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I regret becoming a fan of this team right about now.


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I think everyone has that girl in high school that leads you on only to say she has a boy friend. This is what this team is. We all think maybe now they have it only to play like trash when it matters the most. The sad thing is is that not one hawk fan is surprised. Not one.

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I think everyone has that girl in high school that leads you on only to say she has a boy friend. This is what this team is. We all think maybe now they have it only to play like trash when it matters the most. The sad thing is is that not one hawk fan is surprised. Not one.

They should really limit the number of posts you can have in a day. Seriously.

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I've never loved this team more. For me, their embodiment would be Samuel L. Jackson's "Gator Purify" of Jungle Fever.

They're those nephews/half-brothers/cousins fresh off their latest jail stint/bar fight/a$$-whooping, who swear they've learned their lessons after making the same tired mistakes and missteps, and are really, truly, turning over a new leaf... if you would bail them out with $$$ just this one time (not like those other "last times").

They'll say all the right things to give the impression they've finally got it. They'll do that funny dance (or alley-oop) for you to get on your good side. Gator: "I swear before God... and four more white people! This is the last time!"

Like Ruby Dee, hopelessly hopeful, you keep paying out. Then you come home and wonder where the color TV went... :biggrin:


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It makes you ask yourself - who are you really rooting for when you say you are a "Hawks fan"?

I'm a Hawks fan, but I:

-don't support the ownership group

-don't particularly like the coach (I think he's a phenomenal assistant coach, but just not a good head coach)

-support the players I suppose, but our superstar may or may not feel any loyalty whatsoever to this team.

So, who am I really rooting for? Essentially, I suppose I'm just rooting for the "name" and my hometown city, even if the people bearing that name are doing a terrible job and could care less about bringing me a good product.

Just something I think about...

But still - GO HAWKS!

Edited by HawkRock1123
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You're victims of an instant gratification society. Hell we're in the playoffs playing the top teams in the league. Sure everyone wants a championship but they are hard to come by. Watching Nique play, Spud Webb, Kevin Willis, Moses, Mookie/Smitty/Deke. No championships, not a lot of playoff success but good times. Great players. Good teams.

When the Braves were in the heyday you started hearing by around 2000 how they ONLY had one championship. Who gives a rat's *ss. Sure i'd love to have won more world series but look at the braves now. The goal is to win a championship. Win or lose if no other teams are still playing ball after our last game i'm happy. Being a top 5 team in the league is damn good. Winning a championship takes a perfect combination of luck, talent, coaching.

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