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Joe and the last shot....


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I'm not here to bash us after this INEXCUSABLE loss to an INFERIOR team, but i have to ask...

Why is Joe taking the final shot when it has been proven this season that he's not the best guy to take it...

Why didn't Joe drive that ball to the hole, get a foul, make a foul shot, and still have 6-7 seconds to commit a foul and do it all over again...

Joe has missed the last shot in 3 crucial games (at least) this season; and don't even get me started on josh Smith's loafing, pouting, "I got my money" a$$; that dude is a detriment to this team right now...

The blame for losing this game goes directly on the shoulders of the COACH!!!

We had ZERO intensity, we had ZERO fire, and we're about to lose that #4 seed to a hot Miami; this Charlotte/Detroit back-to-back could have some serious effect on our postseason chances

(and yes I said CHANCES, we're by NO MEANS guaranteed a playoff spot with how INCONSISTENT this team has been; we're one 5 game losing streak from being on the outside looking in.), as well as Woody's future as Coach of this team.

I love my Hawks' but tonight's loss is inexcusable.

Too many of you are too forgiving in the hopes of being PC about this squad; call it like it is, we should be a 40+ win team right now and we're not because we have a horrid coach, a timid "borderline superstar", no offensive gameplan, a sulking "hometown anti-hero", and literally no bench...

We're in trouble.

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Joe Johnson thinks that the game comes easy to him when it really doesn't.

That last "desperation 3" (with 8.1 seconds to go) was a joke...

We were what, 3-20 on 3's in the game and we just keep chuckin'?


it's the freakin' Knicks, not the Lakers or Celtics, or even the Cavs for that matter... They have ZERO defense and ZERO Big Man presence, yet we decide to stoop to their level and chuck threes at an alarming rate... THATS BAD COACHING!!!

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There were a lot of things tonight that were a joke. Both on the floor and the bench.

So are we to simply accept it?

Maybe it's that I went to a college where mediocrity was foreign and greatness was expected, in all sports (UT-Austin, HOOK EM')...

Maybe it's that I see this team, even with the flaws, as having an amazing amount of untapped/UNCOACHED potential, and I'm pissed by it...

Mike Woodson needs to be fired, The ownership (or lack thereof) situation needs to be resolved as it has drug out for over 3 1/2 years which is why we have a re-tread of a GM making literally ZERO moves to improve this team in a season in which we have the chance to compete...

No Mikki Moore, No Joe Smith, No Stromile Swift, No Antonio McDyess, No Drew Gooden even when it is KNOWN THROUGHOUT THE LEAGUE that this team needs a legit BIG MAN to man the post, or at the least some rebounding help for Horford (a natural 4 playing the 5); all of this is a byproduct of our unresolved BS ownership situation.

I can't take another season of this...

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The players are no longer listening to Woody because he has no solutions. He's a practice coach. His defensive switching scheme can work BUT not all the time. Because he has no plan B, players get frustrated and lose focus -- always at the wrong time. He never had a clue on offense and if he did Joe would override him anyway. If Woody is here next year Sund needs to hire and offensive 'coordinator' (maybe defensive too) at the very least.

Woody = Jim Mora minus a personality.

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Mike Bibby was guarding Gallinari and Harrington on a span of 1 minute.

I don't know what to call that but defensive geniality it is not.

Switching on everything is retarded... It should be something you do for spurts at a time to disrupt a team, Like playing zone, never something you do for an entire game... There is no science to defense... defend you man, collapse in the paint, rotate to open shooters. I think this has been discussed here before, but it merits repeating. It is retarded to install a defensive system that is inherently contradictory to the principles of good defense. When every player on your team is always defending someone else's man, no one takes responsibility for their own assignments... lazy defense is the result.

It's a shame, because we have good enough athleticism to be one of the top tier defensive teams in the league... Both our offensive and defensive strategies are an absolute hindrance to our players.

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