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For nearly 33 years, Bishop Larry Robertson of Bremerton’s Emmanuel Apostolic Church has ministered to the faithful and the not-so-faithful. It is a calling he may not have imagined growing up in eastern Texas, but here he is — trying to bring together a diverse community that has seen economic trouble even in the best of times, which certainly isn’t the case with the current Great Recession.

Being raised close to the Louisiana border in Tyler may not have been as hardscrabble as it could have been in rugged west Texas, though Texans tend to be tough no matter where they are rooted. That toughness in the 59-year-old Robertson can be tested at times when trying to do the right and good thing. But Robertson and his congregation are trying through the church’s New Life program — the social arm of Emanuel Apostolic, not to be confused with the newlife group of churches in Kitsap — to lend a helping hand in the city wherever it is needed, regardless of color or ethnicity, by whatever means possible.

Those efforts will be helped tremendously by the Marvin Williams Center, planned for completion in 2012. The center was Robertson’s idea, and he has seen enough to know what a positive environment it would provide and how much that could impact the lives of those who need guidance and structure in their lives.

Williams, who will soon start his sixth year in the NBA with the Atlanta Hawks, grew up in Bremerton. He attended Armin Jahr Elementary and Mountain View Middle School before graduating from Bremerton High in 2004.

In his youth, the 24-year-old Williams knew what it was like to have little and to be classified “at-risk.”

“I was that kid who was poor, who didn’t have much,” said Williams in a recent phone conversation, laughing at the thought the listener didn’t know better. “My dad (Marvin Sr.) was always working, my mom (Andrea Gittens) worked two jobs, my grandmother (Barbara Phillips) was always working. All I knew was there were days I didn’t see my mother. By the time she got home I would be sleeping.

“So I was that kid.”

What kept Williams straight and grounded was his father, mother and grandmother making sure he knew what was right, what he could do, what he couldn’t do, and what the consequences were if he did something that wasn’t approved. It wasn’t easy, though, and the temptations can be too much for those who aren’t similarly grounded.

That’s why the efforts of a few are important.

For instance, efforts like the Bremerton Jaguars athletic program, which returned to the city in 2010 after a 12-year break.

Miah Davis, a Bremerton grad who plays professionally in Europe, hosted a basketball camp. Davis’s mother, Mildred, was involved with restarting a Jaguars track team along with Tim Lavin, who led the program in the 1990s.

Years later, the motivation remained the same: bring kids together to help them succeed and go places and see things they may not otherwise.

The reborn Jaguars were sponsored by New Life, which paid for shoes, equipment and entry fees.

“This was the pastor’s idea to start it back up,” Mildred Davis said. “He thought we had done a lot of good (the first time around). We had some parents and some children who had turned their lives around. He wanted us to get the children back involved and off the streets.”

Maybe it’s too easy to say some kids in our greater community don’t have the opportunity to fulfill dreams, and let it go at that. Some might say it’s not my concern. But it is true that some families just don’t get around much, don’t get the larger opportunities most take for granted. And there are people like Robertson, Williams, Lavin, and Mildred Davis and her husband Victor, who are eager to jump in for those who don’t have the same chances.

That is why there is great anticipation in the community for the construction of the building-that-Marvin-will-have-built near downtown Bremerton. Williams grew up in Robertson’s church, still has occasional phone conversations with the bishop, and has been a huge supporter of Emanuel Apostolic.

The center will be the most visible evidence.

“The center is for the kids,” Williams said. “Growing up there was not much for us to do, there wasn’t a lot of positive role models. Our escape was basketball. It’s the only thing that kept us together.”

Williams talks about close friends like Phil Houston, Ian Mateikat, Josh Johnson. They hung out together and kept each other glued to the straight and narrow. When Williams started to show the basketball talent that would allow him to escape to a better place, those friends kept him from straying.

“There were times I would be out late, but I never did anything you weren’t supposed to do,” Williams said. “And when there was something going on, I separated. I was fortunate to have a friend like Phil who would never let me get into things that would keep me from going to college and to the NBA, and some kids don’t have that.”

“Some kids don’t have a friend to do that, or a father living in the house. My dad didn’t live in the house, but he was still a great dad.”

The center — ground will be broken in February and it is scheduled to be ready to open in June of 2012 — won’t be the panacea for every social, economic and racial ill in the community. But it does bring hope that those less privileged will have a place where dreams can be massaged in a positive way.

“We try to be, and want to be, helpful,” Robertson said. “We want to be positive, and we are trying to be servants. That is what motivates us. The main key is to be able to give these kids access, give them help and bring them together across ethnicity and cultural lines and inspire them.”

“One of the things we focus on is to help kids, the underprivileged and deprived. We don’t care what color they are. What we try to do is serve the community. Our motivation is just not to bring them in to our church. Our motivation is to serve.”

