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Who will be the new president?


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As scared to death as it makes me, I believe HIllary is going to win due mainly to the female vote. I love the bumper sticker "I WANT MY MOMMY! Hillary for president."

Personally, I don't think there is anyone worth voting for on either side this year. I don't know who will eventually be the libertarian candidate but even that doesn't look to promising. Only Huckabee with his championing of the fair tax has got me excited but even he has the tendency to wear his religion too much on his sleeve for my liking.

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Mitt Romney will be the next pres. He will be the nominee. When Hillary is the dems nom., this will be the one thing that will cause ALL the republicans to vote. Even though the Repubs are divided now, they will come together to beat Hillary.

Also, given that about 50% of those polled say they will never vote for Hillary, that means that she must get almost everyone else, and that seems unlikely.

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I hope you're right. Hillary scares the crap out of me as she will try her best to turn this country into a socialist nation. I wouldn't be too upset with Romney. He doesn't make me jump up w/ excitement but I work with a handful of LDS people and I must say they are some of the most devout and likeable people you will ever meet.

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Regardless of whether Obama or Clinton gets the nomination, I think McCain will end up beating them. Obama is too green and that will end up hurting him, he's surviving off catch phrases, which is delivers masterfully I might add. Clintons past will do her in. She won't be able to hide from it in the big race.

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Have you noticed that Obama sounds like The Rock?

Do you smellllllllllllllah, what the Obama's cooking?

lol. have you seen the footage of him dancing on Ellen's show? I'm a loyal "Soup" watcher and after seeing that clip so many times, it's enough for me to vote for anyone but him. lol.

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Joel McHale would be a great president! We usually record it via DVR every week. New episodes almost every Friday night at 10pm. Replays on Saturday morning 10am and I think again on Saturday night around 11pm. They do this great clip of the Obama dancing along with clips of little kids dancing on Yo Gabba Gabba. It's hilarious.

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Regardless of whether Obama or Clinton gets the nomination, I think McCain will end up beating them. Obama is too green and that will end up hurting him, he's surviving off catch phrases, which is delivers masterfully I might add. Clintons past will do her in. She won't be able to hide from it in the big race.

The thing is that many of our recent presidents have won simply on slogans: Reagan, Clinton, GW Bush. All of them were outsiders to DC and won by rallying people to the "change" slogan.

I have long held that regardless of party, Senators don't do well in presidential races. This is due to their voting record in the Senate. Thus, both H. Clinton and McCaine I don't think can win a national election. Of course if they go agianst each other it will be interesting.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the race come down to Obama and Romney. I think Obama wins that race, but November is a LONG ways away.

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