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Does Woodson like our current roster?


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Hi everyone, I was just thinking.

I know we beat Boston 3 times, but I think Woodson came here wanting a rugged defensive Detroit Pistons-type team. Instead, BK gave him 29 6"8 tweeners instead.

Would Woodson want a trade or maybe an overhaul?

I am desperate for us to make it deep in the playoffs next year and was wondering what anyone would think of a Marvin + Bibby for Iverson / Arenas-type trade? I think we desperately need a legit 20 ppg scorer next to our stud superstar Joe Johnson, who is right now the 2nd best SG in basketball (yes, he's better than D.Wade who's done nothing since he won the championship).

Anyway, I was just wondering what realistic changes you see happening, and I think a legit 2nd scorer is absolutely necessary at this juncture.


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I think Woody would love to have better defenders. I can't see any reason to trade for Iverson as he kills offensive flow and is now a major defensive liability. Arenas is a great scorer and would compliment Joe very well, but it would pretty much be a Joe and Arenas iso offense as both of them like to shoot a lot.

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thanks for the reply.

I wish we could get James Posey. While i hate him for being a dirty player and always making 3's, this guy embodies a true utility backup. Bringing him and CHillz off the bench would be incredible.

I think any contender needs a Ron Artest, Shane Battier, Bruce Bowen, or even a DeShawn Stevenson. I wish July would get here already, although I suspect the ASG will hold off till September til the Joshes are retained.

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I am definitely for going after Posey. I'm not sure that he will be leaving Boston or that we could afford him based on our cap situation, but I definitely like him.

I am also a big Artest fan. I know he is a nutcase, but there isn't a better perimeter defensive player in the league and he can shoot the 3. I love Marvin but I would probably trade Marvin for Artest and not think twice about it. I would pray that Artest keeps his head on straight, but that's about it. He would make us a lot better defensively and would keep defenses honest with his ability to shoot the 3 plus he is still young enough to grow with Joe.

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Maybe if we could nab Brad Miller too? He may be a hindrance to Spencer Hawes who really didn't do much last year.

Bibby + Marvin

for Artest + Brad Miller maybe?

More importantly, I think going back to the SW will help Marvin's confidence--being closer to home. I am curious to see what he's done this summer though. All he needs is some weight-training (stronger legs), and to work with someone like Antwawn Jamison at UNC and he will be something special. I don't know if we'll extend his contract though

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Plus Joe Johnson seemed REALLY pissed after we got eliminated in game 7 (LAL lost by more than we did!) and he wants veterans. Brad Miller, Ron Artest, James Posey, Kareem Rush (won a ring or two with LAL maybe?) Could we nab a couple of these guys? I don't see Posey leaving Boston unless they can't pay him. I think his stock went up quite a bit after these last few series.

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Ability-wise Artest would be a great, if not perfect, addition, I just can't see him being happy in Atlanta (or anywhere). Artest seems to have similar problems as Rodman and needs a coaching staff that he deeply respects, e.g., Phil Jackson. Woodson seems to have a hard enough time handling Smith's flare-ups and lack of court discipline, I can't see adding Artest to that mix and it not exploding.

Iverson, no way. No defense and too much of a volume shooter

Arenas, maybe. I am not sold on Arenas as a big-time player. He has a history of disappearing when needed the most.

Billups, yes. You can question his age, but that is about it.

Hienrich, yes. Inconsistant, but would be a solid backcourt mate for JJ

Redd, yes. Lets JJ move to SF and gives us that true 3 point threat.

Posey, YES (but why leave Boston?)


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Artest seems to be hitting the point in his career where may be manageable....kind of how Rasheed has mellowed out with age.

Sure Rasheed still throws temper tantrums and loses his cool but I think Artest keeps himself in check more so then Sheed at this juncture.

The key is having a veteran on the team Artest would respect and look to as a leader (like Sheed has with Billups and McDeysse who don't hesitate to get on him). I am not sure JJ is that type of guy and Horford will be but is he there yet?

Artest would be a big risk but you don't become a championship caliber team without taking a big risk. I would just cross my fingers that Artest's attitude does not rub off on a newly signed, and super rich Josh Smith.

