we were trying was essentially finding out the delivery truck times each day for each store (had a list of like 8 stores) and call every day to see if they are there and if so, run to the store.. that's the only way unless you want to pay a crapload.

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you have to be doing something to break them...

Nope. Everybody I know that bought one has had trouble. I haven't got mine repaired since it tore up last March. My sister and dad offered to help me buy a new one as part of a christmas gift, but I told them no. I will NOT buy a new one. I'm not paying for a new one with their money or mine.

I refuse to cough up three hundred more bucks for these things. Microsoft after first offered to fix mine. But then my niece had a car crash and I was unable to sent in those couple of days. When I called back, they told me they would no longer fix it for free.

The person I got ahold of the first time was probably just a clown that didn't know what they were talking about anyway. They told me it would cost 100 bucks to get it fixed.

The people at Wal-mart told me LOTS of people were bringing them back.

So, no... I'm not doing anything to break them. They're built poorly. I still have Nintendo and Sega systems that still work. My original PS still worked before I sold it about a year and a half ago.

Honestly, I really only want it repaired for sports games anyway.

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that's odd, because I know 10 local people who have them and only one has had any issues. His 360 was fixed and returned to him within 2 weeks as part of the extended three year warranty that EVERY 360 has. So I'm surprised to hear you say they refused to fix yours when the 3-year warranty extension is pretty much world-wide knowledge.

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that's odd, because I know 10 local people who have them and only one has had any issues. His 360 was fixed and returned to him within 2 weeks as part of the extended three year warranty that EVERY 360 has. So I'm surprised to hear you say they refused to fix yours when the 3-year warranty extension is pretty much world-wide knowledge.

Well, I had this one since December 2005. It tore up in March. It might have been Feb. Don't remember now. So I did get a little bit of life out of it.

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Go to the 360 website. The RRD (Red Ring of Death) is a huge problem. I'd estimate that nearly 40% have had to send one in for repairs. Most of those 2,3,4 times even. Not only do they not repair them, they send you a refurb. That being said, the 360 has the better games, but Sony makes a MUCH more reliable product. If I had to do it over again I'd seriously consider a PS3. If I have to send my system in again, it will be a no brainer. The Wii is great family fun AHF. Unless you are a hardcore gamer, I'd stick with the cheap Wii until they grow into a grown-up system.

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you would estimate 40% based on nothing tangible. Other armchair analysts have estimated 20-30%, but nobody knows for sure. In my circle of friends (and friends list) it's about 3%. I've had mine since launch and have had zero problems, but mine also sits in a cool, electronics friendly spot.

Of course they send a refurb. This is standard industry (electronics) practice and there's nothing wrong with it at all. I have a house full of refurb electronic components that saved me thousands of dollars vs. new and have worked perfectly for years. The problem with the 360's was the cooling system. It wasn't faulty components. The cooling system simply wasn't strong enough to handle situations where people placed it in a location without good cool air flow. For a while they were just sending out unmodified refurb units, because they didn't have a solution ready, but once they corrected the cooling system, which all new and recently repaird 360's have, the problems have practically disappeared. Beyond that, the system has a 3 year warranty, just in case, so it's a non issue to me. I bought it to play games and nothing on the market comes anywhere close to it in that respect.

It's not like the PS3 is flawless. The newer revisions are reporting much higher failure rates than the first model, but nobody knows what the % is for sure. I guess you don't remeber the ps2's year of DVD drive failures eh? It happens to every company eventually.

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I think they've pretty much ruined their chances this generation.

Well, I wouldn't say their chances are completely down the drain for the next 4 or 5 years. Yeah, Sony shot themselves in the foot with a shoddy console launch, but their slowly making it up for it by introducing a cheaper PS3 (40 gig version) and actual good games coming out. I think the problem was that Sony wasn't used to a competitor, like Microsoft, coming in and directly challenging their long dominance over the market. MS came in with a superb online system and a developer-friendly console, and continued that with the 360. I'm guessing Sony was a little flustered by all this, and wasn't sure how to react. It was clearly a mistake pricing the PS3 out of everyone's budget, when there was already a cheaper alternative in the 360 that already had a one-year start. I'm guessing it was a no-brainer for some parents when they went in and saw the pricing for the two and decided on the cheaper 360.

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