Robertson calls the church effort through New Life “The Westside Story.” In addition to the Jaguars and the planned center there is a concerted to improve the nutrition of youth, primarily in West Bremerton neighborhoods. The church partners with Poulsbo’s Martha and Mary to serve meals during the summer months to kids who get free or reduced breakfast and lunch during the school year.

All this effort is to shine light on the “darkness” many of us don’t experience or gladly ignore because it would make us feel guilty to think about it. That darkness brings out undesirable elements — “Midnight Cowboys,” Robertson calls them — that prowl the streets.

Robertson says drug use was part of the neighborhood near his church on Sixth Street. That is, until the church’s readerboard pointed the finger at them with the phrase: “You are not going to do drugs here.”

But the Midnight Cowboys are out there. Social workers and police are most aware. It’s almost like there are two layers in society: the people who work and live by daylight and the people who wake as dusk settles in.

It’s this aspect that Robertson is determined to fight.

“You have to take charge of your community,” he said. “You have to put kids in position where they are not full of hate and gloom and doom and self-destructive behavior. You just don’t tolerate that. So we have a lot of work to do. We can’t give them over to the Midnight Cowboys.”

He was motivated to be a community servant when he was helping promote an education levy and visited homes to talk about it. He discovered poverty, deprivation and dysfunction he didn’t know existed. The alarming situations he saw, he says, cut across all colors and ethnicity.

“I saw some bad sights,” Robertson said.

The man who saw some of this growing up in Texas is determined to help out and find solutions.

“The Midnight Cowboys are turned off by the light,” says Robertson, whose overall goal as pastor and community leader is to build a local society where, “People love God and are independent economically so they can enjoy a quality life — spiritually and naturally — and be good dads and good moms.”

Williams is extremely happy to be involved. He calls Bremerton home, and comes back whenever time allows. He recently went to Africa with NBA Basketball Without Borders and is scheduled to be back in town late this month for a short visit and to celebrate Houston’s music album debut at the South Pacific Bar and Grill.

“It definitely will help me feel good once (the center) is built,” Williams said. “I can say I have done something for the community. I was born and raised in Bremerton and to be able to give back to the community is going to be huge. When I come back every summer I still live in the same place. I’m not like the guy who makes the NBA and never comes back to his hometown.

”Nobody can say that about me.”

Read more: http://www.kitsapsun.com/news/2010/aug/21/terry-mosher-community-leaders-usher-a-new-life/#ixzz0xKBvIz8s

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Williams may have trouble on the court but reading this made me understand him as a chracter better. one thing i do know marvin is a down to earth guy! i hope he has a breakout season this year and really help the team out!

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For nearly 33 years, Bishop Larry Robertson of Bremerton’s Emmanuel Apostolic Church has ministered to the faithful and the not-so-faithful. It is a calling he may not have imagined growing up in eastern Texas, but here he is — trying to bring together a diverse community that has seen economic trouble even in the best of times, which certainly isn’t the case with the current Great Recession.

Being raised close to the Louisiana border in Tyler may not have been as hardscrabble as it could have been in rugged west Texas, though Texans tend to be tough no matter where they are rooted. That toughness in the 59-year-old Robertson can be tested at times when trying to do the right and good thing. But Robertson and his congregation are trying through the church’s New Life program — the social arm of Emanuel Apostolic, not to be confused with the newlife group of churches in Kitsap — to lend a helping hand in the city wherever it is needed, regardless of color or ethnicity, by whatever means possible.

Those efforts will be helped tremendously by the Marvin Williams Center, planned for completion in 2012. The center was Robertson’s idea, and he has seen enough to know what a positive environment it would provide and how much that could impact the lives of those who need guidance and structure in their lives.

Williams, who will soon start his sixth year in the NBA with the Atlanta Hawks, grew up in Bremerton. He attended Armin Jahr Elementary and Mountain View Middle School before graduating from Bremerton High in 2004.

In his youth, the 24-year-old Williams knew what it was like to have little and to be classified “at-risk.”

“I was that kid who was poor, who didn’t have much,” said Williams in a recent phone conversation, laughing at the thought the listener didn’t know better. “My dad (Marvin Sr.) was always working, my mom (Andrea Gittens) worked two jobs, my grandmother (Barbara Phillips) was always working. All I knew was there were days I didn’t see my mother. By the time she got home I would be sleeping.

“So I was that kid.”

What kept Williams straight and grounded was his father, mother and grandmother making sure he knew what was right, what he could do, what he couldn’t do, and what the consequences were if he did something that wasn’t approved. It wasn’t easy, though, and the temptations can be too much for those who aren’t similarly grounded.

That’s why the efforts of a few are important.

For instance, efforts like the Bremerton Jaguars athletic program, which returned to the city in 2010 after a 12-year break.

Miah Davis, a Bremerton grad who plays professionally in Europe, hosted a basketball camp. Davis’s mother, Mildred, was involved with restarting a Jaguars track team along with Tim Lavin, who led the program in the 1990s.