I would focus on a Richard Jefferson or a Michael Redd before Artest... but Artest would come much cheaper. Maybe for just Marvin and a small filler where Redd would likely cost Bibby and Marvin and Jefferson would at least cost Bibby (only if the Nets and Bucks decide to blow it up are these even practical but we already know Artest is not in the Kings' long term plans).

Rumor has it that Bibby and Artest never got along in Sacremento. Bibby could give us the low down on what Artest is like behind close doors. If they truely hate one another a follow up trade of Bibby would be in order.

Personally I think a line up of JJ at SG and Artest at SF is just too big and not agile enough in today's NBA. Again I would prefer a JJ / R. Jefferson combo or a Redd / JJ combo.

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Isn't Richard Jefferson a bit too big though?

I think JJ and Michael Redd would be very potent, because they are very similar players, but Redd is left-handed, and they complement each other very well. I would not be surprised if Mr. Sund is pursuing Redd either. I think Milwaukee is very impressed with Marvin.

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I'd be happy to go after Richard Jefferson, but it would be difficult to get him unless they would take Bibby for him and I'm not sure his value has fallen to the point of just trying to get an expiring in return. I'm sure they would want future draft pick consideration and at this point I'm not too keen on giving up future firsts for guys who aren't sure things and RJ isn't with his injury history.

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I don't think Ron Artest commands that much in the trade market.

You could probably get Sacramento to let you "take him off their hands" for a future 1st

If we're building a team that will do deep in the playoffs we're talking a 20 something pick. No big deal.

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You need those picks to draft players to develop that can eventually replace your other players once they get to the point that you can't afford them all. Sure you can try that with 2nd rounders but you are more likely to find success with a 1st rounder.

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CBA experts...is there anything that prevents a team from trading a player within X days after he accepts a Player Option year on his contract?

Just wondering, since that's the situation with Artest. It looks like will accept the one year to stay in Sacramento. Does that then prohibit them from trading him elsewhere?

I'd do Marvin for Artest in a heartbeat. We'd have the potential to be an elite defensive team with him here. We would need to devise a scheme to hide Bibby's defensive shortcomings, as Boston does with Ray Allen. (I'd estimate it would be a difficult task, given that Bibby has to play on ball so often at the PG spot.)

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I heard Woody on the radio right after he signed his extension and he sounded like he was excited about our team. It sounded to me like he wants Smoove and Chillz back and like he expected them to be back.

He said that just making the playoffs was a huge step for this young team but that we wanted to be like the Pistons and Spurs who were in the mix every year. I don't think he would have said that if he didn't like our players.

In response to a question about whether JJ needed a "Number 2" scoring guy to take the pressure off of him, Woody said that he didn't think we had to have a DESIGNATED number 2 scorer and that he thought that Marvin, Smoove or Al could all fill that role on a given night depending on matchups (I found it interesting that he didn't mention Bibby but that was likely just an oversight).

All that said, I think Woody would like to have some more vets to come off the bench to supplement Chillz, Acie and Zaza. He also said that you need veteran players to help you get to the next level.

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All that said, I think Woody would like to have some more vets to come off the bench to supplement Chillz, Acie and Zaza. He also said that you need veteran players to help you get to the next level.

Yep, and veteran players want to play for not just a playoff team but a team with a shot at a championship. I think we are not viewed in that way yet but you never know after we push the Celtics so hard.

Hill / Suns

Bell / Suns

Stackhouse / Dallas

E. Jones / Dallas

Finley / Spurs

Barry / Spurs

Posey / Celtics

PJ Brown / Celtics

Cassell / Celtics

McDeysse / Pistons

J. Hayse / Pistons

Hunter / Pistons

Mourning / Heat

All of these guys signed deals with their respective teams for below market value b/c they thought they had a legitimate shot at a ring. We will soon be there but as of now we may still have to over pay to get one.

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Isn't Richard Jefferson a bit too big though?

