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Des Moines IOWA Levee Fails


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This is not even close to what happened in New Orleans. In N.O. they knew it was coming and did nothing. Then they didnt act till days after it hit. After they knew how bad things were. Bush is a lying murdering buffoon. Ive said before that the most horrible death or family tragedies he could possibly endure would only be the 1st step in him ' REAPING THE WHIRLWIND".

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I have to go up to Iowa City for a site visit in relation to my fed job. It won't be until the middle of July, but I can give a state of the city when I get back. The pictures we are getting from the disaster relief team are stunning.

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Taking politics aside...water is basically unstoppable. The only thing you can do is prepare and have an "out"...you can't nuke water...or hurricanes for that matter...they don't care...they're gonna do what they are gonna do and us humans can't stop em.

Luckily we in the U.S. have the NWS and can generally see these things coming and survive them.

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