Years later, the motivation remained the same: bring kids together to help them succeed and go places and see things they may not otherwise.

The reborn Jaguars were sponsored by New Life, which paid for shoes, equipment and entry fees.

“This was the pastor’s idea to start it back up,” Mildred Davis said. “He thought we had done a lot of good (the first time around). We had some parents and some children who had turned their lives around. He wanted us to get the children back involved and off the streets.”

Maybe it’s too easy to say some kids in our greater community don’t have the opportunity to fulfill dreams, and let it go at that. Some might say it’s not my concern. But it is true that some families just don’t get around much, don’t get the larger opportunities most take for granted. And there are people like Robertson, Williams, Lavin, and Mildred Davis and her husband Victor, who are eager to jump in for those who don’t have the same chances.

That is why there is great anticipation in the community for the construction of the building-that-Marvin-will-have-built near downtown Bremerton. Williams grew up in Robertson’s church, still has occasional phone conversations with the bishop, and has been a huge supporter of Emanuel Apostolic.

The center will be the most visible evidence.

“The center is for the kids,” Williams said. “Growing up there was not much for us to do, there wasn’t a lot of positive role models. Our escape was basketball. It’s the only thing that kept us together.”

Williams talks about close friends like Phil Houston, Ian Mateikat, Josh Johnson. They hung out together and kept each other glued to the straight and narrow. When Williams started to show the basketball talent that would allow him to escape to a better place, those friends kept him from straying.

“There were times I would be out late, but I never did anything you weren’t supposed to do,” Williams said. “And when there was something going on, I separated. I was fortunate to have a friend like Phil who would never let me get into things that would keep me from going to college and to the NBA, and some kids don’t have that.”

“Some kids don’t have a friend to do that, or a father living in the house. My dad didn’t live in the house, but he was still a great dad.”

The center — ground will be broken in February and it is scheduled to be ready to open in June of 2012 — won’t be the panacea for every social, economic and racial ill in the community. But it does bring hope that those less privileged will have a place where dreams can be massaged in a positive way.

“We try to be, and want to be, helpful,” Robertson said. “We want to be positive, and we are trying to be servants. That is what motivates us. The main key is to be able to give these kids access, give them help and bring them together across ethnicity and cultural lines and inspire them.”

“One of the things we focus on is to help kids, the underprivileged and deprived. We don’t care what color they are. What we try to do is serve the community. Our motivation is just not to bring them in to our church. Our motivation is to serve.”

Robertson calls the church effort through New Life “The Westside Story.” In addition to the Jaguars and the planned center there is a concerted to improve the nutrition of youth, primarily in West Bremerton neighborhoods. The church partners with Poulsbo’s Martha and Mary to serve meals during the summer months to kids who get free or reduced breakfast and lunch during the school year.

All this effort is to shine light on the “darkness” many of us don’t experience or gladly ignore because it would make us feel guilty to think about it. That darkness brings out undesirable elements — “Midnight Cowboys,” Robertson calls them — that prowl the streets.

Robertson says drug use was part of the neighborhood near his church on Sixth Street. That is, until the church’s readerboard pointed the finger at them with the phrase: “You are not going to do drugs here.”

But the Midnight Cowboys are out there. Social workers and police are most aware. It’s almost like there are two layers in society: the people who work and live by daylight and the people who wake as dusk settles in.

It’s this aspect that Robertson is determined to fight.

“You have to take charge of your community,” he said. “You have to put kids in position where they are not full of hate and gloom and doom and self-destructive behavior. You just don’t tolerate that. So we have a lot of work to do. We can’t give them over to the Midnight Cowboys.”

He was motivated to be a community servant when he was helping promote an education levy and visited homes to talk about it. He discovered poverty, deprivation and dysfunction he didn’t know existed. The alarming situations he saw, he says, cut across all colors and ethnicity.

“I saw some bad sights,” Robertson said.

The man who saw some of this growing up in Texas is determined to help out and find solutions.

“The Midnight Cowboys are turned off by the light,” says Robertson, whose overall goal as pastor and community leader is to build a local society where, “People love God and are independent economically so they can enjoy a quality life — spiritually and naturally — and be good dads and good moms.”

Williams is extremely happy to be involved. He calls Bremerton home, and comes back whenever time allows. He recently went to Africa with NBA Basketball Without Borders and is scheduled to be back in town late this month for a short visit and to celebrate Houston’s music album debut at the South Pacific Bar and Grill.

“It definitely will help me feel good once (the center) is built,” Williams said. “I can say I have done something for the community. I was born and raised in Bremerton and to be able to give back to the community is going to be huge. When I come back every summer I still live in the same place. I’m not like the guy who makes the NBA and never comes back to his hometown.

”Nobody can say that about me.”

Read more: http://www.kitsapsun.com/news/2010/aug/21/terry-mosher-community-leaders-usher-a-new-life/#ixzz0xKBvIz8s

Good find! This definite;y provides more insight to Marvin the person.

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