I think JJ and Michael Redd would be very potent, because they are very similar players, but Redd is left-handed, and they complement each other very well. I would not be surprised if Mr. Sund is pursuing Redd either. I think Milwaukee is very impressed with Marvin.

JJ is 6'7'' 235 lbs

If we could pair JJ with:

Artest who is 6'7'' 250-260 lbs and was born 11/1979

or Jefferson who is 6'7'' 225 lbs and was born 7/1980

or Redd who is 6'6'' 215 lbs and was born 8/1980

I don't know how long Artest can guard smaller players while hauling 260 lbs around. I think Jefferson's age and lower weight give him a longer career. Plus Jefferson has a good attitude and has proved to be a good teamate....and has played in 2 NBA Finals which is valuable for a young team. Jefferson knows how to share the ball with another wing player as he has done with Vince Carter. Jefferson is not a high volume shooter, he is pretty efficient.

When comparing Jefferson to Redd.......Jefferson is a better defender then Redd and has a cheaper salary then Redd. They averaged the same anount of points even though Redd did not have to share he rock with Vince Carter. Jefferson had the higher FG % and actually equalled Redd 3pt % at 36%. Not to mention Jefferson has played in many big time playoff games where Redd has not been under that pressure so you don't know how he would react.

Now I would take any of the 3 talked about above but if I could choose any one it would be Jefferson.

My list off some what reasonable trade expectations in order:

1. Jefferson

2. Redd

3. Gerald Wallace

4. Ron Artest

5. Jason Richardson

(I wish I could name a center who is available but I can't think of any.....Brad Miller maybe ?)

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It doesn't really matter if he likes our team, in a league like the NBA that is based on talent, you don't choose your players based on what your mediocre coach wants.

That being said, I'm sure he wants a couple shooter/defenders on the wing and in the backcourt and some bodies in the frontcourt and he's right.

I'd be agreeable to a Redd trade, we'd have to get a little bit lucky and hope that Hammond really wanted to start over and we'd have a little bit of trouble filling out the rest of the bench but you have to start with the talent and work from there.

Artest is another guy that would do wonders for the team but Ron-Ron makes Smith look disciplined out there, I don't mean to say that he is out of control on the court, he just doesn't listen to his coaches and Woody has never been the type to command the respect of a golden retriever let alone a wild card like Artest.

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I'd be agreeable to a Redd trade,

I could live with a Redd trade but his contract is a killer.

I just want to make sure every one knows how big it is before they are SOLD on him.

Redd will make:

$15.78 mill in 08-09

$17.04 mill in 09-10

$18.30 mill in 10-11

If the ASG never goes over the luxury tax limit (most team don't) then Redd's contract is a killer for 3 years. At least Speedy's and JJ's contracts goes down each year rather then up (props to BK for that one). Richard Jefferson's contract is high but not this bad. Ron Artest has baggage but would be cheaper.

Below is an article from when Cleveland was considering trading for him:

Bucks Shopping Michael Redd

By Tariq Ali on May 22, 2008 in NBA Rumors

The Milwaukee Bucks are looking to unload some of their players and gauging the interest other teams may have in their players, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported.

Michael Redd and forward Charlie Villanueva are drawing a lot of interest from other teams.

“In the last week, several officials from both the Eastern and Western Conferences acknowledged the Bucks have been gauging the interest other teams may have in some of their players. The most notable one is All-Star shooting guard Michael Redd.”

Redd’s contract is huge. He will make $15.78 million and $17.04M over the next two years, respectively. Also, his contract has a player option for $18.30M for the 2010-2011 season.

The Cavaliers were interested in Redd two years ago but they ended up with Hughes who is now with the Bulls.

Should the Cavaliers go after Redd? What do you think?

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That's nuts to me. That's superstar money and while Redd is certainly a star on the JJ level, he's not on the Kobe, Lebron, T-Mac (when healthy), etc level and no way is he worth anywhere close to 18 million in a few years.

In hindsight I bet the Cavs are kicking themselves for going after Hughes instead of Redd. He is overpaid but he would compliment Lebron perfectly and with the Lebron marketing revenue they can afford to pay the luxury tax for a guy like Redd.

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