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I am Legend fails to deliver


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I went to see this movie yesterday and came out dissapointed. Will Smith IMO shouldn't have taken this role. This movie is sort of like Casataway except Smith isn't on an island but In NYC thinking he is the last survivor left. His only companion is the family dog. He suffers from loneliness so much that he configures Maniquins(sp)in a music store to look like actual customers.

This movie moves at a slow pace, and the action at the beginning is very little. I also don't like movies that start in the present and flash back to the past. They did this at least 3times in the movie. Where Smith would be along and start thinking about how this all came to be. Since this is a PG13 movie they don't let you see any graphic scenes but more or less they are implied like his family getting killed.

Just save you money and wait till this movie comes out on DVD. Up next for me AVP-R.

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but then again I really liked Castaway. I suppose if you didn't like that movie you might not like this one, but this had elements of humor, sadness, scariness, cool looking creatures, etc. I wasn't a huge fan of the end but other than that I really enjoyed it and I think Smith did a great job.

I am definitely excited for AVP, plus it was cool to see the full Batman trailer. Ledger looks freaking awesome as the joker.

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I thought it was well done, but far too short (110 min.)

The fact that it was PG-13 was a big shocker to me at first, because I expected a fun-filled gory film. In hindsight, the PG-13 rating is the reason 'I am Legend' set the December Box office opening weekend record. [and Dec. is a BIG month to do that in -- it beat out the record numbers that LOTR:III brought in!]

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No actually I loved Castaway, I was just using that as a comparison but this movie IMO was no where near as good. It wasn't a bad movie but didn't live up to what I thought it would be. When they rated the movie PG13 I knew right then that I might have my doubts on liking it or not.

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saw this tonight and I liked it up until the last 20 minutes or so. I've read the book and its adaptations as well as seen all the movies based on it. Why can't they just stick to the story? Nearly every problem in every movie version could be fixed by sticking to the written story.... Prior to the last 20 minutes or so though, I liked a lot.

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saw this tonight and I liked it up until the last 20 minutes or so. I've read the book and its adaptations as well as seen all the movies based on it. Why can't they just stick to the story? Nearly every problem in every movie version could be fixed by sticking to the written story.... Prior to the last 20 minutes or so though, I liked a lot.

Totally sick of the whole vampire/zombie thing. Also, I believe a movie has to be honest as to the the reality they are in. Like if the movie is based in reality, it has to follow rules of reality like gravity, etc. I can't stand sensationalistic scenes like the hunting in Times Square. There is no way grass is growing on the streets of manhattan. It would be impossible. There is no soil. It just makes no sense. When I see things like this in a preview it sends up a huge red flag. They are trying to trick you. You know, if there are enough cool visuals people won't use their brains to see through the poorly written script. Not cool.

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